Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Nephilim Details | Nephilim Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats

PFS StandardCelestial Magic Feat 9

Source Player Core pg. 80 2.0
Prerequisites Angelkin, Lawbringer, Musetouched, or another lineage feat associated with celestials

You possess celestial magic. Choose two of the following spells: clear mind, everlight, humanoid form, revealing light, share life, or sure footing. You can use each of the chosen spells once per day as 2nd-rank divine innate spells. Angelkin typically take clear mind and humanoid form, lawbringers typically have everlight and share life, and musetouched typically have revealing light and sure footing.



A creature with this trait has the nephilim versatile heritage. Nephilim are planar scions descended from immortal beings from other planes. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by nephilim.