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Creature Families

Source Bestiary
Many creatures are part of a larger group and share some common qualities.


Source Monster Core pg. 8 1.1
Aeons have always been the caretakers of reality and defenders of the natural order of balance. Each type of aeon takes on some form of duality in its manifestation and works either to shape the multiverse within the aspects of this duality in some way, or to correct imbalances to the perfect order of existence. (click to see full entry)


Akhana (Creature 12), Arbiter (Creature 1), Axiomite (Creature 8), Bythos (Creature 16), Kolyarut (Creature 12), Marut (Creature 15), Pleroma (Creature 20), Theletos (Creature 7), Zelekhut (Creature 9)


Source Pathfinder #185: A Taste of Ashes pg. 82
Vrykolakas vampires use animals as tools to carry their spirits when they would otherwise be slain. The animal usually dies as the vampire is reborn, but some live on in painful starvation


Afziaka Brute (Creature 6), Afziaka Stalker (Creature 12)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 10
These celestial outsiders hail from Nirvana, the plane of purest good. Agathions are born from the souls of mortals who attained the enlightenment they sought in life, sometimes even after death. (click to see full entry)


Draconal (Creature 20), Guloval (Creature 12), Procyal (Creature 8), Silvanshee (Creature 1), Vulpinal (Creature 6)


Source Monster Core pg. 12 1.1
In bygone millennia, aquatic monsters known as alghollthus used their occult powers to conquer and rule vast swaths of the world. Alghollthus shaped their servitors and other creatures using mental manipulation and physically transformative magic. The rulers of the alghollthus, the so-called “veiled masters,” further shaped entire societies by assuming the forms of those they controlled.< (click to see full entry)


Alghollthu Master (Creature 7), Skum (Creature 2), Slime Puppeteer (Creature 6), Ugothol (Creature 4), Ulat-Kini Initiate (Creature 4), Ulat-Kini Mindreaver (Creature 7), Vidileth (Creature 14)


Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 82
Aluums are powerful metal and stone constructs originally created by the Pactmasters to maintain order in Katapesh. The construction of each aluum includes the creation of an aluum charm, a brass pendant set with a blue crystal designed to control that particular construct. (click to see full entry)


Aluum Enforcer (Creature 10), Guardian Aluum (Creature 13), Spiritbound Aluum (Creature 16)


Source The Mwangi Expanse pg. 290 2.0
Anadis are peaceful, reclusive humanoids who live deep within woodlands, jungles, and other untamed areas of wilderness. Their natural forms resemble humanoid spiders covered in beautiful and distinctive markings of varying colors. (click to see full entry)


Anadi Elder (Creature 6), Anadi Fateweaver (Creature 5), Anadi Hunter (Creature 2), Anadi Lurker (Creature 3), Anadi Sage (Creature 4), Anadi Seeker (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 15
Androids possess synthetic bodies inhabited by living souls. These technological organisms first came to Golarion from another world when their starship crashed, scattering wreckage all across Numeria in an event known as the Rain of Stars. (click to see full entry)


Android Infiltrator (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 14 1.1
The celestial hosts of angels are messengers and warriors, divided into choirs based on their abilities and purviews. Angels were one of the first creations of the gods, and many still assist their righteous creators throughout the cosmos. Most angels in modern times are not direct creations of the divine, however, instead consisting of ascended mortal souls drawn from the celestial planes.< (click to see full entry)


Balisse (Creature 8), Cassisian (Creature 1), Choral (Creature 6), Monadic Deva (Creature 12), Movanic Deva (Creature 10), Planetar (Creature 16), Solar (Creature 23), Tabellia (Creature 14)

Animated Bones

Source Pathfinder #181: Zombie Feast pg. 82
Commonly mistaken for undead, animated bones are mindless constructs with no connection to necromancy. The following are examples of typical animated bones.


Chattering Jaws (Creature -1), Floating Femur (Creature -1), Phalanx Of Phalanges (Creature 1), Scrabbling Ribcage (Creature 1)

Animated Handcraft

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 278
Many types of animated constructs, objects, and handcrafts have existed in Tian Xia. (click to see full entry)


Animated Bamboo Figure (Creature 2), Animated Kite (Creature 0), Animated Wine Vessel (Creature 3), Inkdrop (Creature -1)

Animated Object

Source Monster Core pg. 18 1.1
Granted a semblance of life through the use of rituals or other strange magic, animated objects take many forms and serve a variety of uses. A few examples of typical animated objects are listed below. Many of these creatures serve as guardians, surprising unsuspecting adventurers when they suddenly attack. Others serve as idle distractions for the exceptionally rich, simple servants created to handle odd jobs, and the like.


Animated Armor (Creature 2), Animated Broom (Creature -1), Animated Colossus (Creature 15), Animated Furnace (Creature 9), Animated Silverware Swarm (Creature 1), Animated Statue (Creature 3), Animated Trebuchet (Creature 13), Giant Animated Statue (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 20 1.1
Ankhravs are immense, burrowing, insectile predators, considered by inhabitants of the rural areas of the world to be an all-too-common plague.


Ankhrav (Creature 3), Ankhrav Hive Mother (Creature 8)


Source Monster Core pg. 21 1.1
Ants are industrious insects that aid the natural processes of decay and renewal.


Army Ant Swarm (Creature 5), Giant Ant (Creature 2)


Source Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island pg. 80
Renowned in Tengah folklore as divinely gifted artisans and crafters, anugobus are a curious group of tiny humanoids native to the central islands of Minata. Countless stories describe anugobus sneaking around Minatan cities to tinker with and improve upon other humanoids' structures and architecture. (click to see full entry)


Anugobu Apprentice (Creature 3), Anugobu Wondercrafter (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 23 1.1
While many apes exhibit peaceful or reclusive behavior, gorillas can be territorial, and the megaprimatus is especially aggressive and dangerous.


Gorilla (Creature 3), Megaprimatus (Creature 8)


Source Monster Core pg. 24 1.1
Arboreals are guardians of the forest and representatives of the trees. As long-lived as the woods they watch over, arboreals consider themselves parents and shepherds of trees rather than their gardeners. Consequently, while arboreals tend to be slow and methodical, they are terrifyingly swift when forced to fight in defense of the woods. (click to see full entry)


Arboreal Archive (Creature 12), Arboreal Reaper (Creature 7), Arboreal Regent (Creature 8), Arboreal Warden (Creature 4), Awakened Tree (Creature 6), Canopy Elder (Creature 19)


Source Monster Core pg. 26 1.1
Archons are guardians of Heaven and enemies of corruption. Before gods and their servants set foot in the celestial planes, archons already resided in Heaven, the original inhabitants of the realm. Upon meeting, the archons and divine angels quickly discovered they were of a kind, holding justice and righteousness in their hearts. (click to see full entry)


Aesra (Creature 7), Bastion Archon (Creature 20), Giylea (Creature 16), Hound Archon (Creature 4), Lantern Archon (Creature 1), Qarna (Creature 4), Rekhep (Creature 10), Star Archon (Creature 19), Trumpet Archon (Creature 14), Zoaem (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 22
Asuras are, above all, proof that the gods are not infallible. These fiends arose as physical manifestations of divine accidents, taking form when the gods themselves stumbled and blasphemed on a cosmic scale. (click to see full entry)


Adhukait (Creature 7), Japalisura (Creature 12), Nikaramsa (Creature 14), Shaukeen (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 30 1.1
Deep in the sea, schools of athamarus—piscine humanoids armed with spears and specialized crossbows—stalk sharks, sea serpents, and giant squid from the backs of their giant moray eel mounts. The first hunters to strike are armed with barbed harpoons that deploy large fans of seaweed, slowing and exhausting their prey. (click to see full entry)


Athamaru Hunter (Creature 3)


Source Pathfinder #154: Siege of the Dinosaurs pg. 78
These massive isopods are native to the Abyssal realm of Gluttondark, in the acidic oceans of the realm's many cavern-worlds. Aukashungis are sometimes summoned to the Material Plane by Zevgavizeb-worshipping cultists, who favor aukashungis for their mindless obedience and sheer destructive potential.


Giant Aukashungi (Creature 14)


Source Monster Core pg. 31 1.1
Azarketis, also known as gillmen, can be found all over Golarion, with a particularly high concentration around Absalom and the Inner Sea. Descendants of the ancient Azlanti, the azarketis survived the cataclysm of Earthfall by fleeing into the ocean, where they were warped into amphibious forms by the alghollthu.


Azarketi Explorer (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 32 1.1
Azatas are manifestations of freedom and unrestrained joy—kindly celestials with a penchant for curious exploration, spontaneous revelry, and whimsical quests. Born of good dreams and heartfelt wishes for a better world, they reside in the untamable wilds of Elysium. (click to see full entry)


Aeolaeka (Creature 12), Bralani (Creature 6), Gancanagh (Creature 4), Ghaele (Creature 13), Kanya (Creature 7), Lyrakien (Creature 1), Veranallia (Creature 20)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 32 2.0
The burrowing badger is plentiful in most temperate forests. All badgers are naturally fierce and tenacious, and their squat stature belies their strength and speed.


Badger (Creature 0), Giant Badger (Creature 2)


Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 610
Bandersnatches are consummate hunters, and only the deadliest predators or the most cunning intelligent prey offer them sport. A bandersnatch resembles a tawny, six-legged, earless great cat, but with wickedly barbed quills running the length of its body and down to the tip of its long, flexible tail. It measures 40 feet in length plus another 10 feet of tail and weighs 12,000 pounds.


Bandersnatch (Creature 17), Primal Bandersnatch (Creature 19)


Source Bestiary pg. 36
Barghests are lupine fiends with goblinoid faces and humanoid hands. They stalk the Material Plane in search of souls to sate their demonic hunger. (click to see full entry)


Barghest (Creature 4), Greater Barghest (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 39 1.1
Nethys Note: This entry did not have a separate description for the family


Basilisk (Creature 5), Dracolisk (Creature 9), Royal Basilisk (Creature 13)


Source Monster Core pg. 40 1.1
A wide range of bats dwell throughout the world. Most of these nocturnal animals are harmless insectivores, but deadly breeds of vampire bats and oversized bats the size of horses pose much more significant threats to adventurers.


Albino Giant Bat (Creature 5), Giant Bat (Creature 2), Vampire Bat Swarm (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 41 1.1
Bears are ferocious predators typically found in cold or temperate woodlands and hills. Many species of bear exist in addition to the two presented below, such as the smaller black bear or the arctic-dwelling polar bear.


Black Bear (Creature 2), Cave Bear (Creature 6), Grizzly Bear (Creature 3), Polar Bear (Creature 5)


Source Pathfinder #176: Lost Mammoth Valley pg. 82
Beavers are stocky, herbivorous rodents that live in freshwater ecosystems throughout Avistan. (click to see full entry)


Beaver (Creature -1), Castoroides (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 42 1.1
Not all beetles are harmless creatures that can be easily crushed underfoot. Oversized and ravenous giant beetles can be found throughout the temperate and tropical regions of the world. They are often benign creatures, though when threatened or roused, giant beetles are quite dangerous. Their powerful mandibles and tough exoskeletons make for a challenging combatant.


Flash Beetle (Creature -1), Giant Stag Beetle (Creature 4)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 30
Beheaded are the reanimated heads of decapitation victims. These mindless undead fly through the air or roll around to attack their prey. (click to see full entry)


Daqqanoenyent (Creature 9), Festering Gnasher (Creature 1), Flaming Skull (Creature 2), Severed Head (Creature -1), Taunting Skull (Creature 5)


Source Pathfinder #190: The Choosing pg. 84
Gobbets of flesh left behind from an untidy meal or a surgical procedure typically rot away if left where they lie, but when steeped in areas of powerful lingering magic or eldritch radiation, these bits of loose tissue might achieve some measure of animation, perhaps sprouting thick limbs to move about or tiny, multifaceted eyes to see. Near the magic-suffused Ghantibhu Pits in the caverns located beneath southern Vudra, where ripples of magic are powerful enough to rend the air and transform stone, these tiny, rotting castoffs form into even larger amalgamations called bhanyadas.


Bhanyada Behemoth (Creature 12), Bhanyada Scavenger (Creature 8), Bhanyada Swarm (Creature 11)


Source The Mwangi Expanse pg. 294 2.0
Bilokos are crocodile-snouted fey who stalk the Mwangi Jungle and feast upon the flesh of humanoids. As cunning as they are vicious, bilokos employ deadly traps and guerrilla hunting tactics to capture prey—typically hapless explorers or, occasionally, wayward villagers, many of whom believe bilokos to be cruel ancestral spirits. (click to see full entry)


Biloko Veteran (Creature 4), Biloko Warrior (Creature 1), Eloko (Creature 7)

Blackfrost Dead

Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 80
These shambling arctic horrors are dead in name alone. Creatures who succumb to the frigid elements while cursed by blackfrost don't become mere corpses entombed in ice but rather vicious undead capable of spreading the curse of blackfrost even further. Cracked, frostbitten flesh that emits a freezing vapor like steam; inexorable, unhindered strides through feet of ash-blackened snow; a vacant, icy-blue gaze devoid of humanity—the descriptions of blackfrost dead vary by the teller, but none can deny the supernatural dread these monsters evoke.

Blackfrost dead take a variety of forms. Most are mindless, lumbering brutes, largely indiscernible from mundane zombies except for the curse they can inflict. Others not only maintain their presence of mind but wield powers of psychic corruption not unlike those of blackfrost's originator, Osoyo, the Blackfrost Whale. What form a blackfrost dead takes depends primarily on the victim's psychic fortitude and its aptitude for occult magic. (click to see full entry)


Blackfrost Guecubu (Creature 8), Blackfrost Prophet (Creature 9), Blackfrost Zombie (Creature 6)

Blightburn Genies

Source Pathfinder #155: Lord of the Black Sands pg. 78
Before the Black Desert became a barren sandscape, cultures with grand magical traditions lived under its soaring roof. These communities eventually left the vault or died out, but the genies they summoned remained and became warped by the region's pervasive blightburn radiation. (click to see full entry)


Ararda (Creature 18), Muurfeli (Creature 16)


Source Pathfinder #194: Cult of the Cave Worm pg. 84
Decades ago, the Court of Ether bred bloodseekers as show animals, thinking them adorably ugly. Generations later, the insects have become giantic. Visitors to the Court are impressed by how the bloodseekers to hover in place, fly through hoops, and only drink the blood of specific creatures.


Bloodseeker Swarm (Creature 3), Giant Bloodseeker (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 43 1.1
While domesticated pigs are a staple of farm life, wild boars are much more dangerous. Foul-tempered warthogs are relatively common, while the lumbering, primeval beasts known as daeodons are less so. Voracious boars can ravage the countryside in which they live, making them a particular nuisance to farmers. Boars breed freely, and a pair of boars can rapidly grow to a large family.


Boar (Creature 2), Daeodon (Creature 4)


Source Pathfinder #152: Legacy of the Lost God pg. 78
Bogeymen are stealers of innocence and devourers of souls. Few targets who survive an encounter with them remain unchanged. (click to see full entry)


Bogey (Creature 3), Bogeyman (Creature 10), Bugaboo (Creature 6)


Source Monster Core pg. 44 1.1
Boggards are aggressive humanoid amphibians who thrive in swamps, marshes, and even some rain forests. Boggards hatch from eggs into tadpoles, fiercely competing for food and even consuming their siblings in that struggle. (click to see full entry)


Boggard Cultist (Creature 8), Boggard Scout (Creature 1), Boggard Swampseer (Creature 3), Boggard Warrior (Creature 2)

Bone Skipper

Source Pathfinder #158: Sixty Feet Under pg. 80
Orange-headed bone skippers feast on the flesh of the dead, particularly seeking out the marrow in the bones of large carcasses. These strange flies are named for the way they hop about on rotting bodies as they feed, causing the corpses to move and appear as if alive.


