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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardCollar of InconspicuousnessItem 8

Companion Invested Primal 
Source GM Core pg. 272 2.0
Price 475 gp
Usage worn collar; Bulk 1
This leather collar's almost threadbare look belies its magical nature. When your companion wears and invests the collar, it gains the ability to change its appearance from that of a ferocious animal into a more inconspicuous form.

Activate—Adorable Guise [one-action] (concentrate); Effect You touch your animal companion to transform it into a nonthreatening Tiny creature of the same family or a similar creature (for instance, a house cat instead of a tiger, or a puppy instead of a wolf). This has the effects of pest form (2nd rank, or 4th rank if your companion can fly). The effect lasts until you Dismiss it.