Summoner's Visage
[two-actions] Spell 2Legacy Content
Polymorph Transmutation Source Secrets of Magic pg. 135 1.1Traditions arcane,
primalCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange touch;
Targets your
eidolonDuration 10 minutes
You transform your eidolon into your identical twin. Assuming you are a humanoid, the eidolon gains the
humanoid trait in addition to its other traits while it's in this form, as well as any other trait related to your form (such as
elf or
gnome). Your eidolon gains a +4 status bonus to
Deception checks to
Impersonate you and can add its level to such checks even if it's untrained.
Although your eidolon looks like you, it doesn't gain any new abilities, and its statistics don't change in any way—the transformation is purely cosmetic. If this transformation reduces your eidolon's size, the eidolon loses any other effects of its larger size, such as any increase to
reach. Your eidolon can still use gear only if it has the
eidolon trait, which allows eidolons to use it. Any such eidolon items the eidolon was wearing change size and shape, if necessary, and its effects remain active.
You can Dismiss the spell.
Heightened (4th) The duration increases to 1 hour.