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Ring of SigilsItem 1+

Arcane Invested 
Source GM Core pg. 294 2.0
Usage worn; Bulk
This silver band is carved with the personal sigils of different individuals, adding one to represent you when you invest it. The ring allows you to cast sigil as an arcane innate cantrip.

Activate—Track Sigil [one-action] (manipulate); Frequency once per 10 minutes; Effect You detect the general direction toward the most recent sigil you created using the ring. This activation fails if the sigil is more than 5 miles away or if there's lead or running water between you and the sigil.

PFS StandardRing of SigilsItem 1

Source GM Core pg. 294 2.0
Price 20 gp

PFS StandardRing of Sigils (Greater)Item 6

Source GM Core pg. 294 2.0
Price 225 gp
When you use Track Sigil, the maximum range is 100 miles. In addition, if the sigil was placed on a living creature, you also determine whether the creature is alive, its distance from you, and any conditions affecting it.