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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardCreate UndeadRitual 2

Uncommon Unholy 
Source Player Core pg. 393 2.0
Cast 1 day; Cost black onyx, see Creature Creation Rituals; Secondary Casters 1
Primary Check Arcana (expert), Occultism (expert), or Religion (expert); Secondary Checks Religion
Range 10 feet; Target(s) 1 dead creature
You transform the target into an undead creature with a level up to that allowed in the Creature Creation Rituals table. There are many versions of this ritual, each specific to a particular type of undead (one ritual for all zombies, one for skeletons, one for ghouls, and so on), and the rituals that create rare undead are also rare. Some forms of undead, such as liches, form using their own unique methods and can't be created with a version of create undead.

Creature Creation Rituals

Creature LevelRitual RankRequired Cost
–1 or 0215 gp
1260 gp
23105 gp
33180 gp
44300 gp
54480 gp
65750 gp
751,080 gp
861,500 gp
962,100 gp
1073,000 gp
1174,200 gp
1286,000 gp
1389,000 gp
14913,500 gp
15919,500 gp
161030,000 gp
171045,000 gp

Critical Success The target becomes an undead creature of the appropriate type. If it's at least 4 levels lower than you, you can make it a minion. This gives it the minion trait, meaning it can use 2 actions when you command it, and commanding it is a single action that has the auditory and concentrate traits. You can have a maximum of four minions under your control. If it's intelligent and doesn't become a minion, the undead is helpful to you for awakening it, though it's still a horrid and evil creature. If it's unintelligent and doesn't become a minion, you can give it one simple command. It pursues that goal single-mindedly, ignoring any of your subsequent commands.
Success As critical success, except an intelligent undead that doesn't become your minion is only friendly to you, and an unintelligent undead that doesn't become your minion leaves you alone unless you attack it. It marauds the local area rather than following your command.
Failure You fail to create the undead.
Critical Failure You create the undead, but its soul, tortured by your foul necromancy, is full of nothing but hatred for you. It attempts to destroy you.