Bone Skipper Swarm (Creature 6), Giant Bone Skipper (Creature 7)

Bore Worm

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 36
These Darklands vermin produce corrosive, noxious slime and deliver agonizing bites, whether as a revolting, wriggling swarm of finger-length worms or a single massive, lurching beast. Among Darklands communities, most inhabitants regard bore worms much in the same way surface cultures speak of maggots or cockroaches—with general disdain and revulsion. (click to see full entry)


Bore Worm Swarm (Creature 5), Empress Bore Worm (Creature 7)


Source Pathfinder #154: Siege of the Dinosaurs pg. 79
Brughadatches are malevolent fey tricksters with distinct stages of life: they spawn from the First World's primal energies as esurient tadpoles, grow into humanoids capable of creating enticing illusions, then finally evolve into huge, slothful toads that warp their environs with mere thoughts.


Brughadatch (Creature 10), Doblagub (Creature 13), Gahlepod (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 47 1.1
These stealthy and cruel goblinoid creatures delight in spreading fear and tormenting their victims. Bugbears are the monsters lurking in the closet and hiding under the bed. Preying on remote farmsteads, bugbears reveal their presence with thumps in the night or creaks of boards to build lurking dread and arouse suspicion and fear.


Bugbear Prowler (Creature 2), Bugbear Tormentor (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 48 1.1
Calignis lurk in subterranean cities, with each caligni growing into a specific role and form determined by supernatural influences in caligni society. Regardless of their size or role, all calignis are gaunt, with pale flesh and white eyes. Many relish the chance to creep above ground at night to steal


Caligni Assassin (Creature 8), Caligni Caller (Creature 6), Caligni Dancer (Creature 1), Caligni Hunter (Creature 4), Caligni Skulker (Creature 2), Caligni Slayer (Creature 3), Caligni Vanguard (Creature 5)


Source Monster Core pg. 50 1.1
Few predators of the natural world can match the cat's talent for stalking and stealth. Large cats can be found in almost any environment, usually keeping their distance from settlements. When civilization encroaches onto a big cat's hunting grounds, the animals are often driven to making desperate attacks against unwary travelers.


Leopard (Creature 2), Lion (Creature 3), Smilodon (Creature 6), Tiger (Creature 4)

Cave Worm

Source Monster Core pg. 54 1.1
Cave worms are gigantic scavengers that bore through the depths of the world, eating whatever material they find. Named for their distinctive habitats, these worms are ravenous and display overwhelming destructive capabilities. Cave worms of different types and abilities lurk in the more remote corners of the world—tales speak of arctic worms that dwell within immense glaciers or icebergs and grave worms that burrow through the boneyards of long-forgotten ruins, to name a few.


Benthic Worm (Creature 15), Cave Worm (Creature 13), Glacial Worm (Creature 16), Gray Worm (Creature 11), Juvenile Cave Worm (Creature 8), Larval Cave Worm Brood (Creature 10), Magma Worm (Creature 18), Shadow Worm (Creature 20)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 45
Cecaelias resemble humans with octopus tentacles instead of legs. These oceanic hunters are agile and intelligent creatures, but proud. (click to see full entry)


Cecaelia Trapper (Creature 5)


Source Monster Core pg. 59 1.1
Hunters and scavengers that live amid dung and detritus, centipedes are a relatively common and often reviled threat faced by adventurers. Scurrying about with surprising speed on the scores of legs attached to their long, segmented bodies, centipedes strike with poisoned mandibles to slow and torment their prey with a vicious toxin before they settle down to feed in slow and disgusting leisure.


Centipede Swarm (Creature 3), Giant Centipede (Creature -1), Giant Whiptail Centipede (Creature 3), Titan Centipede (Creature 9)


Source Monster Core pg. 60 1.1
As children of hags, perhaps destined to become hags themselves, changelings face a life of conflict. Born of supernatural creatures who usually kill and consume the child's father, changelings are deposited into their father's society to be raised. (click to see full entry)


Changeling Exile (Creature 3)


Source The Mwangi Expanse pg. 296 2.0
Legend tells that charau-ka share ancestry with the demon lord Angazhan, who transformed the dead bodies of humans who waged war against his cult, causing them to rise as the first of the mandrill-like humanoids. Though long unproven, rumors persist that charau-ka priests have perfected a hideous ritual that forces the slain to reincarnate as new charau-ka in honor of this ancient tale. (click to see full entry)


Charau-ka Acolyte of Angazhan (Creature 3), Charau-ka Butcher (Creature 6), Charau-ka Warrior (Creature 1)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 132 2.1
The chimera heads presented below can replace one or more of the heads in the chimera stat block presented in Monster Core. To do so, use the Strike entry listed in the replacement head instead of the one in the original stat block; if you replace the dragon head, you must remove the creature's Dragon Breath ability. However, each of the new heads below grants new abilities. (click to see full entry)


Chimera (Creature 8), Greater Chimera (Creature 13)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 48
Intricate, complex machines, clockworks are built with care by highly skilled engineers. Though their creation involves some amount of magic, they're primarily mechanical, packed with precision-tuned gears and springs working in concert. (click to see full entry)


Clockwork Amalgam (Creature 20), Clockwork Assassin (Creature 13), Clockwork Brewer (Creature 3), Clockwork Buccaneer (Creature 9), Clockwork Cannoneer (Creature 15), Clockwork Clock Tower (Creature 20), Clockwork Disposer (Creature 5), Clockwork Door Warden (Creature 4), Clockwork Dragon (Creature 16), Clockwork Fabricator (Creature 4), Clockwork Handler (Creature 1), Clockwork Hunter (Creature 0), Clockwork Mage (Creature 9), Clockwork Puppeteer (Creature 12), Clockwork Serpent (Creature 8), Clockwork Serpent Spy (Creature 1), Clockwork Soldier (Creature 6), Clockwork Sphinx (Creature 8), Clockwork Spy (Creature -1)


Source Monster Core pg. 65 1.1
These sacred feathered serpents tirelessly serve the powers of knowledge and justice. Some operate directly as messengers and intermediaries of the deities, while others operate independently in aiding the cause of righteousness. Either way, they watch over mortals and try to influence and aid them from the shadows, shifting from plane to plane to spread wisdom and healing where they are needed. (click to see full entry)


Mix Couatl (Creature 8), Quetz Coatl (Creature 10), Scalliwing (Creature 3), Xiuh Couatl (Creature 12)

Cobble Mite

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 52
Cobble mites resemble squarish stones a few inches across with mouths like split geodes. Though indolent and harmless alone, they're dangerous in large groups.


Cobbleswarm (Creature 2), Sturzstromer (Creature 19)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 53 2.0
Generally seen more as a nuisance than a personal danger, cockroaches inhabit most reaches of the world. They are scavengers who live off the detritus of the natural world and from those that inhabit it. (click to see full entry)


Cockroach Swarm (Creature 2), Giant Cockroach (Creature 1)

Contemplative of Ashok

Source Pathfinder #173: Doorway to the Red Star pg. 80
The ancestors of the Contemplatives of Ashok were humanoids of vast intellect who unlocked occult powers. They deliberately evolved their mental faculties at the expense of their physical forms, and their atrophied bodies dangle beneath giant brains.


Contemplative (Creature 2), Contemplative Meditant (Creature 15), Contemplative Mentor (Creature 18)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 57 2.0
Crabs are scavenging crustaceans known for their hard shells and iconic sideways gait. They use their claws to defend themselves, hunt, and fight other crabs for territory. (click to see full entry)


Giant Crab (Creature 2), Giant Hermit Crab (Creature 5), Hermit Crab Swarm (Creature 4)

Crawling hand

Source Monster Core pg. 68 1.1
Typically, crawling hands form when severed appendages are endowed with a crude sentience by necromantic energies that turn them into tireless killers. Yet, crawling hands can also arise spontaneously, usually when a creature loses an appendage in a place rife with necromantic energy or with a connection to the Void.


Crawling Hand (Creature -1), Giant Crawling Hand (Creature 5)


Source Monster Core pg. 69 1.1
Powerful and primeval in appearance, crocodiles are dangerous natural predators that dwell in marshes, riverbeds, swamps, and other wetlands.


Crocodile (Creature 2), Deinosuchus (Creature 9)


Source Monster Core pg. 70 1.1
The cyclopes are violent giants with a tragic past. Although they possess only one eye, they could once see far more than most, possessing occult wisdom and divinatory magic that gave them the mystic ability of foresight. But their legendary oracular powers failed to prevent the fall of their society, and the vast kingdoms of the cyclops long ago collapsed into ruin. Today, cyclopes have forgotten much of what they once knew, and they skulk among the crumbling remains of their fallen cities like forgotten kings and queens of their own fallen kingdoms.


Cyclops (Creature 5), Great Cyclops (Creature 12)


Source Monster Core pg. 72 1.1
Denizens of the bleak and terrible plane of Abaddon, daemons are shaped by and devoted to the destruction of life in all its forms. They seek the death of every mortal being by the most painful and horrible means possible, in service to the Apocalypse Riders. (click to see full entry)


Agradaemon (Creature 19), Astradaemon (Creature 16), Cacodaemon (Creature 1), Ceustodaemon (Creature 6), Crucidaemon (Creature 15), Derghodaemon (Creature 12), Leukodaemon (Creature 9), Meladaemon (Creature 11), Obcisidaemon (Creature 19), Olethrodaemon (Creature 20), Phasmadaemon (Creature 17), Piscodaemon (Creature 10), Purrodaemon (Creature 18), Sordesdaemon (Creature 15), Thanadaemon (Creature 13), Venedaemon (Creature 5)


Source Book of the Dead pg. 82
Darvakkas, also called nightshades, are a ravenous evil made up of equal parts darkness and malice. Originally creatures of the Outer Planes who travel to the convergence of the Shadow Plane and the Negative Energy Plane—where the power of nothingness obliterates them—these undead abominations are the physical embodiment of entropy. (click to see full entry)


Nasurgeth (Creature 20), Sykever (Creature 15), Umbraex (Creature 21), Urveth (Creature 18), Vanyver (Creature 13)

Deadly Flora

Source The Fall of Plaguestone pg. 62
Often overlooked in light of more obvious threats, some plants can be just as deadly and dangerous as wild beasts.


Bloodlash Bush (Creature 2), Vine Lasher (Creature 0)

Deadly Puffball

Source Pathfinder #165: Eyes of Empty Death pg. 79
Many benign puffball fungi cling to the detritus of forest floors in Darklands caverns. These fungi's giant versions are more mobile and dangerous.


Dragon's Blood Puffball (Creature 8), Reaper Skull Puffball (Creature 9)

Deathless Acolyte

Source Book of the Dead pg. 88
Deathless acolytes are an oddity among undead, neither willingly transformed nor, strictly speaking, transformed against their will. The creation of a deathless acolyte is an act of direct intervention by a deity, typically as a double-edged reward and curse granted to a faithful priest who failed in completing a divine mandate due to circumstances beyond their control. (click to see full entry)


Deathless Acolyte of Urgathoa (Creature 3), Deathless Hierophant of Urgathoa (Creature 7)

Deep Gnome

Source Bestiary pg. 74
These distant cousins to gnomes are reclusive, underground dwellers. Svirfneblins, as deep gnomes call themselves, have skin the color of gray or brown stone. (click to see full entry)


Deep Gnome Rockwarden (Creature 5), Deep Gnome Scout (Creature 1), Deep Gnome Warrior (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 76 1.1
When a sinful mortal soul is judged and sent on to the Outer Rifts, it can become a deadly fiend—a demon. Demons are living incarnations of sin—be they classic sins like wrath or gluttony, or more “specialized” depravities like an obsession with torture or the act of treason or treachery. (click to see full entry)


Abrikandilu (Creature 4), Babau (Creature 6), Balor (Creature 20), Brimorak (Creature 5), Ghalzarokh (Creature 15), Glabrezu (Creature 13), Hezrou (Creature 11), Invidiak (Creature 7), Kalavakus (Creature 10), Katpaskir (Creature 18), Kithangian (Creature 9), Marilith (Creature 17), Nabasu (Creature 8), Nalfeshnee (Creature 14), Omox (Creature 12), Pusk (Creature 2), Quasit (Creature 1), Roru (Creature 7), Seraptis (Creature 15), Shemhazian (Creature 16), Succubus (Creature 7), Urglid (Grave Demon) (Creature 13), Vavakia (Creature 18), Vermlek (Creature 3), Vloriak (Creature 5), Vrock (Creature 9), Vrolikai (Creature 20)


Demon Throng

Demon Throng

Source Pathfinder #191: The Destiny War pg. 82
Demons are legion. Countless examples crowd the Abyss, many of which have yet to be categorized by mortal scholars. In the Abyss, might very much makes right, and so despite their chaotic nature, weaker demons often gather together to enjoy safety in numbers.


Demonic Rabble (Creature 13), Wrath Riot (Creature 16)


Source Monster Core pg. 84 1.1
Deros are short, wiry humanoids with milky white eyes, gray-blue skin, and wild shocks of off-white or gray hair. The descendants of a mysterious type of fey abandoned in the deepest, darkest caverns of Golarion, deros are the subject of fearful legends and folk tales to most of the world's surface races. (click to see full entry)


Dero Magister (Creature 5), Dero Stalker (Creature 2), Dero Strangler (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 86 1.1
Masters of corruption and architects of conquest, devils seek both to tempt mortal life to join in their pursuit of all things profane and to spread tyranny throughout all worlds. (click to see full entry)


Coarti (Creature 7), Cornugon (Creature 16), Deimavigga (Creature 17), Erinys (Creature 8), Ferrugon (Creature 12), Gelugon (Creature 13), Gylou (Creature 14), Hamatula (Creature 11), Hellbound Attorney (Creature 4), Imp (Creature 1), Levaloch (Creature 7), Munagola (Creature 11), Nessari (Creature 20), Ort (Creature 0), Osyluth (Creature 9), Phistophilus (Creature 10), Sarglagon (Creature 8), Uniila (Creature 10), Vordine (Creature 5), Zebub (Creature 3)


Source Pathfinder #165: Eyes of Empty Death pg. 80
Strange things swim in sunless seas, but few as fierce as the shark-like dhuthorexes. These beasts chase prey fearlessly and tenaciously.


Deepwater Dhuthorex (Creature 9), Dread Dhuthorex (Creature 11)


Source Monster Core pg. 96 1.1
Remnants from the world's primeval era, these enormous reptilian animals still exist in large numbers in remote wildernesses or underground in magical Darklands caverns. Lizardfolk, orcs, giants, and other humanoids who live near dinosaurs use the animals as mounts, guards, or hunting beasts. (click to see full entry)


Ankylosaurus (Creature 6), Brontosaurus (Creature 10), Carnotaurus (Creature 7), Compsognathus (Creature -1), Deinonychus (Creature 2), Hadrosaurid (Creature 4), Iguanodon (Creature 6), Majungasaurus (Creature 6), Pachycephalosaurus (Creature 3), Protoceratops (Creature 2), Spinosaurus (Creature 11), Stegosaurus (Creature 7), Therizinosaurus (Creature 9), Thruneosaurus Rex (Creature 17), Titanosaur (Creature 16), Triceratops (Creature 8), Troodon (Creature 1), Tyrannosaurus (Creature 10), Velociraptor (Creature 1)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 140 2.1
Dischorans are a group of predators who hunt via focused sound. Though they possess protuberances that resemble eyes, these are actually auditory sensory organs that can pick up even the slightest sound and are used to locate prey with pinpoint accuracy. (click to see full entry)


Drthak (Creature 6), Morthak (Creature 4), Soniphak (Creature 9)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 68
Some fiends want to tear down the multiverse; others dedicate themselves to creating chaos and carnage, or to rule over realms with an iron fist. Divs strive toward a different, if equally reprehensible, goal—they seek to thwart and ruin the schemes and works of mortal beings. (click to see full entry)


Aghash (Creature 4), Doru (Creature 1), Pairaka (Creature 7), Sepid (Creature 14)

Divine Warden

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 72
Created through complex rituals performed by a faith's adherents, divine wardens have been imbued with a fraction of the power that courses through a champion or cleric of a particular deity. This divine spark allows the divine warden to serve as the protector for a temple, shrine, or other holy site. (click to see full entry)


Divine Warden Of Brigh (Creature 10), Divine Warden Of Nethys (Creature 5)


Source Monster Core pg. 102 1.1
Dogs are trusted and loyal companions that serve as guardians, tracking animals, and pets. Their ability to detect prey or predators via scent and their predilection to accompany humanoids makes them ideal pets for most adventurers. There are hundreds of breeds of dogs in the world—from tiny lapdogs who shower their masters in affection to brawny hounds that stand nearly 4 feet high at the shoulder—and they can be found in nearly any place where people reside. (click to see full entry)


Guard Dog (Creature -1), Riding Dog (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 103 1.1
Dolphins encompass a wide range of aquatic mammals, all of which are social, intelligent, and widespread throughout the world's oceans.


