There is a Legacy version

Poison Coat Feat 6Archetype Source Player Core 2 pg. 210Archetype PoisonerPrerequisites Poisoner Dedication
In nature, certain animals are covered in venomous spines, and just brushing against them can prove deadly. You expend a
contact or
injury poison and spend 10 minutes brushing that poison onto your clothing or weaving sharp, poisoned needles into the garment's fabric. You can have only one poison suffused into your clothing at a time. You can use the Once Bitten reaction while you have a poison suffused in this way.
Once Bitten [reaction] A creature adjacent to you hits you with a melee unarmed
Requirements You have prepared your clothing to poison attackers;
Effect The triggering creature is exposed to the suffused poison, and the poison becomes inert.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.