There is a Legacy version

Drakeheart Mutagen
Item 1+Alchemical Consumable Elixir Mutagen Polymorph
Source Player Core 2 pg. 289Usage held in 1 hand;
Bulk L
Activate [one-action] (
Your skin grows scales like a drake, and your eyesight become sharp and your pupils slitted, but your mind and reflexes slow.
Benefit You gain the listed bonus to AC, a Dexterity cap of +2 (as usual, use your lowest Dexterity cap if you have more than one), and an item bonus to Perception checks. If you're wearing armor, you still calculate your proficiency bonus to AC based on your proficiency in the armor you're wearing, even if the drakeheart mutagen has a higher item bonus. You also gain the Final Surge action.
Activate—Final Surge [one-action] ;
Effect You Stride twice. The drakeheart mutagen's duration ends.
Drawback You take a –1 penalty to Will saves, Reflex saves, and all skill checks to
Recall Knowledge.
Drakeheart Mutagen (Lesser)Item 1
Source Player Core 2 pg. 289Price 4 gp
Bulk L
The item bonus to AC is +4, the item bonus to Perception is +1, and the duration is 1 minute or until you use Final Surge, whichever comes first.
Drakeheart Mutagen (Moderate)Item 3
Source Player Core 2 pg. 289Price 12 gp
Bulk L
The item bonus to AC is +5, the item bonus to Perception is +2, and the duration is 10 minutes or until you use Final Surge, whichever comes first.
Drakeheart Mutagen (Greater)Item 11
Source Player Core 2 pg. 289Price 300 gp
Bulk L
The item bonus to AC is +6, the item bonus to Perception is +3, and the duration is 1 hour or until you use Final Surge, whichever comes first.
Drakeheart Mutagen (Major)Item 17
Source Player Core 2 pg. 289Price 3,000 gp
Bulk L
The item bonus to AC is +7, the item bonus to Perception is +4, and the duration is 1 hour or until you use Final Surge, whichever comes first.