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PFS StandardSargassum PhialItem 6

Alchemical Consumable Expandable Incapacitation Mental Poison 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 109 2.1
Price 50 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [two-actions] (manipulate)
A layer of vapor swirls just below the surface of this glass container holding a large, dried heap of fungal-encrusted seaweed. You can throw the phial up to 30 feet when you Activate it. When opened or thrown, a Medium sargassum heap effigy reconstitutes to release a hallucinogenic cloud in a 15-foot emanation, forcing each creature to attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. On a failure, a creature rolls 1d4 to determine what it is hallucinating for the next 1d4 rounds (unless otherwise noted). At the beginning of their turn, an affected creature attempts a new save.
  1. The target thinks they are sinking through the floor. It falls prone and spends 1 action on its next turn flailing its limbs as if attempting to swim.
  2. The target thinks an item they are holding turns into a viper. The target Releases the item and spends its next turn fleeing from it.
  3. The target thinks they have shrunk to 1/10 their normal size. For 1 round, it is slowed 2, enfeebled 2, and takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speed.
  4. The target believes they are melting. It drops everything it’s holding and becomes slowed 2 and clumsy 2 for 1 round.

Craft Requirements Supply the corpse of a sargassum heap.