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PFS StandardAphet Flash [one-action] Feat 4

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 72 2.1
Archetype Swarmkeeper
Frequency once per round
Prerequisites Swarmkeeper Dedication
Requirements Your swarm is outside your body.

Your swarm can emit a bright flash, much like aphet beetles, a genus of flash beetles once used by Osirian miners as sources of light. Each creature in its space must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher, or be dazzled for 1 round (2 rounds on a critical failure). The swarm then glows with light like a torch until it returns to your body



This feat belongs to an archetype.


Actions with the flourish trait are special techniques that require too much exertion for you to perform frequently. You can use only one action with the flourish trait per round.