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The large scavenger birds known as scroungefeathers make their homes near the sites of large battles. These birds feast on blood and carrion and have quickly learned that battlefields provide both in abundance. In spite of this grisly diet, they're best known for another strange adaptation: they build their nests from pieces of armor, weapons, and magic items scavenged on the battlefields. This leaves young scroungefeathers remarkably well protected, allowing both parents to leave the nest to search for food.

Alarmingly, scroungefeathers have learned how to use the items they scavenge for their nests to fend off attackers, flinging arrowheads, thrashing about with knives, and even activating the occasional wand. A scroungefeather nest makes a tempting target for adventurers and thieves, as the treasures tucked within can be quite valuable, but the birds defend their nests fiercely, particularly when there are eggs or chicks inside.

While the feathers of scroungefeathers don't have any magical properties, they're popular among thieves. Insignia for thieves' guilds often include the image of a black feather with two crimson stripes, and such organizations often send new recruits to raid a scroungefeather nest as part of their training.

Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20
Unspecific Lore: DC 18
Specific Lore: DC 15

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Elite are marked in red below.
NOTE: The +2 damage bonus to non-strike offensive abilities (+4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Elite ScroungefeatherCreature 6

Small Animal 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 177 2.1
Perception +15; low-light vision
Skills Acrobatics +14, Stealth +14, Thievery +16
Str +3, Dex +5, Con +2, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha +2
AC 23; Fort +16, Ref +18, Will +10
HP 96
Speed 20 feet; fly 40 feet
Melee [one-action] beak +14 [+9/+4] (finesse), Damage 2d8+2+3 piercingMelee [one-action] talon +14 [+10/+6] (agile, finesse), Damage 2d6+2+3 slashingGrab Debris [one-action] Requirements The scroungefeather is in its nest or another environment rich with debris; Effect The scroungefeather uses an Interact action to grab an item with its beak, selected randomly; roll 1d4 to determine the type of debris. The scroungefeather gains access to the listed abilities until it uses Tossed Scraps to discard the debris or until it Releases the debris. The scroungefeather can't use its beak attack while it is using its beak to Grab Debris.
d4Item Effect
1 Armor scrap The scroungefeather gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC.
2 Shattered blade The scroungefeather gains a broken blade melee Strike with a +12 attack modifier that deals 2d10+6 slashing damage.
3 Unexploded bomb When the scroungefeather throws this with Tossed Scraps, all the damage is fire damage, and the bomb also deals 3 fire splash damage.
4 Faulty wand The scroungefeather gains a magic bolt ranged Strike with a +14 attack modifier that deals 2d6+6 force damage.
Junk Nest The scroungefeather's nest of sharp metallic junk covers a 15-foot-by-15-foot area. The area is difficult terrain and hazardous terrain to any non-scroungefeather creatures. A creature that moves on the ground through the nest takes 3 piercing damage for each square of the area it moves into. Scroungefeathers can Take Cover at any point in the nest.Tossed Scraps [one-action] Requirements The scroungefeather has Grabbed Debris; Effect The scroungefeather flings the debris at a target within 20 feet, making an attack roll with a +12 modifier. On a success, the target takes 2d10+5 bludgeoning damage.