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HirelingItem 0+

Legacy Content

Source Core Rulebook pg. 294 4.0
PFS Note Pathfinder Society characters may not pay for hirelings as listed in the Core Rulebook. More capable hirelings are available via the Achievement Points system.

Paid laborers can provide services for you. Unskilled hirelings can perform simple manual labor and are untrained at most skills. Skilled hirelings have expert proficiency in a particular skill. Hirelings are level 0. If a skill check is needed, an untrained hireling has a +0 modifier, while a skilled hireling has a +4 modifier in their area of expertise and +0 for other skill checks. Hirelings’ rates double if they’re going adventuring with you.

PFS StandardHireling (Unskilled)Item 0

Source Core Rulebook pg. 294 4.0
Price 1 sp (per day)

PFS StandardHireling (Skilled)Item 0

Source Core Rulebook pg. 294 4.0
Price 5 sp (per day)