There is a Legacy version
HobgoblinUncommon Hobgoblin Humanoid Source Player Core 2 pg. 13 1.1PFS Note All Pathfinder agents have access to the hobgoblin ancestry
Hobgoblins are taller and stronger than their goblin kin, often arranging themselves into military structures.Taller and stronger than their goblin kin, hobgoblins are equals in strength and size to humans, with broad shoulders and long, powerful arms. The Avistani cycle of unthinking conflict with hobgoblins has recently been upended by Oprak, the newly established hobgoblin nation in the mountains between Nidal and Nirmathas. Now under strict orders to not start conflicts with other nations, these hobgoblins have begun to cautiously investigate in the spirit of cooperation rather than conquest. Many people, especially those who suffered terrible cruelties caused by hobgoblins, fear that this is simply a pause in aggression while Oprak gains enough strength to crush its rivals. Others hope these bold soldiers might prove to be powerful allies.
You Might...
- Seek out the most effective and practical solutions to any problem.
- Encourage a clear chain of command among any group you travel with, following orders even if you disagree with them.
Others Probably...
- Consider you dangerous, due to your reputation and intimidating appearance.
- Recognize your incredible endurance, dedication, and discipline.
Physical Description
Hobgoblins have bald, wide heads and beady eyes, as well as gray skin that becomes steely blue when tanned. They're remarkably hardy; hobgoblins recover from illnesses quickly and are able to exert themselves for long periods of time with little difficulty.
Hobgoblins mature quickly, and most can walk, talk, and hold a weapon by the time they are 1 year old. They reach adolescence by the age of 8 to 12 and adulthood around 14. Hobgoblins typically live up to 70 years of age.
Hobgoblins structure their society after military hierarchies. Even civilian groups such as farming collectives or trading houses organize into regiments, companies, and divisions. Hobgoblin veterans hold a high place in their society, usually becoming leaders or advisors. Magic is rarely practiced and often derided, as most hobgoblins don't trust it over the strength of their own sword arms. Their arts tend to have a military bent; many hobgoblins consider stirring marches and weaponsmithing the only artistic endeavors worth pursuing.
Most hobgoblins prefer to live within established hierarchies. While many consider sentimentality weak, those with mild temperaments have recently found success in diplomacy and international outreach. Faith has little place in hobgoblin society, as many feel it is impractical, though religious hobgoblins can gain a begrudging modicum of acceptance due to their useful healing magic.
Popular Edicts disdain arcane magic, hide sentimentality and positive emotions, jump at chances to prove yourself
Popular Anathema disobey military orders
goblins, hobgoblin names tend to be simple, though hobgoblin names usually sound more guttural and forceful. On rare occasions, hobgoblins will alter their names, keeping the core but adding aspects, usually in response to extreme trauma or a life-altering event. Hobgoblins have no surnames, considering them both pointless and presumptuous; an individual's merits and demerits are to be earned by their actions, not by an association with a particular lineage.
Sample Names
Aze, Druknar, Ghargam, Hathkren, Imakra, Kralaeng, Mazkol, Olzu, Rezal, Sivkrag, Volmak, Zornum
Hobgoblin Mechanics
Hit Points
25 feet
Attribute Boosts
Attribute Flaw
CommonGoblinAdditional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive). Choose from
Orcish, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).
You can see in
darkness and
dim light just as well as you can see in
bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.