There is a Legacy version

[two-actions] Spell 4Concentrate Force Manipulate Source Player Core 2 pg. 243Traditions arcane,
occultDeities Grundinnar,
Qi Zhong,
The Last Breath,
Urban Prosperity,
Wards of the PharaohRange 30 feet;
Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Reflex;
Defense Reflex;
Duration 1 minute
You wrap a creature in an immobile force field, whether to protect it or those around it. The field blocks attacks, effects, and creatures that would pass through it, including the target. The field has Hardness 10, 40 Hit Points, and immunity to critical hits and precision damage. If the target of containment is unwilling, the effects depend on the target's Reflex save.
Critical Success The target escapes from the field as it's forming, causing it to collapse.
Success The field partially forms with 10 Hit Points instead of 40.
Failure The field has its normal effect.
Heightened (+1) The field's Hit Points are 5 higher on a success or 15 higher on a failure.