Bottlenose Dolphin (Creature 0), Orca (Creature 5), Whalesteed (Creature 0)

Dominion of the Black

Source Monster Core pg. 104 1.1
The Dominion of the Black is a conglomeration of deep-space conquerors with a strong presence on Aucturn, the most remote planet in Golarion's solar system. The Dominion has secret outposts all over Golarion; most of its members on the planet are scouts, using their skills to steal brains and identities, gathering information without any consideration for the inhabitants of the worlds they infiltrate.


Gosreg (Creature 11), Jah-Tohl (Creature 8), Rhu-Chalik (Creature 6), Xoarian (Creature 8)


Source Monster Core pg. 108 1.1
Dragons come in myriad forms, with many having magical abilities or connections to magic. Some dragons draw greater power from magic than others, allowing them to manifest abilities or alter their physiques with prolonged exposure to magic. These dragons become more powerful as they age and strengthen their connections with their magical origins. Scholars debate the classification of these dragons, with some preferring the name magical dragons and others using traditional dragons due to their connection to specific magical traditions. Regardless of their names, these dragons share a number of characteristics: their ability to tap into magical energies, intensified might and cunning as they grow older, and an inclination to hoard vast amounts of treasure and wealth. (click to see full entry)


Dragon, Adamantine, Dragon, Conspirator, Dragon, Diabolic, Dragon, Empyreal, Dragon, Fortune, Dragon, Horned, Dragon, Mirage, Dragon, Omen

Dragon, Adamantine

Source Monster Core pg. 108 1.1
The powerful adamantine dragons are one of several dragons known as skymetal dragons. The innate magic that flows through these dragons causes them to draw particular metals to their bodies like magnets or, in some cases, naturally grow these skymetals on their bodies. Adamantine dragons begin their lives with tough scales that are naturally replaced with thicker and even tougher adamantine plating as they grow older. Adamantine dragons are typically steadfast and loyal. Once they commit to a certain purpose, changing their minds is nigh impossible.


Adult Adamantine Dragon (Creature 13), Ancient Adamantine Dragon (Creature 18), Young Adamantine Dragon (Creature 9)

Dragon, Black

Source Bestiary pg. 104
Murderous tyrants of marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens, black dragons terrorize their domains with intense fervor. Gleefully sadistic, they rule their fetid principalities from a deep cave or otherwise isolated part of the swamp with a mix of lightning-quick raids and subterfuge. (click to see full entry)


Adult Black Dragon (Creature 11), Ancient Black Dragon (Creature 16), Young Black Dragon (Creature 7)

Dragon, Blue

Source Bestiary pg. 106
Blue dragons are the sleek and poised cosmopolitans of the chromatic dragons. Their brand of evil is organized, manipulative, and regal. (click to see full entry)


Adult Blue Dragon (Creature 13), Ancient Blue Dragon (Creature 18), Young Blue Dragon (Creature 9)

Dragon, Brass

Source Bestiary pg. 117
Brass dragons are whimsical tricksters who delight in humor and play. They particularly enjoy conversations with humans and other civilized humanoids, delighting in the naive customs of these diminutive races without showing them haughtiness or scorn. (click to see full entry)


Adult Brass Dragon (Creature 11), Ancient Brass Dragon (Creature 16), Young Brass Dragon (Creature 7)

Dragon, Brine

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 86 2.0
Brine dragons are usually blue-green in color, with shiny scales, crests that help them glide through the water, and sweeping neck frills. They care little for either good or evil. (click to see full entry)


Adult Brine Dragon (Creature 12), Ancient Brine Dragon (Creature 17), Young Brine Dragon (Creature 8)

Dragon, Bronze

Source Bestiary pg. 119
Bronze dragons are among the most common of metallic dragons and the most likely to ally with mortals on worthy quests. However, they are naturally scholarly creatures who would rather remain in their lairs studying esoteric lore than go off on a wild adventure. (click to see full entry)


Adult Bronze Dragon (Creature 13), Ancient Bronze Dragon (Creature 18), Young Bronze Dragon (Creature 9)

Dragon, Chromatic

Source Bestiary pg. 104
While there are many types of dragons, from the powerful planar dragons to the strange esoteric dragons, few dragon varieties are as well-known and as rightly feared as the chromatic dragons. Differentiated by the hue of their scales, each color of dragon unleashes its own flavor of murderous cruelty—be it by claw, tooth, or breath—and unlike most creatures, dragons only become more powerful as they age. (click to see full entry)


Dragon, Black, Dragon, Blue, Dragon, Green, Dragon, Red, Dragon, White

Dragon, Cloud

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 88 2.0
At heart, cloud dragons are wanderers, explorers, and travelers who enjoy nothing more than seeing new lands and meeting unusual creatures. Cloud dragons range in color from light blue to a pale, milky white and have thick, curling horns and rather short snouts. (click to see full entry)


Adult Cloud Dragon (Creature 14), Ancient Cloud Dragon (Creature 19), Young Cloud Dragon (Creature 10)

Dragon, Conspirator

Source Monster Core pg. 110 1.1
Hidden among the shadows and upper echelons of society are the conspirator dragons. These dragons are schemers, always looking to manipulate and control others, either for personal gain or simply for the thrill of watching their machinations play out. Conspirator dragons see themselves above others and typically speak with infantilizing tones and words. However, as most conspirator dragons meet others while in disguise, they do their best to maintain their disguise.


Adult Conspirator Dragon (Creature 12), Ancient Conspirator Dragon (Creature 17), Young Conspirator Dragon (Creature 8)

Dragon, Copper

Source Bestiary pg. 121
Capricious and always eager to share a good laugh, copper dragons are among the wiliest of the metallic dragons, but this by no means interferes with their mission to spread freedom in oppressive lands. Copper dragons are hedonists who are quick to indulge in simple pleasures, but they're also sympathetic to other creatures, slow to pass judgment, and careful to always examine a situation from as many perspectives as possible. (click to see full entry)


Adult Copper Dragon (Creature 12), Ancient Copper Dragon (Creature 17), Young Copper Dragon (Creature 8)

Dragon, Crystal

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 91 2.0
Good-natured but vain, crystal dragons are beautiful creatures with brilliant hides made of multicolored crystal and gemstone. Their beauty is a source of great pride but is also something of a weakness, as crystal dragons are easily angered by insults about their appearance. (click to see full entry)


Adult Crystal Dragon (Creature 11), Ancient Crystal Dragon (Creature 16), Young Crystal Dragon (Creature 7)

Dragon, Diabolic

Source Monster Core pg. 112 1.1
Hell, according to some theologians, is a living entity in and of itself. Diabolic dragons, these scholars argue, are just extensions of the plane, living creatures that break off from Hell to enact its will. Whether this is true or whether diabolical dragons are simply the reborn souls of dragons sent to Hell, the fact remains that these dragons are powerful, cunning, and tyrannical. Every diabolic dragon's goal is to further Hell's will, though how this happens can vary. Regardless of their goals, these dragons always approach newcomers with an unsettling calmness.


Adult Diabolic Dragon (Creature 15), Ancient Diabolic Dragon (Creature 20), Young Diabolic Dragon (Creature 11)

Dragon, Empyreal

Source Monster Core pg. 114 1.1
The three major celestial planes—Heaven, Nirvana, and Elysium—each have their own respective dragons. Empyreal dragons have a direct connection to Heaven. Using the blessings of Heaven, empyreal dragons protect others and intercede against wickedness. Empyreal dragons are wise, considerate, and compassionate. When speaking with others, empyreal dragons are patient and understanding.


Adult Empyreal Dragon (Creature 14), Ancient Empyreal Dragon (Creature 19), Young Empyreal Dragon (Creature 10)

Dragon, Forest

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 74
Forest dragons oversee the endless growth of nature, protect it from plunder, and reclaim ruins for the wilderness. Some say these dragons jealously hoard nature's bounty for themselves while seeing everyone else who tries to benefit from nature as thieves and poachers. (click to see full entry)


Adult Forest Dragon (Creature 14), Ancient Forest Dragon (Creature 19), Young Forest Dragon (Creature 10)

Dragon, Fortune

Source Monster Core pg. 116 1.1
Fortune dragons have the innate ability to draw upon the raw magical energies that surround them. They constantly use these magical energies to empower their magical abilities and even their bodies, as the energy can heal wounds. A fortune dragon has a typical build for an arcane dragon, but their bodies sport a striking feature: their treasure. The dragon's nature of drawing upon magic causes coins, gems, and, most notably, magical items to cling to their body like iron drawn to magnets. A dragon constantly pulls magical energies from the items attached to their body and makes use of these energies to cast spells. The magical energies that flow through a fortune dragon constantly flow through the dragon's items as well, and in many cases, the items melt from the heat produced in this process. Fortune dragons are seekers of novel experiences. This desire for originality leads fortune dragons to approach visitors of other ancestries with curiosity, though this initial interest quickly wanes if a visitor lacks exciting qualities.


Adult Fortune Dragon (Creature 14), Ancient Fortune Dragon (Creature 19), Young Fortune Dragon (Creature 10)

Dragon, Gold

Source Bestiary pg. 123
Gold dragons are the epitome of metallic dragonkind, unrivaled in their strength as well as their wisdom. They command the unwavering reverence of all other metallic dragons, who view gold dragons as their leaders and counselors. (click to see full entry)


Adult Gold Dragon (Creature 15), Ancient Gold Dragon (Creature 20), Young Gold Dragon (Creature 11)

Dragon, Green

Source Bestiary pg. 109
Green dragons are the most contemplative of the chromatic dragons as well as the most approachable. The key to understanding green dragons is to understand their obsession with knowledge and self-discipline. (click to see full entry)


Adult Green Dragon (Creature 12), Ancient Green Dragon (Creature 17), Young Green Dragon (Creature 8)

Dragon, Horned

Source Monster Core pg. 119 1.1
The magic that flows through primal dragons can manifest more animalistic or bestial features in a given type of dragon. Notably among these are the massive paired horns of the horned dragon. While their bulky frames, natural coloration, and prominent ridged scales are all remarkable in their own way, it's the horns that are most obvious and striking at first glance. Horned dragons use their horns to impale their prey in a quick and brutal display of their might. They are generally contemplative and have a fixation on knowledge and self-discipline, traits belied by their bestial appearance. As a result, horned dragons are generally more open to speaking with outsiders.


Adult Horned Dragon (Creature 12), Ancient Horned Dragon (Creature 17), Young Horned Dragon (Creature 8)

Dragon, Imperial

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 74
Imperial dragons, namesake of the Dragon Empires and guardians of Tian Xia before humanity arrived, embody five strengthening and counteracting forces. Unlike other true dragons, imperial dragons dive deep into human affairs. (click to see full entry)


Dragon, Forest, Dragon, Sea, Dragon, Sky, Dragon, Sovereign, Dragon, Underworld

Dragon, Magma

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 93 2.0
Magma dragons have a reputation among other dragons for being unpredictable and brash. Their temperament and tendency for violent outbursts ensure that the typical magma dragon lives a solitary life, with hatchlings often bickering or fighting to establish dominance among themselves before they leave the nest. (click to see full entry)


Adult Magma Dragon (Creature 13), Ancient Magma Dragon (Creature 18), Young Magma Dragon (Creature 9)

Dragon, Metallic

Source Bestiary pg. 116
Paragons of virtue, nobility, and grace, metallic dragons are benevolent entities revered as mythic beings akin to gods in both their power and majesty. Few have ever seen a metallic dragon firsthand, but tales of their intervention in mortals' lives—and of their passing—always spread far and wide. (click to see full entry)


Dragon, Brass, Dragon, Bronze, Dragon, Copper, Dragon, Gold, Dragon, Silver

Dragon, Mirage

Source Monster Core pg. 121 1.1
Mirage dragons are masters of illusion magic and use their powers to deceive others and further their own agendas. In addition to their magical prowess, mirage dragons possess a number of additional features to help them on hunts or mislead attackers, such as their camouflaging scales and a hallucinatory breath that can confound multiple foes at once. Mirage dragons are vain and egotistical figures. They ultimately care more about themselves than others.


Adult Mirage Dragon (Creature 13), Ancient Mirage Dragon (Creature 18), Young Mirage Dragon (Creature 9)

Dragon, Omen

Source Monster Core pg. 123 1.1
Fate is a fickle matter on Golarion. Even with prophecy broken on the world, there are ways to look to the immediate future or acquire a vague sense of long-term events. Omen dragons are bound to see the future—nebulous though it might be—at all times. Visions of the future hound them like a quiet song that never stops playing in their minds. While an omen dragon can focus on or ignore the music of fate at any time, the song plays all the same. At a glance, omen dragons resemble other occult dragons in appearance, save for the mirror-like interior membrane of their wings. An omen dragon's wings offer glimpses into the future. These glimpses are cloudy and vague, but generally correct, if only technically. Omen dragons have a natural compulsion to share the futures they see. These dragons have no compunctions about what the visions show and share their knowledge equally with innocent villagers as they do with wicked tyrants.


