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PFS StandardExplosive MissiveItem 4

Legacy Content

Consumable Evocation Magical Missive 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 84 1.1
Price 13 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk
Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact
An explosive missive is slightly warm to the touch, regardless of the surrounding environment. When composed and then activated, the missive explodes. The tenor of what you write or the theme of your illustration determines the damage type and adds the corresponding trait to the missive: acid for a caustic inscription, cold for an aloof one, electricity for an energetic one, fire for an angry one, or sonic for an overly emphatic one. The missive deals 4d6 damage to each creature in a 5-foot burst from a corner of the missive's space (DC 18 basic Reflex save). A creature who rolls a critical failure also takes 1d4 persistent damage of the same type. The missive burns to ash while releasing its magic.