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PFS StandardViolent Unleash [free-action] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Evocation Mindshift Occult Psychic 
Source Dark Archive pg. 25
Trigger You Unleash your Psyche.

The force of your mind unleashing itself wracks your enemies with a violent shockwave. You deal 2d6 force damage to all creatures in a 20-foot emanation, with a basic Reflex save. This explosion is taxing, making you stunned 1.

At 5th level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d6.



Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the evocation school of magic, typically involving energy and elemental forces.


An action with this trait can always be altered to use the raw power of your mind. When you take this action, you can choose to replace any damage it deals with mental damage, give it the mental trait, and replace any save it requires with a Will save. The action loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.


This magic comes from the occult tradition, calling upon bizarre and ephemeral mysteries. Anything with this trait is magical.

A creature with this trait is primarily constituted of or has a strong connection to occult magic.