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There is a Legacy version here.

Scholarly JournalItem 3+

Source Player Core pg. 290 2.0
PFS Note All Pathfinder agents have access this item

Price 6 gp
Hands 1; Bulk L
Scholarly journals are uncommon. Each scholarly journal is a folio on a very specific topic, such as vampires or the history of a single town or neighborhood of a city. If you spend 1 minute referencing an academic journal before attempting a skill check to Recall Knowledge about the subject, you gain a +1 item bonus to the check. A compendium of journals costs five times as much as a single journal and requires both hands to use; each compendium contains several journals and grants its bonus on a broader topic, such as all undead or a whole city. The GM determines what scholarly journals are available in any location.

PFS StandardScholarly JournalItem 3

Source Player Core pg. 290 2.0
PFS Note All characters have access to the scholarly journal, scholarly journal compendium, survey map, and survey map atlas

Price 6 gp
Hands 1;Bulk L

PFS StandardScholarly Journal (Compendium)Item 3

Source Player Core pg. 290 2.0
PFS Note All characters have access to the scholarly journal, scholarly journal compendium, survey map, and survey map atlas

Price 30 gp
Hands 2;Bulk L