Adult Omen Dragon (Creature 11), Ancient Omen Dragon (Creature 16), Young Omen Dragon (Creature 7)

Dragon, Primal

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 87 2.0
The strange and otherworldly primal dragons hail from realities adjacent to the Material Plane—the four Elemental Planes and the Shadow Plane. These true dragons have natures and powers that exemplify their plane of origin and an affinity for primal magic, unlike chromatic and metallic dragons, who favor arcane or divine magic. (click to see full entry)


Dragon, Brine, Dragon, Cloud, Dragon, Crystal, Dragon, Magma, Dragon, Umbral

Dragon, Red

Source Bestiary pg. 111
The largest and most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons are a menace to civilizations everywhere, and their strength is rivaled only by their arrogance. Red dragons see themselves as regents and overlords of all dragonkind. (click to see full entry)


Adult Red Dragon (Creature 14), Ancient Red Dragon (Creature 19), Young Red Dragon (Creature 10)

Dragon, Sea

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 77
Sea dragons' affinity with water grants them mastery over rain, storms, and floods. Those whose livelihoods are at the mercy of the weather and waves frequently venerate these great aquatic creatures. (click to see full entry)


Adult Sea Dragon (Creature 12), Ancient Sea Dragon (Creature 17), Young Sea Dragon (Creature 8)

Dragon, Silver

Source Bestiary pg. 125
Silver dragons are among the most chivalrous of all dragonkind; they wield frost and cold as weapons, can walk on clouds, and dwell high upon snowy mountain peaks or deep in steep, misty valleys. Although they typically make their lairs among the highlands, the pursuit of justice leads silver dragons to travel far and wide—often into the very heart of realms overrun by evil. (click to see full entry)


Adult Silver Dragon (Creature 14), Ancient Silver Dragon (Creature 19), Young Silver Dragon (Creature 10)

Dragon, Sky

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 79
Sky dragons live above the clouds near the summits of mountains. They maintain a strong religious tradition, a unique practice among imperial dragons that sets them apart as much as their wings do. (click to see full entry)


Adult Sky Dragon (Creature 13), Ancient Sky Dragon (Creature 18), Young Sky Dragon (Creature 9)

Dragon, Sovereign

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 81
The most well-known of imperial dragons due to their deep involvement with mortals, the sovereign dragons' name comes from their mandate of selecting rulers—but at some point, the dragons themselves joined the list of worthy candidates. Other imperial dragons suspect the sovereign dragons offered their connection to the elemental cycle to attain forbidden magic, evidenced by their lack of any vulnerability to wood or ability to feed on fire, despite being creatures of the earth. (click to see full entry)


Adult Sovereign Dragon (Creature 15), Ancient Sovereign Dragon (Creature 20), Young Sovereign Dragon (Creature 11)

Dragon, Umbral

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 95 2.0
While the other primal dragons hail from the Elemental Planes, the cruel and unceasingly malicious umbral dragons originate in the depths of the Shadow Plane. Their sleek black scales and serpentine grace allow them to strike from hiding, and they are known for playing with their prey before finally finishing it. (click to see full entry)


Adult Umbral Dragon (Creature 15), Ancient Umbral Dragon (Creature 20), Young Umbral Dragon (Creature 11)

Dragon, Underworld

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 83
Underworld dragons embody the pressure between tectonic plates, the heat behind geysers, and flash fires that ignite when the conditions are just right. Natural alchemists, they innately understand reagents and catalysts. (click to see full entry)


Adult Underworld Dragon (Creature 11), Ancient Underworld Dragon (Creature 16), Young Underworld Dragon (Creature 7)

Dragon, White

Source Bestiary pg. 113
The most feral and least intelligent of all the chromatic dragons, white dragons are brutish, predatory, and chiefly motivated by self-preservation. Nearly all other dragons look down on white dragons as hopelessly hotheaded and dull, though this does not make them any less dangerous—in fact, it may mean the opposite. (click to see full entry)


Adult White Dragon (Creature 10), Ancient White Dragon (Creature 15), Young White Dragon (Creature 6)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 98 2.0
Dragonflies hunt with a combination of agile power and deadly speed. In their early life stages these insects are entirely aquatic predators, but they take to the air once they've molted. (click to see full entry)


Enormous Dragonfly (Creature 9), Giant Dragonfly (Creature 4), Giant Dragonfly Nymph (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 128 1.1
Ravenous, bestial, and driven by instinct, drakes are draconic monsters who bear a fraction of the terrifying might of the primal dragons they share evolutionary roots with. While they're weaker, slower, and less inclined toward reason than dragons, drakes are nonetheless a menace to creatures and settlements around them. (click to see full entry)


Desert Drake (Creature 8), Flame Drake (Creature 5), Frost Drake (Creature 7), Jungle Drake (Creature 6), Prairie Drake (Creature 2), River Drake (Creature 3), Sea Drake (Creature 6), Shadow Drake (Creature 2), Wyvern (Creature 6)


Source Bestiary pg. 136
The first drow were elves who fled into the depths of the world from a devastating cataclysm thousands of years ago. In their journey below, they fell to bickering and in-fighting, drawing the attention of sinister intelligences beyond their own. (click to see full entry)


Drow Fighter (Creature 1), Drow Hunter (Creature 7), Drow Priestess (Creature 3), Drow Rogue (Creature 2), Drow Shootist (Creature 8), Drow Warden (Creature 4)


Source Monster Core pg. 137 1.1
Few avian creatures can match the beauty and grace of the eagle.


Eagle (Creature -1), Giant Eagle (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 138 1.1
Although these long, narrow fish share similarities in appearance, eels are a diverse group of creatures.


Electric Eel (Creature 1), Giant Moray Eel (Creature 5)

Elder Thing

Source Pathfinder #189: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 84
Known by various names on various worlds, but most often as “elder things” or “old ones,” these alien creatures are interested in creating lasting works of art, architecture, and even life (such as the legendary and dreaded shoggoth). Matched with their boundless capacity for egotism and enormous life spans, elder things often see themselves as the most learned and advanced species on any planet they visit, and tend to treat most other forms of life like a scientist might treat experimental stock. While not generally inimical or violent, their nature often puts them at odds against other societies they encounter, and war is a time-honored solution. The elder things rarely shy away from using violence to secure their own territory and their perceived right to experiment and explore.

A typical elder thing is 6 feet tall from head to foot, with a 7-foot wingspan. Their bodies are radial in nature, with five wings, five tentacle-like arms that each end in a writhing nest of tendrils, and five eyestalks. At one end of their barrel-shaped bodies are several larger tentacles they use for combat and locomotion, while at the other, at the center of their five eyes in their starfish-shaped heads, sits a single mouth surrounded by multicolored cilia. An elder thing's language is a mix of piping and whistling sounds, but they can vocalize a wide range of other languages as well—albeit with a strange, high-pitched accent.


Elder Thing (Creature 5), Elder Thing Researcher (Creature 10)

Elemental Bird

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 143 2.1
(click to see full entry)


Chaos Falcon (Creature 10)

Elemental, Air

Source Monster Core pg. 140 1.1
Hailing from the Plane of Air, these beings appear in a variety of sizes and shapes. They're noted for being elusive, swift, and often difficult to detect due to being composed primarily of air.


Belker (Creature 6), Despairing Pall (Creature 1), Elemental Hurricane (Creature 11), Living Thunderclap (Creature 4), Living Whirlwind (Creature 5), Melody On The Wind (Creature 10), Phade (Creature 7), Picture-in-Cloud (Creature 13), Spark Bat (Creature 2), Storm Lord (Creature 9), Veiled Current (Creature 8), Zephyr Hawk (Creature 3)

Elemental, Earth

Source Monster Core pg. 142 1.1
Earth elementals make excellent bodyguards for adventuresome spelunkers and are ideal protectors of important subterranean locations such as vaults and treasuries.


Crystal Strider (Creature 10), Crystalline Sentinel (Creature 11), Earthen Destrier (Creature 4), Elder Outcrop (Creature 13), Elemental Avalanche (Creature 11), Gluttonous Geode (Creature 1), Granite Glyptodont (Creature 8), Living Boulder (Creature 2), Living Landslide (Creature 5), Sand Sentry (Creature 6), Sod Hound (Creature 3), Stone Mauler (Creature 9), Xorn (Creature 7)

Elemental, Fire

Source Monster Core pg. 144 1.1
Fire elementals are destructive manifestations of the scorching Plane of Fire. Although most fire elementals revel in the chance to experience new kinds of fires away from their home plane, even the most considerate fire elemental can be a danger to humanoids and their property.


Cinder Rat (Creature 3), Elemental Inferno (Creature 11), Ember Fox (Creature 2), Filth Fire (Creature 4), Firewyrm (Creature 9), Lava Otter (Creature 1), Living Magma (Creature 13), Living Wildfire (Creature 5), Magma Scorpion (Creature 8), Salamander (Creature 7), Solar Crow (Creature 10), Striding Fire (Creature 6)

Elemental, Metal

Source Rage of Elements pg. 153 2.0
Metal elementals can manifest in a wide variety of different forms, from shapeless amalgams of different metals to humanoid and beast-like monstrosities.


Abysium Horror (Creature 10), Ferrous Butterfly (Creature 1), Kinzaruk (Creature 3), Living Lodestone (Creature 6), Melomach (Creature 13), Mercurial (Creature 2), Nanoshard Swarm (Creature 9), Oregorger (Creature 11), Quickiron Plasm (Creature 4), Rust Scarab (Creature 5), Skymetal Striker (Creature 7)

Elemental, Scamp

Source Monster Core pg. 146 1.1
Elemental scamps are bat-like critters marked by elemental powers. Scamps are dispatched from the Elemental Planes by more powerful residents or called to the Universe by neophyte summoners. All scamps have a hint of magical power due to a lingering connection to their home plane, which they largely use to pull simple pranks.< (click to see full entry)


Air Scamp (Creature 1), Dust Mephit (Creature 1), Earth Scamp (Creature 1), Fire Scamp (Creature 1), Ice Mephit (Creature 1), Metal Scamp (Creature 1), Ooze Mephit (Creature 1), Steam Mephit (Creature 1), Water Scamp (Creature 1), Wood Scamp (Creature 1)

Elemental, Water

Source Monster Core pg. 148 1.1
Water elementals can be very destructive, but often not intentionally so; just as water can bring life to mortals in need, its waves can pound shores and rains can flood cities. Water elementals are similarly difficult to predict.


Blizzardborn (Creature 6), Boiling Spring (Creature 13), Brine Shark (Creature 3), Coldmire Pond (Creature 8), Dewdrop Jelly (Creature 1), Elemental Tsunami (Creature 11), Elemental Vessel, Water (Creature 16), Icewyrm (Creature 10), Icicle Snake (Creature 2), Living Waterfall (Creature 5), Mist Stalker (Creature 4), Quatoid (Creature 7), Tidal Master (Creature 9)

Elemental, Wisp

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 90
Wisps are tiny elemental beings that emerged during the creation of the Elemental Planes. The first wisps roamed the Inner Sphere in shifting symphonies that traded members with their every meeting. (click to see full entry)


Air Wisp (Creature 0), Earth Wisp (Creature 0), Fire Wisp (Creature 0), Metal Wisp (Creature 0), Water Wisp (Creature 0), Wood Wisp (Creature 0)

Elemental, Wood

Source Rage of Elements pg. 204 2.0
At first glance, wood elementals might not seem to have the same destructive potential as their cousins from the Planes of Fire, Water, or Air, but don't be fooled. The woods can be a dangerous place. (click to see full entry)


Carved Beast (Creature 6), Elemental Thicket (Creature 11), Living Grove (Creature 5), Moss Sloth (Creature 2), Nursery Crawler (Creature 3), Painted Stag (Creature 9), Pine Pangolin (Creature 7), Snapdrake (Creature 8), Twins of Rowan (Creature 13), Vegetable Lamb (Creature 1), Whipping Willow (Creature 4)


Source Monster Core pg. 150 1.1
Immediately recognizable by their long, prehensile trunks and impressive tusks, elephants have different characteristics depending on where they are found. Elephants are used as beasts of burden in many regions, but they are extremely clever and must be handled with great care.


Anancus (Creature 8), Elephant (Creature 7), Mammoth (Creature 10), Mastodon (Creature 9)


Source Pathfinder #176: Lost Mammoth Valley pg. 85
Powerful and swift land mammals, elk range through the plains, hills, and forests of the wilderness.


Elk (Creature 1), Megaloceros (Creature 4)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 92
The Astral Plane is a planar nexus, connecting the planes of the Inner Sphere to those of the Outer Sphere, a realm of timeless silver substance charged with mental essence drawn from throughout the Great Beyond. Most creatures on the Astral Plane are visitors—predators seeking to poach from the River of Souls, psychopomps guarding against such incursions, and aeons monitoring the flow of raw quintessence through the Antipode. Yet, this plane has spawned creatures native to its strange currents and eddies, foremost of which is the family of thought-spawned creatures known as ennosites. (click to see full entry)


Adachros (Creature 13), Caulborn (Creature 7), Ioton (Creature 0), Loreavor (Creature 9), Shulsaga (Creature 3)

Ethereal Wildlife

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 146 2.1
The following animals all have ties to the Ethereal Plane.


Ghost Ape (Creature 4), Mist Bear (Creature 7), Rift Chameleon (Creature 3)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 97
Fearsome predators and durable pests, eurypterids are hard-carapaced arthropods sometimes referred to as sea scorpions. Though aquatic creatures, they have robust respiratory systems that allow them to survive indefinitely on land. (click to see full entry)


Common Eurypterid (Creature -1), Spiny Eurypterid (Creature 5)


Source Pathfinder #185: A Taste of Ashes pg. 84
Inspired by the work of the Azlanti and their obsessions with aeon stones, certain necromancers strive to tap into those curious magical items to create undead with powerful abilities. A facetbound is created from a living being with an aeon stone surgically attached to their skull who is killed in a specific, secret ritual. Each facetbound must bear a single aeon stone, and this stone determines the powers the facetbound wields (in place of the normal powers of the implanted stone).


Facetbound Cascader (Creature 16), Facetbound Nullifier (Creature 15)


Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 612
A fetch is a twisted, deviant simulacrum of a humanoid creature that exists or existed at one point on the Material Plane. Rumors of fetches that are reflections of entities from other planes persist, but none of these tales speak of fetches that duplicate anything other than a sapient source. A fetch can manifest spontaneously when a powerful creature undergoes a significant emotional event or dies, either while on the First World or while in an area significantly influenced by the First World, but one can also be created by significant forces like the Eldest in order to torment and vex those who have annoyed them. While a fetch manifests from a soul's “reflection,” and as such bears a striking resemblance to that creature's appearance in life, a fetch has no true memories of its own. It keeps fragments of false remembrances from its source as if it experienced them in a half-remembered dream—which ensure the fetch is enraged by and jealous of its source. (click to see full entry)


Fetch Behemoth (Creature 20), Fetch Stalker (Creature 18), Risen Fetch (Creature 22)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 117 2.0
The people known today as fetchlings are a distinct ancestry descended from generations of humans who became trapped ages ago on the Shadow Plane. No longer human at all, these people, who call themselves kayals, have become monochromatic in coloration, with flesh tones and hair colors varying between white, black, and all shades of gray. (click to see full entry)


Fetchling Scout (Creature 1)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 148 2.1
These magnificent creatures hide beneath the surface of the calm lakes, flowing rivers, and vast seas. The water is their domain, and some are quite protective of their home.


Fantooth School (Creature 3), Giant Fangtooth (Creature 4), Piranha Swarm (Creature 3), Pufferfish (Creature -1), Stonefish (Creature 0), Stonefish Swarm (Creature 2), Swordfish (Creature 3)


Source Pathfinder #151: The Show Must Go On pg. 83
Fleas are little more than a nuisance in most circumstances, but can be lethal when they grow to monstrous proportions or gather in enormous swarms.


Flea Swarm (Creature 5), Giant Flea (Creature 3)


Source Impossible Lands pg. 327
Nethys Note: no description has been provided for this family


Fleshforged Conformer (Creature 8), Fleshforged Dreadnought (Creature 18), Skinskitter (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 152 1.1
Magical mishaps, divine curses, and untested technology are all capable of wreaking drastic transformations on the body, and are all rampant on the world of Golarion and beyond. Creatures that have undergone changes so drastic they no longer can be considered the same ancestry as they were before are known as fleshwarps. (click to see full entry)


Dreshkan (Creature 4), Drider (Creature 6), Ghonhatine (Creature 10), Grothlut (Creature 3), Irnakurse (Creature 9), Mulventok (Creature 7)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 120 2.0
Giant flies are pony-sized insects that have massive compound eyes and bodies bristling with short, stiff hairs. Their lairs are notorious for the rotting meat they stockpile to lay their eggs into. (click to see full entry)


Giant Fly (Creature 1), Giant Maggot (Creature 0), Giant Tsetse Fly (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 154 1.1
Flytraps eagerly feed on humanoids, monstrous insects, and larger prey.


Giant Flytrap (Creature 10), Snapping Flytrap (Creature 3)


Source Pathfinder #173: Doorway to the Red Star pg. 82
Formians resemble unusually large ants with an insectile humanoid's upper torso. More powerful or influential formians are physically larger; common formian workers are roughly the height of a gnome, while the largest formians, such as taskmasters and queens, rival a giant in size.

Formian society is a strict matriarchy. Though each hive's queen is theoretically independent and her rule absolute, allegiances are common, and less powerful hives often (grudgingly) defer to more powerful matriarchs.


