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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardElemental

Source Player Core 2 pg. 151 1.1
An elemental influence has imbued your blood with primal fury. You are granted different sorcerous gift spells and damage type from blood magic depending on which element affected your bloodline (see Elemental Influences below).



Bloodline Skills

Intimidation, Nature

Sorcerous Gifts

cantrip: see Elemental Influences below, 1st: see Elemental Influences below, 2nd: resist energy, 3rd: see Elemental Influences below, 4th: unfettered movement, 5th: elemental form (elemental influence only), 6th: see Elemental Influences below, 7th: energy aegis, 8th: earthquake, 9th: wrathful storm

Bloodline Spells

initial: elemental toss, advanced: elemental motion, greater: elemental blast

Blood Magic—Elemental Fury

Elemental energy wreathes your form and infuses your magic. Either you gain a +2 status bonus to Intimidation checks for 1 round, or a target takes 1 damage per spell rank; this damage type is listed under your elemental influence. If the spell already deals that type of damage, combine it with the spell's initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances.

Elemental Influences

At 1st level, choose the type of elemental that influenced your bloodline: air, earth, fire, metal, water, or wood. You can't change this later. You are granted different spells at certain ranks according to this influence.
Elemental Type Sorcerous Gifts Blood Magic Damage
Air cantrip: gale blast; 1st: tailwind; 3rd: wall of wind; 6th: chain lightning slashing
Earth cantrip: scatter scree; 1st: pummeling rubble; 3rd: earthbind; 6th: petrify bludgeoning
Fire cantrip: ignition, 1st: breathe fire; 3rd: fireball; 6th: tree of seasons (all pods are summer) fire
Metal cantrip electric arc; 1st: thunderstrike; 3rd: lightning bolt; 6th: chain lightning piercing
Water cantrip: frostbite; 1st: hydraulic push; 3rd: aqueous orb; 6th: scintillating safeguard bludgeoning
Wood cantrip: tangle vine; 1st: cleanse cuisine; 3rd: wall of thorns; 6th: tangling creepers bludgeoning