Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Reflection Details | Reflection Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats

PFS StandardTwo-Truths [one-action] Feat 9

Legacy Content

Source Dark Archive pg. 121
Prerequisites master in Deception

Your ability to imitate your progenitor is so strong, you can even convince yourself. When you use this action, you alter your thought processes to your progenitor or from your progenitor back to yourself. As long as what you say is true from the point of view of your current identity, you can say it even under effects like zone of truth that force you to speak truly.



A creature with this trait has the reflection versatile heritage. Reflections are beings who are copies of living people, whether through cloning, planar duplication, or another mechanism. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by reflections.