Formian Mageslayer (Creature 16), Formian Queen (Creature 17), Formian Worker (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 102
Elusive and shrewd, foxes have gained a reputation as sly tricksters, earning them a place in many folk tales.


Fading Fox (Creature 2), Red Fox (Creature -1)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 151 2.1
Scholars know of the adaptability of these creatures, but still they surprise.


Concert Frog (Creature 8), Giant Frog (Creature 1), Spear Frog (Creature 0), Sporeback Frog (Creature 5)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 152 2.1
An interesting characteristic among a number of Golarion's reptiles is their capacity to generate or manipulate electrical current. While there doesn't seem to be a single reason for this quality, enough species possess it for scholars to have created a category of reptiles known as galvanoscales.


Giant Coppermouth (Creature 7), Lightning Turtle (Creature 12), Magnetic Gecko (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary pg. 161
Gargoyles are monstrous hunters made of elemental stone. They use their resemblance to decorative statues to hide in plain sight in cities during the day and descend upon unlucky pedestrians at night. (click to see full entry)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 105
Gathlains have made a name for themselves as inquisitive and mischievous, as well as flighty and distractable. These eccentric little fey want nothing more than to explore the many wonders of the world for their own pleasure. (click to see full entry)


Gathlain Wanderer (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 156 1.1
Before mortal history, genies were some of the first creations of the cosmos to possess free will. Formed of elemental matter, they traversed the Universe and the six elemental planes of air, earth, fire, metal, water, and wood. The genies who remained on each elemental plane found their matter replaced with those elements. (click to see full entry)


Faydhaan (Creature 9), Faydhaan Shuyookh (Creature 14), Gennayn (Creature 2), Ifrit (Creature 9), Ifrit Shuyookh (Creature 14), Jaathoom (Creature 5), Jaathoom Shuyookh (Creature 10), Jabali (Creature 7), Jabali Shuyookh (Creature 12), Jann (Creature 4), Jann Shuyookh (Creature 9), Kizidhar (Creature 6), Kizidhar Shuyookh (Creature 11), Zuhra (Creature 8), Zuhra Shuyookh (Creature 13)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 200 2.0
Geniekin are mortals whose ancestry has become entangled with that of genies, causing them to exhibit elemental powers drawn from the Elemental Planes. Though the geniekin found here are all of human descent and have example alignments, geniekin and other planar scions can descend from other ancestries and have any alignment.


Ardande Gardener (Creature 1), Ifrit Pyrochemist (Creature 1), Oread Guard (Creature 1), Suli Dune Dancer (Creature 1), Sylph Sneak (Creature 1), Talos Gadgeteer (Creature 1), Undine Hydromancer (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 106
Ghorans are sentient plants who grow in the shape of humanoids. A ghoran's body is composed of one large seed encased in rich vegetable tissue covered with dense, green rinds. (click to see full entry)


Ghoran Manipulator (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 160 1.1
When some mortals die through tragic circumstances or without closure, their souls can linger and haunt a locale significant to them in life.


Ghost Commoner (Creature 4), Ghost Mage (Creature 10), Ghost Pirate Captain (Creature 8), Hungry Ghost (Creature 6)


Source Monster Core pg. 162 1.1
Few creatures are more ubiquitous to sinister locations such as lonely graveyards and ruined crypts than the flesh-eating undead known as ghouls.


Barnacle Ghoul (Creature 9), Ghast (Creature 2), Ghoul Antipaladin (Creature 9), Ghoul Gnawer (Creature 11), Ghoul Razorclaw (Creature 13), Ghoul Soldier (Creature 2), Ghoul Stalker (Creature 1), Lacedon (Creature 2), Leng Ghoul (Creature 10), Priest of Kabriri (Creature 5)


Source Monster Core pg. 164 1.1
Giants are massive humanoid creatures who live in remote regions throughout the world. They vary widely but are united in their hunger, requiring sustenance of their own element along with the feasts one would expect from such a massive humanoid. Although a simple matter for some giants, more esoteric types find this need a harsh reality. (click to see full entry)


Cave Giant (Creature 6), Cloud Giant (Creature 11), Desert Giant (Creature 9), Fire Giant (Creature 10), Frost Giant (Creature 9), Hill Giant (Creature 7), Marsh Giant (Creature 8), Plague Giant (Creature 14), Rune Giant (Creature 16), Shadow Giant (Creature 13), Smog Giant (Creature 7), Stone Giant (Creature 8), Storm Giant (Creature 13), Taiga Giant (Creature 12), Tomb Giant (Creature 12), Wood Giant (Creature 6)

Giant Bee

Source Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic pg. 80
Like their smaller counterparts, giant bees are highly territorial. Many types of giant bees construct hives in caves or abandoned buildings and are quick to attack creatures that they deem a threat to the single fertile queen, who almost never leaves the hive. (click to see full entry)


Giant Mining Bee (Creature 2), Giant Worker Bee (Creature 0)


Source Pathfinder #164: Hands of the Devil pg. 80
This rubbery, spheroid scavenger is nearly all acid-dripping mouth, with five bulbous black eyes and two powerful, gangly legs. A gibtas often forms a bond with a single other creature—usually, a more powerful aberration— and serves this master loyally, if erratically. (click to see full entry)


Gibtanius (Creature 8), Gibtas Bounder (Creature 5), Gibtas Spawn Swarm (Creature 6)

Gigantic Ant

Source Pathfinder #174: Shadows of the Ancients pg. 72
When the heroes are particularly small, an ordinary red ant can pose an impressive combat challenge. Against high-level heroes, though, simply making a mundane animal very large doesn't usually incorporate the quirks and tricks that make high-level fights so satisfying.

These ants are more than just mundane vermin expanded into a surprisingly large size. They've been magically infused with intellects and abilities beyond those of ordinary animals and have their own complex society. All are members of an ant colony that's dedicated to relentless expansion across a miniature world, serving the whims of a red ant queen who remains hidden from danger and protected by her loyal legions. They're dangerous not only because of their individual power, but because of their numbers and tenacity.


Alate Ant (Creature 16), Red Commander Ant (Creature 17), Red Guard Ant (Creature 15)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 112
Girtablilus are desert-dwelling guardians with the upper bodies of muscular humanoids and the lower bodies of massive scorpions. They are most often found defending ancient temples and religious artifacts with zealous fervor. (click to see full entry)


Girtablilu Seer (Creature 12), Girtablilu Sentry (Creature 8)


Source Bestiary pg. 184
Crafted of base materials and then magically animated into a powerful guardian, the legendary golem is a living construct that mindlessly obeys its creator's commands— often continuing to do so for years or even centuries after its creator's death. There exist two known methods of animating a golem. (click to see full entry)


Adamantine Golem (Creature 18), Alchemical Golem (Creature 9), Carrion Golem (Creature 4), Clay Golem (Creature 10), Crystal Sentinel (Creature 13), Flesh Golem (Creature 8), Fossil Golem (Creature 12), Glass Golem (Creature 8), Guillotine Golem (Creature 18), Ice Golem (Creature 5), Iron Golem (Creature 13), Mithral Golem (Creature 16), Obsidian Golem (Creature 16), Quantium Golem (Creature 20), Solar Glass Golem (Creature 11), Stone Golem (Creature 11), Wood Golem (Creature 6)


Source Pathfinder #187: The Seventh Arch pg. 86
Gorgas are fey embodiments of diurnal creatures' fear of the dark. (click to see full entry)


Ocluai (Creature 3), Temagyr (Creature 1)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 154 2.1
Gorgons are a broad group of animals that share a few peculiar traits. All gorgons are covered in armored plates and breathe petrifying gases. Other than these features, gorgons can resemble almost any animal. While some gorgons may seem like less physically imposing creatures, they should never be underestimated. Gorgons are canny hunters, and even a small puff of their breath can immobilize almost any prey


Plated Python (Creature 12), Stony Bat (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 178 1.1
Graveknights are undead warriors granted unlife by a cursed suit of armor.


Graveknight (Creature 10), Graveknight Captain (Creature 6), Graveknight Champion (Creature 15), Graveknight Warmaster (Creature 14)


Source Monster Core pg. 180 1.1
Gremlins are cruel fey tricksters and saboteurs who have fully acclimated to life in the Universe, finding distinct niches for their inventive destructiveness. Nearly all gremlins delight in ruining or breaking things, whether it's something physical like a device or vehicle or something intangible such as an alliance or relationship. (click to see full entry)


Fuath (Creature 1), Gnagrif (Creature 2), Grimple (Creature -1), Haniver (Creature -1), Jinkin (Creature 1), Mitflit (Creature -1), Nuglub (Creature 2), Pugwampi (Creature 0), Scrit (Creature 0), Very Drunk Jinkin (Creature -1), Vexgit (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 182 1.1
Nethys Note: This entry did not have a separate description for the family


Ascendant Griffon (Creature 11), Griffon (Creature 4)

Grim Reaper

Source Bestiary pg. 196
This entry did not have a separate description for the family .


Grim Reaper (Creature 21), Lesser Death (Creature 16)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 122
Planets that drift out of orbit from their stars grow cold and lifeless as they float through the Dark Tapestry. Such dead worlds are coveted by the horrific creatures known as grioths, who endure the awful cold on these wandering worlds and convert them into planetary temples devoted to the dark gods of the Elder Mythos. (click to see full entry)


Grioth Cultist (Creature 3), Grioth Scout (Creature 1)


Source Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders pg. 86
Frog-like humanoids who make their homes in the treetops of tropical jungles and forests, gripplis are uniquely adapted to their environment. Their oversized eyes give them keen vision in both light and dark, and their large toes allow them to easily scale the trees atop which they reside. (click to see full entry)


Grippli Archer (Creature 3), Grippli Greenspeaker (Creature 5), Grippli Jinxer (Creature 6), Grippli Scout (Creature 1), Grippli Skirmisher (Creature 4)

Guardian Beast

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 124
Stone statues of beasts can often be found paired and standing guard to either side of an entryway. While some seem like merely lifeless statues, others are far more than they appear to be. (click to see full entry)


Stone Lion (Creature 4), Stone Lion Cub (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 188 1.1
Hags are malevolent predators who use magic and manipulation to lure children and young adults into their clutches. Though their true forms are eldritch and horrifying, hags spend much of their lives disguised as ordinary women. They seek out targets who are unhappy, innocent, or otherwise vulnerable, preying on their weaknesses before snatching them up. (click to see full entry)


Annis Hag (Creature 6), Blood Hag (Creature 8), Cuckoo Hag (Creature 9), Grave Hag (Creature 9), Green Hag (Creature 4), Iron Hag (Creature 6), Moon Hag (Creature 10), Night Hag (Creature 9), Rust Hag (Creature 8), Sea Hag (Creature 3), Storm Hag (Creature 5), Sweet Hag (Creature 4), Winter Hag (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 192 1.1
Despite their small stature, a halfling can prove to be a mighty foe if you find yourself on the wrong side of their frying pan.


Halfling Street Watcher (Creature -1), Halfling Troublemaker (Creature 1)


Source Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island pg. 84
Hantus are manifestations of the powerful nature spirits that inhabit all things, from animals to objects to the environment itself. As spiritual representations of whatever they inhabit, hantus follow no preordained agenda. (click to see full entry)


Hantu Belian (Creature 11), Hantu Denai (Creature 9)


Source Pathfinder #192: Worst of All Possible Worlds pg. 82
When a harrow deck becomes infused with great magical power, it can produce a harrowkin. (click to see full entry)


Fabled Harrowkin (Creature 17), Simple Harrowkin (Creature 4), Storied Harrowkin (Creature 10)

Haunted Clockwork

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 286
The constructs of the Clicking Caverns all have similar designs, being made of clockwork. (click to see full entry)


Hopping Head (Creature 1), The Caterpillar Carriage (Creature 18)

Hell Hound

Source Monster Core pg. 194 1.1
Hell hounds are fiendish, extraplanar canines hailing from the Pit that can hunt down quarry and breathe supernatural gouts of flame. They are temperamental and quick to exhibit aggressive behavior.


Greater Hell Hound (Creature 9), Hell Hound (Creature 3), Nessian Warhound (Creature 9)


Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 80
Secreted away in the dark corners of unnamed libraries, necromancer's dens, and heretical scriptoriums, obscure texts describe a horrifying ritual that combines sacrifice and suffering to create a powerful undead being known as a herecite. These monsters, stripped of personal will or desire, are born into the service of an evil god whom they worship unerringly and untiringly, often in spite of any opposing religious leanings they may have had in life. (click to see full entry)


Herecite of Zevgavizeb (Creature 10)


Source Monster Core pg. 195 1.1
When a cleric rebels against their deity and dies in the grip of blasphemous rage, the heresies they committed in life may fuel their transformation into an undead herexen. Herexens seek vengeance against the deity they once worshipped, defiling temples, slaying the faithful, and rallying lesser undead and death cultists to aid them in their unholy quests. (click to see full entry)


Faithless Ecclesiarch (Creature 6), Fallen Champion (Creature 8), Herexen (Creature 2)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 159 2.1
At first glance, hexworms appear to be nondescript grubs, but their ability to sense and consume magic quickly becomes clear. They grow rapidly, devouring the power in witches' huts, arcanists' studies, and magical glades at an alarming rate before spinning cocoons and emerging as beautiful, varied hexmoths. Some have a taste for particular types of magic, like fire spells or primal magic.


Hexmoth (Creature 8), Hexworm (Creature 4)


Source Monster Core pg. 196 1.1
The strange beasts known as hippocampi resemble terrestrial horses from head to midbody, but on their legs, they have splayed fins instead of hooves, and in place of horses' hindquarters, they have powerful tails resembling those of fish. (click to see full entry)


Giant Hippocampus (Creature 8), Hippocampus (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 144 2.0
Hippopotamuses, or hippos for short, are semiaquatic animals that spend most of their time in rivers and lakes, but they also can thrive on land.


Behemoth Hippopotamus (Creature 10), Hippopotamus (Creature 5)


Source Monster Core pg. 198 1.1
Hobgoblins may appear to outsiders to be the most civilized of goblinkind, but their civilization is hardly one of kindness and equality—instead, they revel in all that is militaristic, tyrannical, cruel, and destructive. Hobgoblins are singularly devoted to war, and their entire culture is built upon fostering and maintaining conflict while simultaneously proving their superiority in battle. (click to see full entry)


Hobgoblin Archer (Creature 4), Hobgoblin General (Creature 6), Hobgoblin Soldier (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 201 1.1
Horses serve as mounts and beasts of burden in many societies. They are loyal and typically gentle creatures, and they are invaluable to those looking to travel long distances. Smaller folk, like gnomes and halflings, often utilize ponies as mounts, while horses are the favored steeds for humans and other Medium humanoids. Most horses that the average humanoid encounters are domesticated, though large herds can be found in the wild.


Riding Horse (Creature 1), Riding Pony (Creature 0), War Horse (Creature 2), War Pony (Creature 1)

House Spirit

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 136
House spirits are shy, often helpful, sometimes wrathful fey that dwell alongside peasants and farmers. They reside in the house, in the yard, in the granary, in the bathhouse—wherever people build and live. (click to see full entry)


Domovoi (Creature 2), Dvorovoi (Creature 3), Ovinnik (Creature 4)


Source Monster Core pg. 202 1.1
Deep beneath the surface, the dour dwarves known as hryngars stubbornly toil, claiming the ancestral subterranean homelands of other dwarves as their own. Long ago, hryngar leaders refused to venture to the surface along with their “cousins,” forsaking the Quest for Sky. An exiled dwarven deity named Droskar offered hryngars salvation from the horrors that beset them in the Darklands, offering them power, cunning, and knowledge in exchange for their unending servitude. (click to see full entry)


Hagegraf Royal Guard (Creature 5), Hryngar Assassin (Creature 7), Hryngar Battlepriest (Creature 9), Hryngar Bombardier (Creature 1), Hryngar Breccia Squad (Creature 9), Hryngar Forgepriest (Creature 6), Hryngar King's Agent (Creature 5), Hryngar Sharpshooter (Creature 0), Hryngar Taskmaster (Creature 2)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 164 2.1
The most commonly seen hydra famously has five heads that it uses in unison to attack prey or assailants. Scattered across the Inner Sea region are more fantastical breeds of the beast, each with their own curious evolution and hunting behavior.


