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Sisterstone WeaponItem 3+

This Item may contain spoilers from the Blood Lords Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Source Pathfinder #183: Field of Maidens pg. 80
Usage varies by weapon; Bulk varies by weapon
A weapon with a sisterstone striking surface can be charged with undead-destroying energy in response to violence from an undead creature. A creature wielding a sisterstone weapon gains the following activation. Only melee weapons can be made of sisterstone.

Activate [reaction] command; Trigger The ally is critically hit by a Strike from an undead creature you can see; Requirements A reciprocal field is active between this weapon and an ally's sisterstone armor or sisterstone weapon; Effect Your weapon leaps out with positive energy in retaliation. Strike the triggering undead with the weapon, and your Strike deals 2 additional positive damage. The positive damage increases to 4 if your sisterstone weapon is standard grade, or 6 if it's high grade. If the triggering undead is beyond the reach of your sisterstone weapon, your Strike doesn't deal its base damage, but can still deal the positive damage.

Base Material


Sisterstone Weapon (Low-Grade)Item 3

Source Pathfinder #183: Field of Maidens pg. 80
Price 70 gp (plus 7 gp per Bulk)

Sisterstone Weapon (Standard-Grade)Item 11

Source Pathfinder #183: Field of Maidens pg. 80
Price 1,200 gp (plus 120 gp per Bulk)

Sisterstone Weapon (High-Grade)Item 19

Source Pathfinder #183: Field of Maidens pg. 80
Price 32,000 gp (plus 3,200 gp per Bulk)