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Choosing Your Tools

Source GM Core pg. 5 2.0
No two Game Masters are the same. Perhaps you’re a veteran GM who’s looking for new ways to tailor your game to suit your interests and those of your players. Or perhaps you’re a brand-new GM looking for guidance to feel comfortable leading a game of your own. Maybe you’ve been a GM for years, but this is your first time running a Pathfinder game. No matter where you are as a Game Master, this book is a valuable tool that can help you tell the stories you want to tell with your players.

I’m a New Game Master

Source GM Core pg. 5 2.0
You’ll find a wealth of information to help you feel confident in running your games. Chapter 1: Running Games can help you better understand how to run a game in different modes of play, set DCs, give out rewards, adjudicate the rules quickly and fairly, and adapt when special circumstances or problems crop up at your table. This chapter also contains advice on using and determining rarity in your game, working with your players to create a collaborative story, and adapting your game to meet the needs of the players at your table.

I’m Running a Published Adventure

Source GM Core pg. 5 2.0
You’ll find guidance in Chapter 1 specifically for running published adventures, and most of the advice in that chapter about running a game applies to published adventures. The information in Chapter 3 gives you a primer on the Age of Lost Omens setting, introducing the world and its nations, peoples, and history that you’ll find featured in Pathfinder’s published stories. A number of adventures—especially scenarios in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play program and Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes—use the subsystems in Chapter 4. The Victory Points subsystem is the most fundamental of these, but many adventures also use the other subsystems found there for things like vehicles, chases, and influence.

I’m Making My Own Adventure

Source GM Core pg. 5 2.0
If you are looking to create your own Pathfinder adventures, Chapter 2 provides you design guidance ranging from the broad strokes of building an entire campaign, to individual adventures, to the particular considerations of any given encounter. This chapter also provides a toolbox you can use to build the creatures, hazards, items, and other elements you want to use in your adventures.

If you plan to set your adventures in a world of your own design, the world-building section of Chapter 2 can guide that process and help you establish the details you'll need to ensure your setting is a vibrant backdrop for fantastic stories. You can also use the information on nations, settlements, and planes in Chapter 3 to detail those parts of your world.

I Need Items!

Source GM Core pg. 5 2.0
New and experienced GMs alike will find the treasures in Chapter 5 of great interest, whether you're looking up what a reward in a published Pathfinder adventure might be or searching for just the right piece of magical gear to give your players after a quest. Persistent items like magical weapons and armor can serve as longstanding parts of a player's kit, and consumable items like potions or talismans can inject fun one-off effects into your party. Lastly, the chapter contains highly narrative items that can play a role in campaigns all on their own, from artifacts and cursed items to powerful relics that grow alongside your players.

In many campaigns, you can let players freely peruse this chapter to find items they like. This is especially true when players craft magic items or have broad access to magic item shops in Absalom or a similar location.