Hydra (Creature 6), Mocking Chorus (Creature 18), Prismhydra (Creature 16), Stargut Hydra (Creature 9), Tyrafdir (Creature 11)


Source Monster Core pg. 205 1.1
Hyenas are pack-hunting scavengers known for their unnerving, laughter- like cries. The most well-known hyenas are the socially gregarious spotted hyenas, who travel in packs and work together to hunt or drive off larger creatures. Hyenas are typically nocturnal creatures who scavenge meat, insects, and fruit, though they aren't above supplementing their carrion diets with fresh prey.


Hyaenodon (Creature 3), Hyena (Creature 1)


Source Pathfinder #173: Doorway to the Red Star pg. 86
Ikeshtis are reptilian humanoids native to Akiton's wastelands. Smaller than Golarion's iruxi, ikeshtis organize around distinct societal roles.


Ancient Rivener (Creature 14), Ikeshti Brood-Minder (Creature 2)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 152 2.0
Many varieties of jellyfish drift through the world's oceans, feeding on fish and other tiny marine creatures. However, deadly species of monstrous jellyfish pose a threat to unwary swimmers and sailors alike. (click to see full entry)


Fire Jellyfish Swarm (Creature 6), Giant Jellyfish (Creature 7)


Source The Mwangi Expanse pg. 300 2.0
Kaava are stealthy, jungle-dwelling humanoids with short down feathers that can easily be mistaken for fur from a distance. Kaava have tough scales beneath these feathers. (click to see full entry)


Kaava Stalker (Creature 1), Pygmy Kaava (Creature 0)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 141
Kami are divine nature spirits native to the lands of Tian Xia, far to the east of the Inner Sea region. They serve as guardians of natural objects and places they protect—their “wards”—and are ancient enemies of the oni. (click to see full entry)


Kodama (Creature 5), Shikigami (Creature 1), Toshigami (Creature 15), Zuishin (Creature 10)


Source Pathfinder #171: Hurricane's Howl pg. 81
Karumzeks are crafty, spider-like servitors of Norgorber.


Karumzek (Creature 4), Karumzek Swarm (Creature 11)


Source Pathfinder #173: Doorway to the Red Star pg. 87
This unusual arthropod resembles an amalgam of a centipede and a crab. Hard-shelled and perfectly suited to life on Akiton, khefaks are so incredibly useful that a visitor to the planet might assume they were custom engineered for their environs. Such visitors would, in fact, be correct. While khefaks can be found naturally on Akiton, a new species has recently gained a foothold on the planet: alchemically engineered khefaks who excrete a refined substance that can be used as fuel to power advanced engines and devices.


Khefak Scuttler (Creature -1), Thasteron Khefak (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 208 1.1
Kholo are tall, hyena-headed humanoids who dwell in savannas, warm grasslands, and arid hills. Given their appearance, their affinity for hyenas should not be surprising; kholos share their homes, food, and even many of their behaviors with these animals. (click to see full entry)


Kholo Bonekeeper (Creature 3), Kholo Hunter (Creature 2), Kholo Sergeant (Creature 4)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 150
Kitsune are shapeshifting, fox-like humanoids who have been blessed by the spirits. They can shift from the form of a fox-headed humanoid into a specific alternate form unique to each kitsune, usually either a tailless form—such as a humanoid body without any fox features (typically of the prevalent ancestry where they grew up)—or a fox form. (click to see full entry)


Kitsune Trickster (Creature 2)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 153
Kovintus are reclusive humanoids with an inborn talent for geomancy that ties them intrinsically to nature. Not only can they call upon the magic of nature, it also calls to them in return, turning them into an element of the surrounding terrain when they die. (click to see full entry)


Kovintus Geomancer (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 214 1.1
Lamias are bloodthirsty victims of an ancient curse for which they blame the gods. Most lamias are humanoid from the waist up but have the lower bodies of serpents. Sinister magic comes naturally to a lamia, and they prefer the use of illusions to deceive prey for later consumption, or simply to torture.


Lamia (Creature 6), Lamia Matriarch (Creature 8)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 156 2.0
Though valued by apothecaries and field medics as methods to reduce swelling or drain blood, leeches are despised by most who encounter them, regardless of the setting.


Brood Leech Swarm (Creature 4), Giant Leech (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 218 1.1
To gain more time to complete their goals, some desperate spellcasters pursue immortality by embracing undeath. After long years of research and the creation of a special container called a soul cage, a spellcaster takes the final step by imbibing a deadly concoction or casting dreadful incantations that transform them into a lich. (click to see full entry)


Demilich (Creature 15), Horde Lich (Creature 15), Lich (Creature 12), Runecarved Lich (Creature 19)


Source Pathfinder #190: The Choosing pg. 88
Nethys Note: no description has been provided for this family


Hurlilu (Creature 11)


Source Monster Core pg. 220 1.1
Immense, primeval dragons of the northern reaches of the world, linnorms hate those they deem to be lesser creatures and seek to inflict as much suffering as possible upon their unfortunate victims. While these serpentine monstrosities might not be the powerful winged dragons most imagine, they nonetheless possess incredible strength and deadly powers that often rival more notorious dragons' brutality.


Cairn Linnorm (Creature 18), Crag Linnorm (Creature 14), Fjord Linnorm (Creature 16), Ice Linnorm (Creature 17), Shoal Linnorm (Creature 15), Taiga Linnorm (Creature 19), Tarn Linnorm (Creature 20), Tor Linnorm (Creature 21), Young Linnorm (Creature 7)

Living Symbol

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 162
Magic is a complex thing to begin with, and at a certain level of sophistication, the differences between a spell and an autonomous creature become increasingly blurry. Living symbols are constructed creatures of reified and reinforced magic, held together by glyphs, runes, and eldritch formulae.


Arcane Living Rune (Creature 13), Oil Living Graffiti (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 224 1.1
Lizards have a wide range of appearances and abilities, but most share a basic reptilian shape—long tails, wide toothy mouths, and four legs. While a few species are capable of movement on two legs for short periods of time, most are strictly quadrupedal. The three species presented here represent the most common and well-known of the larger species.


Caustic Monitor (Creature 13), Giant Chameleon (Creature 3), Giant Frilled Lizard (Creature 5), Giant Gecko (Creature 1), Giant Monitor Lizard (Creature 2), Megalania (Creature 7)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 166
Maftets are hawk-winged humanoids with leonine lower bodies that dwell in ancient ruins and cities thought lost, typically in desert or mountain regions. They view themselves as guardians and practice a specialized technique of dual-wielding scimitars so central to their culture that a maftet's scimitars are often cherished family heirlooms. (click to see full entry)


Maftet Guardian (Creature 6)

Mana Wastes Mutant

Source Impossible Lands pg. 332
The erratic magical energies of the Mana Wastes can warp and twist creatures foolish or unlucky enough to be trapped in them. The physiological effects of this exposure vary in scope from grotesque full-body transformations to more subtle changes to the skin or senses, and they're frequently accompanied by changes in disposition, motivation, or temperament.


Mutant Desert Drake (Creature 9), Mutant Giant Toad (Creature 3), Mutant Gnoll Hulk (Creature 9)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 172 2.1
These variant manticores bring more than just their tails to the fray, presenting a range of venemous or magical abilities.


Barded Manticore (Creature 18), Desert Manticore (Creature 12), Manticore (Creature 6)


Source Monster Core pg. 229 1.1
These predators possess lightning-quick forelegs and a bone-breaking bite.


Deadly Mantis (Creature 11), Giant Mantis (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 231 1.1
Elegant, mysterious, and graceful; all this and more can be said of merfolk. These enigmatic people resemble humanoids with delicate features from the waist up but with the fins and tail of a massive fish from the waist down. Found in nearly all of Golarion's oceans, merfolk are as varied in appearance as humans, their skin ranging from pale to umber and all shades in between, while their gleaming scales shimmer with the majesty of the sea.


Merfolk Warrior (Creature 1), Merfolk Wavecaller (Creature 2)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 172
Monkeys vary greatly in size, color, and behavior. Some are distinguished by bright orange fur, others for black fur in sharp contrast with a white face. (click to see full entry)


Monkey (Creature -1), Monkey Swarm (Creature 2)


Source Pathfinder #163: Ruins of Gauntlight pg. 84
Morlocks originate from humans long lost to the surface world. They have an affinity for machinery, scavenging, and strange occult behaviors.


Morlock (Creature 2), Morlock Cultist (Creature 4), Morlock Engineer (Creature 3), Morlock Scavenger (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 174
Mortics are humanoids overwhelmed by negative energy who still cling to life, surviving as twisted amalgams of living and undead. Though they feel unnatural cravings and resemble corpses, mortics live, breathe, eat, sleep, and procreate. (click to see full entry)


Angheuvore Flesh-Gnawer (Creature 2), Etioling Blightmage (Creature 10), Gurgist Mauler (Creature 6), Jitterbone Contortionist (Creature 4), Lifeleecher Brawler (Creature 8), Relictner Eroder (Creature 12), Shadern Immolator (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 178
The massive swimming reptiles called mosasaurs thrash their powerful tails to propel them after prey. Four articulated, webbed paddles let them precisely steer their paths, and their hinged jaws—much like a snake's—allow mosasaurs to swallow larger creatures than their size would indicate. (click to see full entry)


Platecarpus (Creature 3), Tylosaurus (Creature 8)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 175 2.0
While the common mosquito is a pest capable of spreading deadly diseases, their giant kin and the ravenous clouds of mosquito swarms are even more dangerous.


Fen Mosquito Swarm (Creature 3), Giant Mosquito (Creature 6)


Source Monster Core pg. 234 1.1
While many cultures practice mummification for benign reasons, undead mummies are created through grueling rituals, typically to provide eternally vigilant guardians. Much more rarely, a body mummified without those special rites can rise again due to its hatred of the living.


Bog Mummy (Creature 5), Bog Mummy Cultist (Creature 9), Decrepit Mummy (Creature 2), Drowned Mummy (Creature 17), Ice Mummy (Creature 8), Iroran Mummy (Creature 10), Mummified Cat (Creature 0), Mummy Guardian (Creature 6), Mummy Pharaoh (Creature 9), Mummy Prophet of Set (Creature 13), Quoppopak Mummy (Creature 13)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 180
Although the subterranean Darklands are known for their cruel and domineering civilizations—led by fiend-worshipping drow, urdefhans, and others—that dwell within those sinister caverns, not every such subterranean society is ruled that way. Munavris are perhaps the best example of a people that tend to treat new arrivals to their Darklands territories with good temper, fairness, and respect. (click to see full entry)


Munavri Spellblade (Creature 2)


Source Rage of Elements pg. 131 2.0
Munsahirs build militaristic, traditional societies.


Munsahir Gatecrasher (Creature 4), Munsahir Trooper (Creature 5)


Source Monster Core pg. 236 1.1
Nagas are serpentine beings with magical powers and keen intellects. Physically, they resemble massive snakes, though they often wear jewelry and other ornaments that clearly separate them from their animal kin. Nagas use their innate magic and poisonous fangs to keep all but the most stalwart foes at bay. They keep their own counsel, viewing their cosmic role to be sacrosanct and beyond the understanding of outside scholars. (click to see full entry)


Dark Naga (Creature 7), Guardian Naga (Creature 10), Lunar Naga (Creature 6), Smaranava (Creature 7), Spirit Naga (Creature 9), Vicharamuni (Creature 10)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 182
Nagaji are brawny bipeds with humanoid figures and serpentine heads. Their bodies are covered in tightly layered scales that range in color from green to brown, and almost all nagaji have a colorful ridge along their head and back. (click to see full entry)


Nagaji Soldier (Creature 2)


Source Pathfinder #185: A Taste of Ashes pg. 86
The strange, terrible energies swirling about on the winds and embedded in the earth of the Mana Wastes have led to unexpected changes and mutations in the bodies of those who dwell there. These mutants usually have little chance to escape their hardscrabble existence, as they're ostracized by other societies. People in the kingdom of Nex to the north look on such folk with suspicion, as do the dwarves of Alkenstar to the west. Surprisingly, the undead nation of Geb to the south is often the best hope for a future among people with unusual appearances. (click to see full entry)


Necrohulk Flailer (Creature 13), Necrohulk Smasher (Creature 15)


Source Monster Core pg. 238 1.1
Nightmares are flaming equine harbingers of death.


Greater Nightmare (Creature 11), Nightmare (Creature 6)


Source Pathfinder #196: The Summer That Never Was pg. 84
Noppera-bos appear to be regular humans from behind, and might even resemble someone you know, until they turn to reveal a featureless face.


Noppera-Bo Grunt (Creature 0), Noppera-Bo Occultist (Creature 2), Noppera-Bo Trickster (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 240 1.1
Ancient beyond imagining, norns are powerful fey women who hold in their hands the physical manifestation of fate and destiny in the form of golden thread. They watch over all life, intervening with reluctance when called upon—or with a vengeance when the strands of fate are twisted and abused by lesser beings. They cut imposing figures, standing 14 feet tall and weighing 800 pounds.< (click to see full entry)


Norn (Creature 20)


Source Monster Core pg. 244 1.1
Nymphs are a family of fey who have a deep association with the natural world. They often take the form of beautiful humanoids with elven features that match their abodes. The most common of their kind are the dryads: spirits who embody great trees, but many other kinds of nymphs exist, including naiads, who watch over bodies of water. (click to see full entry)


Dryad (Creature 3), Dryad Queen (Creature 13), Hesperid (Creature 9), Hesperid Queen (Creature 19), Lampad (Creature 5), Lampad Queen (Creature 15), Naiad (Creature 1), Naiad Queen (Creature 7), Summer Hora (Creature 6), Summer Hora Queen (Creature 13)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 187 2.0
These cunning marine animals live in a variety of ocean habitats.


Blue-Ringed Octopus (Creature 0), Giant Octopus (Creature 8), Reef Octopus (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 249 1.1
Found in castle dung heaps, city dumps, and sewers, ofalths are living amalgamations of wet detritus, sewage, and rubbish. They carry a disease called wretched weeps that causes the victim's blood to seep from its pores.


Larval Ofalth (Creature 4), Ofalth (Creature 10)


Source Monster Core pg. 250 1.1
For many societies, ogres embody brutish, amoral violence and greedy cruelty. Standing 10 feet tall and densely muscled, ogres are usually as strong as they are vicious. The worst ogres are sadists, enjoying remorseless murder, torture, and violence in all of its forms. (click to see full entry)


Ogre Boss (Creature 7), Ogre Glutton (Creature 4), Ogre Hurler (Creature 4), Ogre Warrior (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 252 1.1
Oni are large, brutal creatures originating in Tian Xia who resemble humanoids with brightly colored skin, tusks, and horns. Though commonly mistaken for fiends, the first oni were originally kami, tutelary nature spirits. These kami suffered a terrible trauma, losing their sacred wards to dramatic disasters or the callousness of others, and as a result transformed into the violent creatures they are today. (click to see full entry)


Caldera Oni (Creature 14), Island Oni (Creature 17), Mountain Oni (Creature 8), Onidoshi (Creature 8), Shadow Yai (Creature 16), Snow Oni (Creature 13), Taiga Yai (Creature 15)


Source Monster Core pg. 256 1.1
Slimes, molds, and other oozes can be found in dank dungeons and shadowed forests. While not necessarily evil, some grow to enormous sizes and have insatiable appetites.


