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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardTelepathic Demand [three-actions] Spell 9

Concentrate Incapacitation Linguistic Manipulate Mental 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 253 1.1
Traditions arcane, divine, occult
Range planetary; Targets 1 creature you’ve telepathically contacted before
Defense Will; Duration varies
You send the target a message of 25 words or fewer, and it can respond immediately with its own message of 25 words or fewer. Your message is insidious and has the effect of a suggestion spell, with the message substituting for the spoken suggestion. On a successful save, the target is temporarily immune for 1 day, and on a critical success, the target is temporarily immune for 1 month. You can target a creature only if you've previously been in telepathic contact with it before, such as via the telepathy spell.