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Seldeg Bheldis

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Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 46
Unspecific Lore: DC 44
Specific Lore: DC 41

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Seldeg BheldisCreature 17

Legacy Content

Unique LE Medium Undead 
Source Pathfinder #186: Ghost King's Rage pg. 36
Perception +9; darkvision
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Kelish, Necril, Osiriani
Skills Athletics +16, Diplomacy +13, Intimidation +13, Religion +11, Society +13, Warfare Lore +13
Str +9, Dex +5, Con +9, Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +6
Items +2 resilient standard-grade adamantine full plate, supreme sturdy shield (Hardness 20^ HP 160^ BT 80), javelin (4), longsword
AC 24 (34 with shield raised); Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +9
HP 390 (negative healing, rejuvenation)); Immunities cold, death, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious
Sacrilegious Aura (abjuration, aura, divine, evil) 30 feet. When a creature in the aura uses a positive spell or ability, the graveknight automatically attempts to counteract it with a +27 counteract modifier.Attack of Opportunity [reaction] Iron Command [reaction] Trigger An enemy within 15 feet damages Seldeg; Effect Seldeg puts an impertinent foe who dared harm him in their proper place. He commands the enemy to kneel in obedience. If they refuse, they must pay the price in pain and anguish. The triggering creature must choose one of the following options: the enemy kneels, dropping prone as a free action, or the enemy refuses and takes 5d6 mental damage. In addition, Seldeg's Strikes against the triggering creature deal an additional 3 damage until the end of his next turn. Seldeg chooses whether the additional damage is evil or negative each time he uses this reaction.Shield Block [reaction]
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] greater flaming longsword +16 [+11/+6] (fire, magical, versatile P), Damage 3d8+17 slashing plus 2d10 fireMelee [one-action] fist +17 [+13/+9] (agile, finesse, fire, magical), Damage 2d8+17 bludgeoning plus 2d10 fireRanged [one-action] flaming javelin +13 [+8/+3] (fire, magical, thrown 30 feet), Damage 3d6+17 piercing plus 2d10 fireChampion Devotion Spells DC 18, 1 Focus Point; 8th touch of corruption
Devastating Blast [two-actions] (arcane, evocation, fire) Seldeg unleashes a 30-foot cone of fire. Creatures in the area take 9d12 fire damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). Seldeg can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.Graveknight's Curse This curse affects anyone who wears Seldeg's armor for at least 1 hour. Saving Throw DC 18 Will save; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 doomed 1 and can't remove the armor (1 day); Stage 2 doomed 2, hampered 10, and can't remove the armor (1 day); Stage 3 dies and transforms into Seldeg.Phantom Steed [three-actions] (arcane, conjuration) Seldeg summons a supernatural mount as per phantom steed (8th level). Unlike phantom steed, the steed's AC and saving throw bonuses are all 4 levels lower than Seldeg's, and the steed has one-third of Seldeg's Hit Points (rounded down). If the steed is destroyed, Seldeg must wait 1 hour before using this ability again.
HP 130; AC 39; Fort +28, Ref +25, Will +22
Ruinous Weapons Any weapon or unarmed attack Seldeg uses gains the effects of the +1 greater striking and greater flaming runes.Unyielding Block At the start of each of Seldeg's turns, he gains two additional reactions he can use only to perform a Shield Block.Weapon Master Seldeg has access to the critical specialization effects of any weapon he wields.