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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardIcicleItem 16

Cold Magical 
Source GM Core pg. 242 2.0
Price 10,000 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
Base Weapon Longspear
This +2 greater striking greater frost longspear appears to be a single continuous icicle stretching over 6 feet long. The icicle automatically extinguishes non-magical fires in a 20-foot emanation. While wielding it, you gain fire resistance 5.

Activate—Quench Flames [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Effect You swing the icicle into the area of an ongoing magical fire, and the spear attempts to counteract the fire with a counteract modifier of +27. If it fails, it can't attempt to counteract the same fire again.

Activate—Ice Spike [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Frequency once per day; Effect The icicle grows rapidly, piercing creatures in a 30-foot line. Each creature in the area takes 11d6 cold damage with a DC 35 Reflex save. A creature that fails its save also takes 3d6 persistent bleed damage(double on a critical failure).