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PFS RestrictedSet (Lord of the Dark Desert)

Legacy Content

Source Book of the Dead pg. 133
Set is the most reviled of all the Ancient Osirian pantheon. He is the encroaching desert, the invader, the sandstorm destroying everything in its path, as well as the dead who rise from their graves.

Category Ancient Osirian Gods
Edicts Bring chaos to society, murder those who stand in your way, defeat your foes with personal strength and cunning
Anathema Refuse to fight your own battles, destroy a soul instead of turning it to undeath
Follower Alignments LE, NE, CE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy [Nethys Note: Generated per Remaster Compatibility FAQ]
Divine Skill Intimidation
Favored Weapon spear
Domains darkness, death, dust, lightning
Cleric Spells 1st: penumbral shroud, 3rd: cup of dust, 6th: disintegrate