Amoeba Swarm (Creature 1), Black Pudding (Creature 7), Blood Ooze (Creature 4), Carnivorous Blob (Creature 13), Chromatic Ooze (Creature 18), Crawling Slurry (Creature 16), Gelatinous Cube (Creature 3), Giant Amoeba (Creature 1), Gray Ooze (Creature 4), Gunpowder Ooze (Creature 14), Id Ooze (Creature 7), Living Tar (Creature 7), Ochre Jelly (Creature 5), Pyronite Ooze (Creature 10), Rust Ooze (Creature 3), Sewer Ooze (Creature 1), Slime Mold (Creature 2), String Slime (Creature 3), Tallow Ooze (Creature 11), Tomb Jelly (Creature 5), Vaultbreaker Ooze (Creature 6), Verdurous Ooze (Creature 6), Yeast Ooze (Creature 2)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 192
Few creatures have survived as long and in as many environments as the opossum. (click to see full entry)


Giant Opossum (Creature 2), Khravgodon (Creature 9)

Orchid Mantis

Source Tian Xia World Guide pg. 292
Few creatures appear as beautiful as the orchid mantises. (click to see full entry)


Five-Color Orchid Mantis (Creature 9), Giant Orchid Mantis (Creature 2), Orchid Mantis Swarm (Creature 6)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 196
These ancient denizens of the Shadow Plane appear as grayish humanoid torsos covered in translucent funeral veils of shadow. Silent and mysterious, they float about, absent legs to hold them aloft. (click to see full entry)


Owb (Creature 6), Owb Prophet (Creature 13)


Source Bestiary pg. 259
With the body of a powerful brown bear and the keen senses of an owl, the owlbear is a dangerous territorial predator, fearlessly attacking any creature that strays into its domain. Those who run afoul of an owlbear hear its terrifying screech only seconds before the massive creature is upon them, ripping them apart with deadly talons and a powerful beak.


Irriseni Owlbear (Creature 5), Owlbear (Creature 4)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 198
Monks dissatisfied with the limits of their humanoid forms and yearning for a shortcut can steal the might from other creatures. These monks become paaridars, amalgamations that blend the features of their former ancestry with the form of another creature. (click to see full entry)


Manticore Paaridar (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 262 1.1
The typical trajectory for souls passing to the afterlife is fairly straightforward, according to most theologians. When a mortal dies, their soul enters the River of Souls and eventually reaches the Boneyard, where it is judged by Pharasma. The judged soul moves onto its appropriate domain of final rest— Heaven, Hell, Abaddon, and so forth—where it becomes a shade. (click to see full entry)


Phantom Beast (Creature 8), Phantom Boar (Creature 2), Phantom Gecko (Creature 1), Phantom Knight (Creature 4), Phantom Raven (Creature -1), Phantom Wolf (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 270 1.1
Guardians of disorder and natives of the primal plane of chaos known as the Maelstrom, proteans consider it their calling to spread bedlam and hasten entropic ends. The most powerful proteans are demigods known collectively as the protean lords, although they are mysterious entities whose cults in the Universe tend to be obscure and secretive.< (click to see full entry)


Akizendri (Creature 3), Azuretzi (Creature 5), Hegessik (Creature 15), Imentesh (Creature 10), Izfiitar (Creature 20), Keketar (Creature 17), Naunet (Creature 7), Voidworm (Creature 1)


Source Monster Core pg. 274 1.1
Psychopomps are guardians and shepherds of the dead in the Boneyard, the vast plane of graves where mortal souls are judged and sent on to their eternal rewards or damnations. Psychopomps ensure that the dead come to terms with their transition from mortality and are properly sorted into the appropriate afterlife. They also protect souls from being preyed upon by supernatural predators. (click to see full entry)


Algea (Creature 11), Catrina (Creature 5), Eseneth (Creature 17), Esobok (Creature 3), Joseung Saja (Creature 14), Morrigna (Creature 15), Nosoi (Creature 1), Shoki (Creature 9), Vanth (Creature 7), Vanth Warrior (Creature 14), Yamaraj (Creature 20)


Source Monster Core pg. 278 1.1
Pterosaurs are primitive flying creatures. While many are smaller than a human or even small enough to perch on a shoulder, the two presented below are quite a bit larger. Each of these creatures could pose a serious threat to a person.< (click to see full entry)


Pteranodon (Creature 2), Quetzalcoatlus (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 280 1.1
Long before the creatures known as demons came to be the dominant force in the Outer Rifts, qlippoth ruled the innumerable cracks of the Outer Sphere. These inimical creatures are a form of primordial and alien evil that predates mortal life, and most immortal life as well. (click to see full entry)


Augnagar (Creature 14), Chernobue (Creature 12), Cythnigot (Creature 1), Gongorinan (Creature 11), Nyogoth (Creature 10), Shoggti (Creature 7), Thulgant (Creature 18), Vlorian Cythnigot (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 286 1.1
Rakshasas are primordial, divine beings who serve as incarnations of all that is foul within creation, born the moment that the concepts of good and evil were first conceived. It is their divine purpose to exemplify the profane—by murdering their own kin, eating the flesh of sapient beings, and performing thousands of other atrocities, they define these acts as obscene and taboo, so that mortals know these acts to be crimes in the eyes of the holy. (click to see full entry)


Dandasuka (Creature 5), Maharaja (Creature 20), Raja-Kroodha (Creature 10), Raktavarna (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 212
Rams are sturdy, stubborn herd animals suited to rugged terrain and cold weather. Regardless of their territory, all share a stubborn nature and surefootedness, navigating uncertain terrain with ease and weathering all seasons in scattered herds.


Ringhorn Ram (Creature 0), Rosethorn Ram (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 288 1.1
Rats are a ubiquitous menace, scurrying through the sewers and on the streets of nearly every settlement in the world. Though a regular rat darting underfoot might startle or even frighten the average passerby, giant rats and rat swarms are far more dangerous.


Giant Rat (Creature -1), Rat Swarm (Creature 1), Vulture Rat (Creature -1)


Source Impossible Lands pg. 336
Nethys Note: no description has been provided for this family


Ratajin Mastermind (Creature 2)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 221 2.0
Few birds are as cunning and social as the raven.


Raven (Creature -1), Raven Swarm (Creature 3)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 222 2.0
Though their lifespans can measure in millennia, all dragons must eventually perish. While many do so on the blades or under the spells of dragonslayers, some manage to outlast their enemies and must, in time, face the truth that awaits all living creatures at the end of their natural lifespan. (click to see full entry)


Ravener (Creature 21), Ravener Husk (Creature 14)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 226 2.0
Rays are an unusual type of fish with wide, sail-like fins and long tails, giving them an almost kite-like shape as they swim gracefully through the water. All rays have a rudimentary form of electrolocation, allowing them to detect the faint electrical charges that emanate naturally from nearby living creatures, a sense akin to scent in its accuracy.


Manta Ray (Creature 1), Stingray (Creature 0)


Source Pathfinder #194: Cult of the Cave Worm pg. 88
Nethys Note: no description has been provided for this family


Redcap Cavalry (Creature 6)


Source Book of the Dead pg. 140
A revenant is a vengeful undead who stalks the one who killed them in life. They're relentless in the pursuit of their murderer, seeking a final justice. (click to see full entry)


Pale Stranger (Creature 10), Revenant (Creature 6), Silent Stalker (Creature 13)


Source Monster Core pg. 293 1.1
This hefty animal is easily recognizable by the distinctive upward-thrusting horn on its snout. Rhinoceroses are herbivorous and, in spite of their hulking size, can run at considerable speed. While rhinos have good hearing and a keen sense of smell, their eyesight is relatively poor.


Rhinoceros (Creature 4), Woolly Rhinoceros (Creature 5)

Risen Pet

Source Book of the Dead pg. 142
Bonds of loyalty that endure beyond death reanimate pets to crawl from their graves within days of dying, returning to the side of their past owners, family, or pack. Unfortunately, death irrevocably changes a risen pet. They return as aggressive, predatory beasts, difficult to control and easy to anger. (click to see full entry)


Predatory Rabbit (Creature -1), Scorned Hound (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 218
Dreadful creatures that stoke mortal fears, sahkils lurk on the Ethereal Plane where they slip into nightmares or dark places of the world to torment the living. (click to see full entry)


Chakanaj (Creature 14), Esipil (Creature 1), Ijhyeojin (Creature 14), Kimenhul (Creature 20), Nenchuuj (Creature 19), Nucol (Creature 4), Pakalchi (Creature 9), Penqual (Creature 15), Tumblak (Creature 18), Wihsaak (Creature 6), Ximtal (Creature 17)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 224
A unique connection to the cycle of life and death defines the mortal lives of samsarans. With a tendency toward reclusiveness, samsarans have delicate builds, enigmatic and pupilless eyes, and blood as clear as water. (click to see full entry)


Samsaran Anchorite (Creature 1)

Sargassum Heap

Source Monster Core pg. 295 1.1
A sargassum heap is a mass of semi-intelligent seaweed that floats through the ocean, luring in its victims with hallucinogenic spores. Those affected by the spores are drawn towards the heap, envisioning their heart's desire. This might be a lost loved one, a child in need of help, an enchanting mermaid, the promise of dry land, and so on. Once their prey is close enough, the sargassum heap lashes out with its seaweed tendrils and crushes it to death.


Doldrums Heap (Creature 9), Sargassum Heap (Creature 6)


Source Pathfinder #156: The Apocalypse Prophet pg. 80
Enormous tyrannosaurus-humanoids, saurians are ancient beings who predate the rise of humans and dwell in the world's primeval jungles. While the saurians presented here are evil, saurians of all alignments exist.


Saurian Warmonger (Creature 16), Saurian Worldwatcher (Creature 18)


Source Monster Core pg. 298 1.1
Chitinous scourges of deserts, forests, savannas, and badlands, scorpions are deadly arachnids with powerful pincers and a painful sting. Scorpions can be found in nearly every climate, where they hunt their prey with a mixture of patient stealth and raw strength. (click to see full entry)


Black Scorpion (Creature 15), Cave Scorpion (Creature 1), Giant Scorpion (Creature 3), Scorpion Swarm (Creature 4)

Sea Devil

Source Bestiary pg. 286
Sea devils are horrid, amphibious humanoids who lurk in Golarion's oceans and crawl ashore to steal away victims beneath the veil of darkness. When an entire fishing village disappears overnight, sea devils are the first suspects. (click to see full entry)


Sea Devil Baron (Creature 6), Sea Devil Brute (Creature 4), Sea Devil Scout (Creature 2)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 178 2.1
Seals are semi-aquatic carnivorous mammals found on beaches across Golarion. They're known for their extraordinary hunting skills, using their sensitive whiskers to detect the movement and the size of fish they're hunting, even allowing them to locate hidden prey


Harbor Seal (Creature 2), Leopard Seal (Creature 4)


Source Monster Core pg. 300 1.1
Sedacthies are amphibious, fish-like humanoids who lurk in Golarion's oceans and are known for leading their animal servants ashore to devour air breathers. When an entire fishing village disappears overnight, sedacthies are the first suspects. Sedacthies pride themselves as natural leaders, with ambition limited only by their strict adherence to hierarchy. A sedacthy's station is determined by the strength of the animal servants they press into service, and the mettle they prove during hunts and in battles against outsiders.


Sedacthy (Creature 6), Sedacthy Marauder (Creature 4), Sedacthy Scout (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 302 1.1
Before their ancient clash with humanity devastated their civilization, serpentfolk were masters of a sprawling underground empire. Their power was shattered and their god Ydersius decapitated (although not quite slain). The cunning, intelligence, and magical abilities of serpentfolk have diminished from their ancient heights, and most are born without these boons. (click to see full entry)


Aapoph Granitescale (Creature 6), Aapoph Serpentfolk (Creature 3), Bone Prophet (Creature 8), Coil Spy (Creature 4), Serpentfolk Granitescale (Creature 6), Serpentfolk Venom Caller (Creature 7), Zyss Serpentfolk (Creature 2)

Servitors of Gorum

Source Prey for Death pg. 114
All deities maintain favored agents to work their will among mortals. Heralds are among the most well-known of these agents—unique entities who serve as the deity's mouthpiece and messenger and are often sent in response to a mortal spellcaster requesting aid in the form of a planar servitor ritual. But a deity's herald isn't the only agent permitted to walk among worshippers or smite enemies of the faith. Those called servitors are unique, powerful, and stand among the deity's most devoted adherents. (click to see full entry)


Bloody Hands (Creature 16), Saint Fang (Creature 18), Temperbrand (Creature 18)


Source Pathfinder #164: Hands of the Devil pg. 82
The wicked, alien neothelids impregnate themselves through ritualistic magic to produce wormlike servitor creatures called seugathis. These creatures spawn with a strong psychic drive to complete some task on behalf of the neothelids' far-reaching plans. (click to see full entry)


Seugathi Reality Warper (Creature 9), Seugathi Servant (Creature 6)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 229
Cobbled together from broken bits of mortal souls, shabti are facsimiles of wealthy or powerful mortals seeking to escape punishment for their sins upon death. Those rulers and nobles afraid of Pharasma's judgment use the shabti to receive cosmic punishment in their stead. (click to see full entry)


Shabti Redeemer (Creature 4), Shabti Slayer (Creature 16), Shabti Votary (Creature 18)


Source Monster Core pg. 306 1.1
The mysterious undead known as shadows lurk in dark places and feed on those who stray too far from the light.


Greater Shadow (Creature 7), Shadow (Creature 4)


Source Pathfinder #164: Hands of the Devil pg. 84
Fleshwarpers, regardless of their origin or training, create a shocking amount of waste. When the discarded remnants of aberrant flesh are heaped together with an accidental mixture of alchemical compounds or odious energy, the mass can quicken and regain life. (click to see full entry)


Shanrigol Behemoth (Creature 9), Shanrigol Heap (Creature 4)


Source Monster Core pg. 307 1.1
Sharks of all shapes and sizes have stalked the oceans, largely unchanged, since primordial times. They are efficient, ruthless predators with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth capable of rending prey in an instant. Their uncanny ability to smell blood in the water means sharks might show up at any scene of aquatic carnage.


Goblin Shark (Creature 5), Great White Shark (Creature 4), Heliocoprion (Creature 10), Megalodon (Creature 9)


Source Pathfinder #173: Doorway to the Red Star pg. 88
These four-armed humanoids often live as nomads on Akiton. Self-sufficient and able to construct the equipment they need to survive from natural materials, shobhads traditionally avoid large cities and the smaller people of the planet, except to engage in trade. Some shobhads eschew these traditions, finding life in urban centers to be more appealing. Rifts between these shobhads and those who continue to lead nomadic lives in the Akitonian wilderness sometimes lead to clashes when members of the two societies meet.

Shobhads are highly sought after for their martial expertise, unparalleled knowledge of Akiton's wilds, and unbreakable codes of honor. These warriors may operate independently, in their traditional clans, or in modern mercenary companies that blend ancestral traditions with the needs of modern military freelancers.


Shobhad Enforcer (Creature 16), Shobhad Sniper (Creature 17)


Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 81
Shoonies are reclusive humanoids who resemble bipedal dogs with wrinkled faces and bulging eyes. They predominantly dwell in the grasslands and hilly plains of the Isle of Kortos. (click to see full entry)


Shoony Hierarch (Creature 4), Shoony Militia Member (Creature 2), Shoony Tiller (Creature 0)


Source Book of the Dead pg. 144
A siabrae is an abomination. A skeletal druid or wild witch, with bones the texture of stone and antlers of rock rising from their rough skulls, they're people who have willingly paid the ultimate price to protect the natural world. It rarely goes well for them. (click to see full entry)


Siabrae (Creature 16)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 232
In the Dimension of Time, intense emotions are more than just ethereal feelings. They accumulate over time, from things like the critical mass of emotion caused by a historic event or a settlement passing down a powerful sentiment for generations. (click to see full entry)


Hatred Siktempora (Creature 18), Love Siktempora (Creature 16), Misery Siktempora (Creature 12), Triumph Siktempora (Creature 14)


Source Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic pg. 84
A common pest with a silvery carapace and an undulating, fishlike scuttle, the nocturnal silverfish infests homes and libraries throughout Golarion. These insects aren't typically dangerous, but their tendency to devour books and clothing often puts them at odds with larger creatures.


