Elephant Form
[two-actions] Spell 4This Spell may contain spoilers from the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Polymorph Transmutation Source Pathfinder #177: Burning Tundra pg. 76Traditions primalCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalDuration 1 minute
You channel the primal forces of nature to transform into a Large battle form, specifically that of a powerful and terrifying
elephant or similar creature, such as a mammoth, mastodon, or anancus. This spell has the effects of
dinosaur form, except you gain the following specific abilities instead of the form-specific abilities of
dinosaur form.
Speed 40 feet;
Melee [one-action] foot,
Damage 2d8 bludgeoning;
Melee [one-action] trunk (reach 10 feet),
Effect grabbing trunk;
Melee [one-action] tusk (reach 10 feet),
Damage 2d6 piercing.
Grabbing Trunk A creature up to two sizes smaller that's hit by your trunk is
grabbed. If you succeed at your
Grapple check against a creature grabbed by your trunk, you can reposition the creature to another space within your trunk's reach.
Heightened (5th) Your elephant form is Huge; your trunk and tusk attacks have 15-foot
reach, and your foot attack has 10-foot reach. You instead gain 20 temporary HP, an attack modifier of +18, a damage bonus of +6, double the damage dice, and
Athletics +21.
Heightened (7th) Your elephant form is Gargantuan; your trunk and tusk attacks have 20-foot reach, and your foot attack has 15-foot reach. Your AC is 21 + your level and you instead gain 25 temporary HP, an attack modifier of +25, a damage bonus of +15, double the damage dice, and Athletics +25.