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Faultspawn Feat 1Legacy Content
Lineage Tiefling Source Impossible Lands pg. 32
You bear a grudge, inherited from a blasphemous
asura forebear in your bloodline, against a particular deity and their works. You also have some vestigial signs of your previous incarnation, such as a second set of shoulder blades without usable arms, a set of mostly closed eyes where no eyes belong, or strange scarring reminiscent of a mouth.
You gain the Find Fault reaction.
Find Fault [reaction] (
Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a spell or magic effect but haven't rolled yet;
Effect You find some kind of fault with the magic, using that flaw to protect yourself from the effect. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throw against the triggering effect, which increases to a +2 circumstance bonus if the effect is
divine and originates from a worshipper of the deity you chose for your grudge.
Faultspawn Leads To...
Asura Magic,
Dominion Aura,
Towering PresenceTraits
Lineage: A feat with this trait indicates a character’s descendance from a particular type of creature. You can have only one lineage feat. You can select a lineage feat only at 1st level, and you can’t retrain into or out of these feats.
Tiefling: A creature with this trait has the tiefling versatile heritage. Tieflings are planar scions descended from fiends. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by tieflings.