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Immortal Trickster

The Immortal Trickster is an immortal spirit guide who always returns to life no matter how he's killed. After his death, he often recorporates in the same area, though if his body is destroyed in its entirety, he sometimes awakens in an entirely different continent.

Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 38
Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 38
Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 38
Unspecific Lore: DC 36
Specific Lore: DC 33

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Immortal TricksterCreature 11

Unique Medium Beast Humanoid Mythic Spirit 
Source War of Immortals pg. 183
Perception +24; darkvision
Languages Common; truespeech
Skills Deception +26, Diplomacy +23, Nature +21, Society +21, Stealth +23, Thievery +26
Str +4, Dex +7, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +7
Trickster's Network The Immortal Trickster can extend his senses through any coyote, fox, or raven in the Universe, making it his sensory animal. He cannot maintain his attention through more than three sensory animals at one time. He can speak through his sensory animals, but only in a single short phrase per animal of no more than two words. He has little control over his sensory animals' actions, though they usually act in a way that is consistent with his desires unless they have a specific reason not to. When extending his senses through a sensory animal, he can use that animal to determine line of effect for any of his spells or abilities.
Items wandering pipe
AC 31; Fort +21, Ref +26, Will +23
HP 198; Immunities disease, paralyzed; Resistances mythic resistance 11
Immortal Tricks When the Immortal Trickster is reduced to 0 Hit Points, he returns to life at full health and with all his powers and Mythic Points recharged after 24 hours. He usually, but not always, returns at the site of his death, though he can appear anywhere on the same world where there are coyotes, foxes, or ravens.Mythic Resistance The Immortal Trickster has resistance 11 to all damage from attacks and spells from non-mythic creatures.
Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] pipe +23 [+19/+15] (agile, finesse, magical, fire), Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoning plus 2d6 fireRanged [one-action] telekinetic manipulation +23 [+18/+13] (force, magical, range increment 60 feet), Damage 2d6+7 force plus Pull or PushPrimal Innate Spells DC 31; 6th cursed metamorphosis; 5th magic passage, wall of stone; 4th creation (×2); Cantrips (6th) detect magic, prestidigitation, tangle vine; Constant (5th) truespeech
Bond with Mortals [two-actions] (mental, primal) Frequency once per day; Effect The Immortal Trickster forms a bond with a mortal creature. While the bond exists, the mortals bonded to the Immortal Trickster increase their current and maximum Hit Points by 10 and gain a +2 status bonus to their attack and damage rolls, as well as to skill checks they make using Deception, Stealth, or Thievery. The Immortal Trickster can communicate telepathically with any of his bonded mortals as long as both beings are on the same plane. Each week that they are bonded to the Trickster, the bonded mortals increase their doomed value by 1; their doomed value cannot be increased above 3 by this ability and their doomed value cannot decrease while they remain bonded to the Trickster. The Immortal Trickster can be bonded with up to six mortals at a time, and they can take this action again to end the bond or to form a new bond. The bond also ends if the mortal dies.
Whenever one of his bonded mortals dies, the Immortal Trickster becomes drained 1 or increases the value of his drained condition by 1, and the Trickster gains a +2 status bonus on the next attack roll or skill check he attempts.
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, primal, polymorph) The Immortal Trickster takes on the appearance of a coyote, fox, or raven. In areas where another Tiny or Small animal is known for wiliness and trickery, the Immortal Trickster can assume that animal's shape instead. While transformed, the Immortal Trickster loses his innate spells, attacks, and special actions, but doesn't otherwise change his statistics and can still speak. In fox or coyote form, the Immortal Trickster's size changes to Tiny (for a fox) or Small (for a coyote), his Speed increases to 35 feet, and he gains a bite (+23 to hit for 2d6+4 piercing damage). In raven form, he is Tiny, gains a fly Speed of 25 feet, and gains a beak (agile, +23 to-hit for 2d4+4 piercing damage).Confounding Theft [two-actions] (manipulate) Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect The Immortal Trickster makes a Thievery check against the Perception DC of one creature he can see within 60 feet. On a success, the Trickster gains possession of any one item he chooses of up to 2 Bulk that the target is currently holding, wearing, wielding, or has stowed on their person. This must be a single item and does not include full sets of clothing like worn armor or garments.Cunning Escape [one-action] (concentrate, teleportation) Frequency once per day; Effect The Immortal Trickster trades places with one of his sensory animals (see trickster's network, above). The animal appears in the square the Trickster is currently occupying and the Trickster teleports to the animal's original location with all of his possessions. If a creature has witnessed the Trickster's Change Shape, they must succeed at a DC 38 Perception check to Sense Motive or be fooled into thinking that the Trickster has simply changed shape into an animal instead of teleported.Mythic Power 3 Mythic Points
  • Mythic Skill [free-action] Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect The Immortal Trickster can spend a Mythic Point whenever he makes a check using Deception or Thievery to make the check at mythic proficiency.
  • Recharge Spell [one-action] (concentrate) Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect The Immortal Trickster gains an additional casting of any of his innate primal spells that he has already cast.
  • Remove a Condition [one-action] (concentrate) Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect The Immortal Trickster removes any one condition currently affecting him.