Slime Spit
[two-actions] Focus 1Uncommon Concentrate Focus Manipulate Poison Ranger Source Howl of the Wild pg. 59 2.1Range 30 feet;
Targets 1 creature
Defense Reflex
You spit toxic goo that coats your target’s face and eyes, dealing 2d6 poison damage. It must attempt a Reflex save.
Critical Success The target takes no damage.
Success The target takes half damage and is
dazzled for 1 round, though it can Interact to wipe its eyes and remove the condition.
Failure The target takes full damage and is dazzled until the end of your next turn.
Critical Failure The target takes double damage, is
blinded for 1 round, and is dazzled until it uses an Interact action to wipe its eyes.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.