VindicatorSource War of Immortals pg. 64Many undead and supernatural predators have the ability to blend unseen among the general population, preying on mortals completely unaware of their presence. Vindicators are skilled warriors who use keen analytical talents and a smattering of divine magic to seek out such monstrous prey and pronounce judgment upon them. Evil religions, whose vindicators are more likely to be referred to as “inquisitors,” occasionally train their agents to seek out heretics within their own ranks, a fact that contributes heavily to the attitudes of fear and mistrust many vindicators find themselves faced with in the course of their duties.
Additional Feats: 1st Domain Initiate;
4th Instructive Strike,
Ongoing Investigation ;
6th Thorough Research;
8th Advanced DomainVindicator 1st
You have been specially trained to use guile and magic to reveal hidden threats. You must select
Vindicator Dedication as your 2nd-level class feat.
Prerequisites: You must be a
Vindicator Adjustments: You must choose a
deity to be a follower of, and you gain your deity's sanctification. You are trained in
Religion instead of
You are trained in your deity's
favored weapon.
If your deity's favored weapon is a simple weapon or unarmed attack with a damage die smaller than d6, you gain the
Deadly Simplicity feat. If your deity's favored weapon is an advanced weapon, your proficiency with it is equal to your proficiency with martial weapons.
You must choose the vindication edge for your hunter's edge.
You learn warden spells as divine spells instead of primal spells, and your spellcasting attribute is Wisdom. When you gain domain spells via the
Domain Initiate or
Advanced Domain feats, they are warden spells for the purposes of all your vindicator feats and abilities.
Vindication Edge
Your specialized training gives you a unique edge that allows you to more effectively bring the tools of your faith to bear against the monsters that lurk in the night or hide among the faithful.
You gain a +1 status bonus to your spell attack rolls against your hunted prey, and they take a –1 status penalty to their saving throws against divine spells you cast. You gain the
vindicator’s mark warden spell.
Trackless Journey
Vindicators can choose to gain the benefits of this class
feature in either urban or natural terrain, chosen at
the time the class feature is gained.
Archetype Class Dedication Source War of Immortals pg. 64Archetype VindicatorPrerequisites Vindicator
Your church ensures that you are cared for. You can use
Religion to
Gather Information,
Make an Impression, or make a
Request as long as you are in a town or city with a church dedicated to your deity. If the target of the check is also a worshipper of your deity or is your hunted prey, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the check.
Archetype Auditory Concentrate Linguistic Mental Source War of Immortals pg. 65Archetype VindicatorPrerequisites Vindicator Dedication
You ask questions you know will be answered. Ask a question of a non-allied creature that you can see and have been conversing with. Attempt an
Intimidation check against the creature’s Will DC; if the creature is a member of the same religion as you, or is an
undead or
werecreature pretending to be a member of your faith, you get a +2 circumstance bonus on this check. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.
Critical Success The target must directly answer your question. It doesn’t have to answer truthfully, but you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC if the creature attempts to
Lie to you.
Success As critical success, but the circumstance bonus is +2.
Failure The target can refuse to answer you and becomes
unfriendly if they weren’t already unfriendly or
Critical Failure The target refuses to answer you and becomes hostile if they weren’t already. You can’t use Interrogate on the target again for 24 hours.
Archetype Source War of Immortals pg. 65Archetype VindicatorPrerequisites Vindicator DedicationTrigger A creature you can
observe within your reach, or within your weapon’s first
range increment if you are wielding a ranged weapon,
Casts a Spell.
Requirements You are wielding your deity’s
favored weapon.
Your training included instruction on how to prevent enemy spellcasters from using their prayers against you. Make a
Strike with the required weapon against the opponent; if the Strike is successful, the triggering spell is
Archetype Source War of Immortals pg. 65Archetype VindicatorPrerequisites Vindicator Dedication; Warden Spells
You can pronounce judgment on your foes, making them magically susceptible to your attacks. You gain the
vindicator’s judgment focus spell.
Archetype Source War of Immortals pg. 65Archetype VindicatorPrerequisites Vindicator DedicationRequirements You are
observing your
hunted prey.
You instruct your allies on how best to defeat your prey. Until the start of your next turn, whenever your hunted prey is within reach of you and at least one of your allies, it is
off-guard to all melee attacks. If you are
sanctified, the unarmed attacks and weapon Strikes of you and all your allies gain the benefits of your sanctification against your hunted prey.