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Howl of the Wild / Special Ancestry Rules

Riding PCs

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 9 2.1
A PC can ride on another PC as long as the second PC is at least two size categories larger than them; this might be a Tiny awakened ferret riding in their elf teammate's backpack, or a halfling on a minotaur's shoulder. However, this requires a tremendous amount of coordination to ensure the smaller PC doesn't get in the way, or that the two PCs don't jostle each other into losing actions. As a result, for most parties, this tactic is less favorable than the smaller PC just using their own mount. If a PC who is at least two sizes smaller rides along with another PC or similar non-minion intelligent creature, roll both their initiatives and use the lower of the two results. The two PCs act in either order on the same initiative count. While traveling in this way, the PCs each gain two actions at the start of their turns, instead of three, since the larger PC spends one action keeping the smaller one balanced on their back, and the smaller PC spends one action maintaining their grip.

Some ancestries specialize in being able to carry smaller riders or have feats to enable this, such as centaurs.