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Secrets of Magic / Book of Unlimited Magic / Pervasive Magic

Tradition Traits

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 218 2.0
Every creature in a pervasive magic campaign, including PCs, has a trait associated with one of the magical traditions. Note that this trait is inherent and a circumstance of nature, independent of class choice—a character with the primal tradition trait can still study to be a wizard and cast arcane spells. See Creature Adjustments for how to adjust creature stats in areas of pervasive magic. You might see primal manticores, arcane ogres, occult gold dragons, or divine flesh golems.

Creatures (including PCs) gain the following:
  • A trait associated with one of the magic traditions: arcane, divine, occult, or primal.
  • The ability to cast a cantrip (PCs choose one upon character creation) from the tradition associated with that trait.
  • The Cast a Spell activity.
  • Proficiency rank in spell DCs and spell attack rolls with the chosen tradition equal to their class DC or their highest proficiency rank in spell DCs, whichever is higher. They can choose any mental ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) to be associated with their innate spells granted by pervasive magic.
  • Access to backgrounds and feats with the pervasive magic trait.