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Malleable MixtureItem 8+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable Elixir 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 19
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
Your bones, muscles, and organs become vastly softer and more pliable. You can fit into and through small or narrow spaces as though you were smaller than your normal size, and you gain an item bonus to your Fortitude and Reflex DCs against attempts to Grapple, Shove, or Trip you.

PFS StandardMalleable Mixture (Lesser)Item 8

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 19
Price 75 gp
Bulk L
You can fit into and through small or narrow spaces as though you were 1 size smaller than your normal size (minimum Small). The bonus to your DCs is +2, and the duration is 1 minute.

PFS StandardMalleable Mixture (Greater)Item 14

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 19
Price 750 gp
Bulk L
You can fit into and through small or narrow spaces as though you were 2 sizes smaller than your normal size (minimum Tiny). The bonus to your DCs is +3, and the duration is 10 minutes.