Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Surki Details | Surki Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Surki Heritages

PFS StandardNodal Regeneration Feat 17

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 51 2.1
Prerequisites Nodal Healing

Your body processes magic so effectively that you can induce true regeneration, replacing limbs and restoring organs. You can cast regenerate once per day as an innate spell. Instead of being deactivated by acid or fire, your regeneration from the spell is deactivated by cold, which slows your metabolism. You can target only yourself with the spell, but you can Cast the Spell as a reaction if you're reduced to 0 Hit Points by a non-cold effect.



Surkis are a subterranean insectile ancestry that absorb ambient magic and evolve unique adaptations.