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Ferrumnestra (The Lady of Rust)

Source Rage of Elements pg. 140 2.0
Just as the birth of every mortal begins another inexorable march toward the grave, the infinitesimally slow decline of the Plane of Metal began eons ago at the moment of its creation. The plane has been deteriorating for as long as it has existed, and Ferrumnestra, the Lady of Rust, has always been there to shepherd it along toward its distant but inevitable end. Her charge is to eternally traverse the plane, consuming the last vestiges of its planar material as it crumbles into its most basic elements. Only nonexistence remains in her wake.

Category Elemental Lords
Edicts accept the inevitable, clear what remains of that which has fallen to ruin, usher the past into obscurity
Anathema preserve knowledge that has outlived its time, restore an object or structure that has been reclaimed by the elements
Areas of Concern metal, decline, inevitability, mourning

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification none
Divine Skill Athletics
Favored Weapon pick
Domains decay, destruction, metal, void
Alternate Domains sorrow, vigil
Cleric Spells 1st: conductive weapon, 3rd: noxious metals, 4th: rust cloud