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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardVerdant Metamorphosis Feat 14

Source Player Core pg. 135 2.0
Prerequisites leaf order

You have turned into a plant version of yourself, gaining the plant trait and losing traits inappropriate for your new form (typically humanoid). You also gain the Verdant Rest action.

Verdant Rest [one-action] (concentrate) You turn into a tree or other noncreature plant. This has the effect of using one with plants to turn into a plant, except that your AC is 30. You can Dismiss this effect to turn back. If you rest for 10 minutes in this form in natural sunlight, you recover half your maximum Hit Points. If you take your daily rest in this form, the rest restores you to maximum Hit Points and removes all non-permanent drained, enfeebled, clumsy, and stupefied conditions, as well as all poisons and diseases of 19th level or lower.