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PFS LimitedBloody FangItem 16

Rare Magical 
Source Prey for Death pg. 101
Price 6,250 gp
Usage held in 1 hand
Base Weapon Dagger
The bladed inner curve of this +2 greater striking keen wounding dagger has a jagged, saw-like edge, while its handle is wrapped in red leather. Carved from the mandible of a giant praying mantis, this magical weapon's blade is as sharp and serviceable as steel.

Activate—Sweeping Slash [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Frequency once per day; Effect You swing the dagger in a wide arc, causing a horizontal swipe of blood- red energy to sweep out in a 30-foot cone. All living creatures in the area take 15d6 slashing damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save), plus 1d6 persistent bleed damage on a failed save.