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There is a Legacy version here.


Source Monster Core pg. 312
Animated skeletons are among the most common types of undead.

Skeleton Abilities

Most skeletons have one of these abilities. If you give a skeleton more, you might want to increase its level and adjust its statistics.

Bloody A coating of blood gives the skeleton fast healing equal to its level.
Collapse [reaction] Trigger The skeleton is critically hit; Effect The skeleton collapses into a pile of bones and the attack deals only normal damage. The skeleton can re-form in a standing position as an action, but until it does, it is immobilized and off-guard.
Explosive Death When the skeleton is destroyed, its bones shatter and explode. Adjacent creatures take 1d6 slashing damage per 2 levels (minimum 1d6) with a basic Reflex save against the moderate spell DC for the skeleton's level.

Screaming Skull [two-actions] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The skeleton removes its skull and throws it, making a jaws attack with a range of 20 feet. It then attempts to Demoralize each foe within 10 feet of the target. The head bounces, rolls, or even flies back, returning to the skeleton at the start of its next turn. The skeleton is blind until then.


Beetle Carapace (Creature 6), Drake Skeleton (Creature 8), Harpy Skeleton (Creature 5), Skeletal Champion (Creature 2), Skeletal Giant (Creature 3), Skeletal Horse (Creature 2), Skeletal Hulk (Creature 7), Skeletal Mage (Creature 5), Skeletal Soldier (Creature 1), Skeletal Titan (Creature 13), Skeleton Guard (Creature -1), Skeleton Infantry (Creature 11), Tyrannosaurus Skeleton (Creature 9), Wolf Skeleton (Creature 0)