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PFS StandardToxicologist

Source Player Core 2 pg. 62 1.1
You specialize in toxins and venoms of all types.


Two common 1st-level alchemical poisons.

Field Benefit

You can apply an injury poison you’re holding to a weapon or piece of ammunition you’re wielding as a single action, rather than as a 2-action activity. In addition, you flexibly mix acidic and poisonous alchemical compounds. Your infused poisons can affect creatures immune to poison. A creature takes acid damage instead of poison damage from your infused poisons if either the creature is immune to poison or that would be more detrimental to the creature (as determined by the GM). Typically, this benefit applies when the creature has an immunity, resistance, or weakness to one of the damage types.

Field Vials

Your versatile vials have the poison trait and deal poison damage instead of having the acid trait and dealing acid damage (though your field benefit still applies). You can apply the contents of a versatile vial to a weapon or piece of ammunition as an injury poison. Add the versatile vial’s initial damage to the first successful Strike with that weapon or ammunition. The substance becomes inert at the end of your current turn.

Field Discovery 5th

You have handled enough poisons to become inured to their effects. You gain poison resistance equal to half your level.

Advanced Vials 11th

When you damage a creature with a versatile vial you’ve used as an injury poison, that creature takes persistent poison damage equal to the vial’s splash damage in addition to the initial damage.

Greater Field Discovery 13th

When a creature fails its initial saving throw against an infused injury poison you created, the wound sprays poison onto another creature adjacent to it. The attacker who caused the injury chooses which creature, if there’s more than one, and can choose to forgo this effect. That creature is exposed to the poison. The second creature doesn’t spread the poison further.