Mythic Callings | Mythic Feats | Mythic Destinies

Ascend Feat 14

Source War of Immortals pg. 115
Archetype Ascended Celestial
Prerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication

As you strive to ascend to the ranks of celestials, the pull of gravity loosens on your body. You gain a fly Speed equal to your land Speed and the Flyby Attack action. When you gain this feat, you can choose to sprout wings, if desired; these wings are permanent.

Once per day as a single action, you can fly at incredible speeds. When you do, your fly Speed becomes equal to double your Speed for 5 rounds.

Flyby Attack [two-actions] Effect You Fly and can make a Strike at any point along the way.



Options with this trait grant or utilize mythic power. Feats with the mythic trait can only be taken by mythic characters, who are typically characters with a mythic Calling.

Monsters with the mythic trait have access to a pool of Mythic Points and are particularly strong for creatures of their level. Many mythic monsters are either resistant or entirely immune to attacks from non-mythic creatures and weapons.

Spells with the mythic trait require the expenditure of a Mythic Point in order to be cast, and items with the mythic trait require the expenditure of a Mythic Point in order to use their activated abilities.

Weapons with the mythic trait overcome the resistances and immunities of mythic monsters.