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There is a Legacy version here.

Salve of AntiparalysisItem 6+

Consumable Healing Magical Oil 
Source GM Core pg. 258 2.0
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
Applying this filmy salve to a creature helps it overcome magical paralysis. The salve attempts to counteract the paralysis (counteract rank 3rd, counteract modifier +22).

PFS StandardSalve of AntiparalysisItem 6

Source GM Core pg. 258 2.0
Price 40 gp

PFS StandardSalve of Antiparalysis (Greater)Item 12

Source GM Core pg. 258 2.0
Price 325 gp
If the creature is petrified, it returns to normal, and for removing paralysis, the salve's counteract modifier is +31 and its counteract rank is 6th.