Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 8: Playing the Game / Perception and Detection


Source Player Core pg. 432 2.0
There are three levels of light: bright light, dim light, and darkness. The rules in this book assume that all creatures are in bright light unless otherwise noted. A source of light lists the radius in which it sheds bright light, and it sheds dim light to double that radius.

Bright Light

Source Player Core pg. 432 2.0
In bright light, such as sunlight, creatures and objects can be observed clearly by anyone with average vision or better.

Dim Light

Source Player Core pg. 432 2.0
Areas in shadow or lit by weak light sources are in dim light. Creatures and objects in dim light have the concealed condition, unless the seeker has darkvision or low-light vision (see page 433), or a precise sense other than vision.


Source Player Core pg. 432 2.0
A creature or object within darkness is hidden or undetected unless the seeker has darkvision or a precise sense other than vision. A creature without darkvision or another means of perceiving in darkness has the blinded condition while in darkness, though it might be able to see illuminated areas beyond the darkness. If a creature can see into an illuminated area, it can observe creatures within that illuminated area normally. After being in darkness, sudden exposure to bright light might make you dazzled for a short time, as determined by the GM.