Silversoul Bomb
Item 3+Legacy Content
Rare Alchemical Bomb Consumable Mental Splash Source Pathfinder #199: To Bloom Below the Web pg. 73Usage held in 1 hand;
Bulk L
Activate [two-actions] Interact
This rare alchemical bomb gathers and concentrates the emotions that linger in a burial ground where generations of beloved ancestors have been interred, infusing that powerful emotional energy into the alchemically prepared powdered silver stored within the bomb. This energy glows with a soft, silver radiance and, if contained in a clear container, allows a silversoul bomb to be used as a torch to illuminate an area.
A silversoul bomb grants an item bonus to attack rolls and deals mental damage plus additional effects, according to the bomb's type.
Nindorus are particularly harmed by silversoul bombs and take the listed persistent mental damage, according to the bomb's type. Against nindorus, the bomb's item bonus also applies to its save DC to resist being dazzled or blinded. Creatures that have weakness to silver (including most nindorus) have an equal amount of weakness to the mental damage caused by a silversoul bomb, due to the silver infused into the energy within.
Silversoul BombItem 3
Source Pathfinder #199: To Bloom Below the Web pg. 73Price 10 gp
You gain a +1 item bonus to attack rolls, and the bomb deals 2d4 mental damage, 1d6 persistent mental damage to nindorus, and 2 mental splash damage. A creature that takes splash damage from the bomb and fails a DC 17 Fortitude save is
dazzled for 1 round as glowing silver particles cling to its face.
Silversoul Bomb (Greater)Item 11
Source Pathfinder #199: To Bloom Below the Web pg. 73Price 250 gp
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls, and the bomb deals 3d4 mental damage, 2d6 persistent mental damage to nindorus, and 3 mental splash damage. A creature that takes splash damage from the bomb and fails a DC 28 Fortitude save is
blinded for 1 round and then dazzled for 1 round thereafter.
Silversoul Bomb (Major)Item 17
Source Pathfinder #199: To Bloom Below the Web pg. 73Price 2,500 gp
You gain a +3 item bonus to attack rolls, and the bomb deals 4d4 mental damage, 3d6 persistent mental damage to nindorus, and 4 mental splash damage. A creature that takes splash damage from the bomb is dazzled for 1 round unless it fails a DC 37 Fortitude save, in which case it's permanently blinded.