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PFS StandardSprite AppleItem 3+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Light 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 51 1.1
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate 1 minute (Interact)
A sparkling candy coating covers a sprite apple. For 10 minutes after consuming a sprite apple, you shed bright light in a 20-foot emanation (and dim light for the next 20 feet). While shedding this light, you can't be concealed if you're visible, and if you're invisible, you're concealed instead rather than being undetected. The light matches the vibrant color of the apple's candy coating. Creatures in the bright light are subject to another effect, depending on the type of apple.

PFS StandardSprite Apple (Golden)Item 3

Source Treasure Vault pg. 51 1.1
Price 10 gp
Bulk L
Creatures in the bright light feel kind and inviting, taking a –1 item penalty to their Will DC against Diplomacy checks.

PFS StandardSprite Apple (Pink)Item 4

Source Treasure Vault pg. 51 1.1
Price 16 gp
Bulk L
Creatures in the bright light feel a burst of creativity, gaining a +1 item bonus to Performance checks.

PFS StandardSprite Apple (Chartreuse)Item 5

Source Treasure Vault pg. 51 1.1
Price 26 gp
Bulk L
Creatures in the bright light feel more in tune with nature, gaining a +1 item bonus to Nature checks and to Diplomacy checks attempted against animals or plants (if they have the wild empathy class feature or some other ability to make such checks).

PFS StandardSprite Apple (Teal)Item 6

Source Treasure Vault pg. 51 1.1
Price 41 gp
Bulk L
Creatures in the bright light feel a sense of calm, gaining a +1 item bonus to saving throws against fear effects.