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Dance of the Mousedeer [one-action] Feat 1Illusion Occult Shadow Visual Wayang Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 72
You move your body in a pattern that evokes the small and clever Sister Mousedeer, misdirecting enemies and filling their vision with shadows to hide behind. Attempt a
Performance check against the
Perception DC of a single enemy within 30 feet. This has all the usual traits and restrictions of a Performance check. You can affect up to two targets within range if you have expert proficiency in Performance, four if you have master proficiency, and eight if you have legendary proficiency.
Critical Success Imaginary shadows rise up in the target’s vision, hiding you from sight. You gain
greater cover against that enemy, which provides a +4 circumstance bonus to AC and to
Stealth checks to
Sneak, or otherwise avoid detection. As the shadows are illusory, you don’t gain the typical bonus to Reflex saves from greater cover. These benefits last until the beginning of your next turn, or until you move from your current space, use an
attack action, or become
unconscious, whichever comes first.
Success As critical success, except you gain only standard cover (a +2 circumstance bonus instead).
Critical Failure The opponent grasps the movements of your dance, becoming temporarily immune to your Dance of the Mousedeer for 1 day.
Illusion: Effects and magic items with this trait involve false sensory stimuli.
Occult: This magic comes from the occult tradition, calling upon bizarre and ephemeral mysteries. Anything with this trait is magical.
A creature with this trait is primarily constituted of or has a strong connection to occult magic.
Shadow: Magic with this trait involves shadows or the energy of the Netherworld.
Planes with this trait are umbral with murky light. In the Netherworld, the radius of all light from light sources and the areas of light spells are halved.
Visual: A visual effect can affect only creatures that can see it. This applies only to visible parts of the effect, as determined by the GM.
Wayang: Small people native to the Netherworld. Immigrated to Golarion after Earthfall.