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PFS StandardInjection ReservoirItem 1

Legacy Content

Adjustment Alchemical 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 63 1.1
Price 10 gp
Usage applied to a non-injection melee weapon that deals piercing damage; Bulk L
This reservoir and spring-loaded needle can be attached to a weapon to let it inject deadly poisons. Additionally, the reservoir can be filled with an injury poison. Immediately after a successful attack with the adjusted weapon, you can inject the target with the loaded poison by activating the reservoir with an Interact action. Refilling the reservoir with a new poison requires 3 Interact actions and uses both hands.

Adding an injection reservoir to a weapon throws off its balance, causing the multiple attack penalty with the weapon to be one greater than usual (usually –6 on a second attack and –11 on a third; or –5 and –10 with an agile weapon).