Giant Silverfish (Creature 0), Silverfish Swarm (Creature -1)


Source Rusthenge pg. 63
Thassilon's ruins contain numerous sources of raw magical power that have been lost or forgotten. As many of these sources are steeped in sinful soul energy used by the runelords to enhance their power, some of these sources go “sour,” forming into a sinsludge—a mucky effluvium that develops into a barely rudimentary consciousness based on the emotion behind the sin.


Primordial Envy (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 310 1.1
Sinspawn were created by one of seven ancient wizards known collectively as runelords—each of whom embraced and embodied one of seven sins. The first sinspawn was created by the Runelord of Wrath, utilizing techniques that have since gone on to influence fleshwarping practices (see fleshwarp). (click to see full entry)


Sinspawn (Creature 2)


Source Monster Core pg. 312 1.1
Animated skeletons are among the most common types of undead.

Skeleton Abilities

Most skeletons have one of these abilities. If you give a skeleton more, you might want to increase its level and adjust its statistics.< (click to see full entry)


Beetle Carapace (Creature 6), Drake Skeleton (Creature 8), Harpy Skeleton (Creature 5), Skeletal Champion (Creature 2), Skeletal Giant (Creature 3), Skeletal Horse (Creature 2), Skeletal Hulk (Creature 7), Skeletal Mage (Creature 5), Skeletal Soldier (Creature 1), Skeletal Titan (Creature 13), Skeleton Guard (Creature -1), Skeleton Infantry (Creature 11), Tyrannosaurus Skeleton (Creature 9), Wolf Skeleton (Creature 0)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 238
Rage-filled skelms are drawn to any settlement with more than a few hundred souls. Using magical disguises and leveraging societal norms to their benefit, these antlered monsters crave fearful respect and brutally punish any who dare disagree with their lofty opinions, even in the slightest degree. (click to see full entry)


Palace Skelm (Creature 8), Shrine Skelm (Creature 5), Soul Skelm (Creature 10), Street Skelm (Creature 3)

Skin Beetle

Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 89
Skin beetles are found in most environments that can sustain life, from cold, dry steppes to dense, humid jungles. They use their complex multi-jointed mandibles to strip the skin and flesh from recently deceased creatures with almost surgical precision. (click to see full entry)


Skin Beetle (Creature 3), Skin Beetle Swarm (Creature 8)

Skull Swarm

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 244
A skull swarm is composed of reanimated masses of craniums and jawbones, forming a terrifying avalanche of undead fury. Most skull swarms are mindless, though some retain a vestige of wit, awareness, and even magical talents from life, culminating in a highly intelligent swarm mind. (click to see full entry)


Clacking Skull Swarm (Creature 10), Feral Skull Swarm (Creature 12), Sorcerous Skull Swarm (Creature 14)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 246
With their distinctive black bodies and white stripes or spots, skunks are instantly recognizable to most creatures. Those who catch a full blast of musk rarely decide to trouble a skunk again, as the revolting stench can linger for hours or even days. (click to see full entry)


Giant Skunk (Creature 1), Skunk (Creature -1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 248
Despite their long, hooked claws being one of their most distinctive features, sloths are herbivorous creatures. Smaller sloths use their claws to climb from tree to tree, seeking fruits and young leaves among the canopy. (click to see full entry)


Megatherium (Creature 5), Three-Toed Sloth (Creature -1)


Source Book of the Dead pg. 150
A soul about to leave its physical body gives off a peculiar scent, usually unnoticed by mortal creatures. But the undead fey called sluagh can smell and track down its location with frightening ease. Unlike most fey, sluagh are undead, possessing strong connections to negative energy and mortal souls. Sluagh collect the souls of those close to death and bring them to feed their queen. (click to see full entry)


Queen Sluagh (Creature 18), Sluagh Reaper (Creature 10)


Source Monster Core pg. 316 1.1
Snakes come in an array of forms, from jungle-dwelling constrictors that wrap around their prey to venomous vipers with deadly bites. Regardless, all snakes consume their prey whole by unhinging their jaws and using powerful muscles to move the food down their throats and into their stomachs.


Emperor Cobra (Creature 5), Giant Anaconda (Creature 8), Giant Viper (Creature 2), Python (Creature 1), Rat Snake Swarm (Creature 2), Sea Snake (Creature 0), Viper (Creature -1), Viper Swarm (Creature 4)


Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 89
Giant solifugids are monstrous vermin with six legs and two large feeding appendages easily mistaken for an additional pair of legs. They are often called camel spiders, sun spiders, or wind scorpions, despite the fact that they are neither spiders nor scorpions.


Duneshaker Solifugid (Creature 18), Giant Solifugid (Creature 1)


Source Monsters of Myth pg. 88
Nethys note: no description was provided for this family.


Somnalu (Creature 15), Somnalu Oculus (Creature 11)

Spawn of Rovagug

Source Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises pg. 80
The spawn are titanic terrors of immense size and strength that live only to destroy. Tarrasque and Xotani are but two of Rovagug's spawn. (click to see full entry)


Kothogaz, Dance Of Disharmony (Creature 21), Tarrasque (Creature 25), Xotani (Creature 20)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 250
Sphinxes are a family of mystical beings that combine leonine, avian, and usually humanoid features. Though the most common sphinxes are famous on their own merits, the family includes other types of sphinxes as well.


Elder Sphinx (Creature 16), Hieracosphinx (Creature 5), Sphinx (Creature 8)


Source Monster Core pg. 320 1.1
Few everyday vermin inspire as much dread as the infamous spider.


Dream Spider (Creature 0), Giant Tarantula (Creature 6), Giant Trapdoor Spider (Creature 2), Goliath Spider (Creature 11), Hunting Spider (Creature 1), Ogre Spider (Creature 5), Spider Swarm (Creature 0), Trapdoor Ogre Spider (Creature 5)

Spirit Guide

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 182 2.1
Many of Sarkoris's fiercest defenders among the land's spirit guides died in the early throes of conflict against the demons spilling forth from the Worldwound. The mighty sunscale serpents from the family of guardian guides used to shed their light across the land, but their wings were among the first lights blackened by the hordes of the demon lord of locusts. The swift guides were first to the fray, and first to fall. With the Worldwound closed and the demons in retreat, some of these guides have returned once more, helping secure the borders of the Sarkoris Scar against demonic resurgence.


Cunning Fox (Creature 1), Feathered Bear (Creature 10), Green Monkey (Creature 3), Mirror Wolf (Creature 7), Stone-Breasted Owl (Creature 5), Sunscale Serpent (Creature 14)


Source Pathfinder #193: Mantle of Gold pg. 88
When a mindless guardian is needed, but the ethical bounds of creating undead are too uncouth, ritual casters may turn to a more fungal solution by creating a mycoguardian. (click to see full entry)


Sporeborn Myceloid (Creature 4)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 251 2.0
The bane of hungry adventurers the world over, sportlebores are nefarious vermin that resemble delicious snacks. When positioned near trail rations such as fruit or jerky, a sportlebore can flawlessly imitate these foodstuffs by flexing, contorting, and color-shifting its abdomen, then folding its thorax, head, and legs into hiding under its delicious-looking body. (click to see full entry)


Sportlebore Swarm (Creature 7)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 252 2.0
When the gnomes first emigrated from the First World so many eons ago, some found the Material Plane so strange and terrifying that they lost their sense of joy. Seeing only the threat of the new world and none of its wonders, these gnomes grimly resolved to survive no matter what the cost. Their innate magic responded to this goal by twisting them in mind and body over the course of many generations, eventually transforming them into the creatures known today as spriggans. (click to see full entry)


Spriggan Bully (Creature 3), Spriggan Warlord (Creature 7)


Source Monster Core pg. 322 1.1
Elusive, flighty, and ebullient, sprites are what many villagers first imagine when they hear the terms “fey” or “fairy.” While their dispositions vary, all sprites share a connection to magic and a diminutive size. This family of fey shares its name with its slightest and most populous member, the common sprite.


Draxie (Creature 3), Ether Sprite (Creature -1), Ether Sprite Swarm (Creature 3), Grig (Creature 1), Melixie (Creature 0), Nyktera (Creature -1), Pixie (Creature 4), Sprite (Creature -1)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 254 2.0
The unusual shape of these swift, voracious predators has prompted many a nautical tale.


Giant Squid (Creature 9), Vampire Squid (Creature 0)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 257
Squirrels' ability to dart into sticky situations, extract berries or nuts from the most precarious of circumstances, and then hide their loot from prying eyes make them nature's thieves in trees. Their cute appearance—soft fur, big eyes, and fluffy tails—makes them inconspicuous and endearing, at least to some. (click to see full entry)


Giant Flying Squirrel (Creature 2), Squirrel Swarm (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 258
With living snakes for hair, sthenos, who are descended from medusas, are a curious and independent ancestry. A newly emergent people, sthenos have existed for just barely over a century. (click to see full entry)


Stheno Harpist (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 259
Strix are avian humanoids with sprawling, dark-feathered wings and large talons. Strix possess angular features and piercing eyes that are fixed facing forward. (click to see full entry)


Strix Kinmate (Creature 2)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 187 2.1
Tardigrades grow no larger than the width of a hair, but when their riverside environments are exposed to heightened levels of magic, these eight-legged omnivores can grow to tremendous sizes.


Giant Tardigrade (Creature 9), Tardigrade Swarm (Creature 12)

Terra-Cotta Warrior

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 263
Terra-cotta warriors guard the tombs of ancient rulers, where they stand vigil, animating only when intruders break in to pilfer riches or defile the tomb itself. Each warrior is meticulously crafted from clay and given unique features.


Terra-Cotta Garrison (Creature 13), Terra-Cotta Soldier (Creature 6)

Terror Bird

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 264
Terror birds aren't one species but rather a family of deadly, flightless avian predators. All terror birds are capable of bursts of great speed and have powerful beaks that can tear apart the flesh of their prey. (click to see full entry)


Terror Bird (Creature 2), Terror Shrike (Creature 4)


Source Pathfinder #196: The Summer That Never Was pg. 88
In rural Shenmen, some branches of Sangpotshi warn of what can happen if a soul bound for reincarnation is prevented from entering the River of Souls and rejoining the cycle. These souls become frustrated, confused, and then furious at what they feel is a denial of the body they deserve, and in turn, they force vegetation to serve as their new body. Others theorize that when a body is buried in a shallow grave, the roots of grass growing down into the remains can tangle the soul and capture it.< (click to see full entry)


Red-Hooded Thatchling (Creature 2), Thatchling (Creature 0)


Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 609
The thylacine is a marsupial carnivore. This nocturnal predator typically hunts alone, only occasionally forming small packs. Because of their odd appearance, thylacines have a far harsher reputation than they probably should, playing a sort of bogeyman role in farming communities.


Brush Thylacine (Creature 2), Thylacine (Creature 0)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 260 2.0
These blood-sucking parasites are common vectors for disease and other infections. Ticks infest all parts of the world, save for the most remote and frigid locales, and have evolved to feed on just about every kind of creature.


Giant Tick (Creature 1), Tick Swarm (Creature 9)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 268
Created by ancient deities long before the rise of mortal ancestries, titans united and attempted to overthrow their deific progenitors. The resulting war still figures prominently throughout mortal myths, in which most titans were cast down and imprisoned for eons.


Danava Titan (Creature 23), Elysian Titan (Creature 21), Hekatonkheires Titan (Creature 24), Thanatotic Titan (Creature 22)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 261 2.0
Nethys Note: no description has been provided for this family.


Giant Toad (Creature 2)

Tooth Fairy

Source Monster Core pg. 327 1.1
Tooth fairies spawn when a child's tooth (or, less commonly, an entire child) is buried in terrain rife with fey energies. Hatching from the buried teeth like larvae from an egg, tooth fairies build crude pliers from whatever they can find, then go hunting for more teeth—regardless of the owners' willingness.


Tooth Fairy (Creature -1), Tooth Fairy Swarm (Creature 3)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 275
Often overlooked as little more than water-dwelling pests, trilobites are a varied species of arthropods found throughout the seas and oceans of Golarion. So ancient and widespread are these critters that trilobite fossils are as commonly found as living specimens.


Trilobite (Creature -1), Trilobite Swarm (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 330 1.1
Slavering, cruel, invincible brutes: this is the villager's stock description for the dread monsters known as trolls. The roots of these stories are undoubtedly true. Trolls' flesh endlessly regrows, going so far as to sprout aberrant limbs or additional heads if not pruned, and a bottomless hunger is required to feed such unfettered growth. (click to see full entry)


Cavern Troll (Creature 6), Forest Troll (Creature 5), Frost Troll (Creature 4), Jotund Troll (Creature 15), Tombstone Troll (Creature 1), Troll Warleader (Creature 10), Two-Headed Troll (Creature 8)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 276
Tsukumogami are intelligent, mobile objects formed from the union between a 100-year-old object and a kami. Tsukumogami range from harmless to malicious, each individual personality a result of how the object was treated before its awakening. (click to see full entry)


Chouchin-Obake (Creature 6), Ittan-Momen (Creature 2), Kasa-Obake (Creature 4)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 269 2.0
These generally mild-mannered and docile creatures prefer to be left alone, but the ill-tempered snapping turtle is a notably violent exception to this rule.


Giant Snapping Turtle (Creature 9), Snapping Turtle (Creature -1)


Source Monster Core pg. 332 1.1
Maladjusted forest denizens, twigjacks form from the cruel and prankish combination of fey and the very woods in which they reside. A twigjack's body is made up of prickly brambles woven with vines. Shaggy, mossy growth, not unlike hair, tops a twigjack's head. Its mouth is just a canyon of splintered and broken sticks bisecting its face. Leaves and sprigs of new growth randomly sprout from the creature's body. (click to see full entry)


Sprigjack (Creature -1), Twigjack (Creature 3)


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 190 2.1
While the most commonly known unicorn is a silver horse with a single horn, a wide variety of these creatures exist, some rarer than others.


Alicorn (Creature 15), Karkadann (Creature 7), Pale Horse (Creature 11), Unicorn (Creature 3)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 272 2.0
The violent warmongers, occultists, and poisoners known as urdefhans dwell within the Darklands. They were created in eons past by the mysterious First Horsemen of the Apocalypse to serve as agents of the end times within the Material Plane. (click to see full entry)


Urdefhan Blood Mage (Creature 8), Urdefhan Death Scout (Creature 6), Urdefhan Dominator (Creature 14), Urdefhan High Tormentor (Creature 10), Urdefhan Hunter (Creature 12), Urdefhan Lasher (Creature 7), Urdefhan Tormentor (Creature 5), Urdefhan Warrior (Creature 3)


Source Monster Core pg. 334 1.1
Vampires are undead creatures that feed on the blood of the living.


Vampire Count (Creature 6), Vampire Guardian (Creature 10), Vampire Mastermind (Creature 9), Vampire Servitor (Creature 4)


Vampire, Vampire, Vrykolakas, Vampire, Nosferatu, Vampire, Jiang-Shi, Vampire, Vetalarana, Vampire, Strigoi

Vampire, Jiang-Shi

Source Book of the Dead pg. 157
Jiang-shi are terrifying hopping vampires from Tian Xia. Though similar to other vampires—they are undead, they drain vital energy from the living, and they can be slain only in specific ways—jiang-shi feast upon the breath of the living, also known as qi or ki, instead of blood. (click to see full entry)


Minister Of Tumult (Creature 14), Provincial Jiang-Shi (Creature 11)

Vampire, Nosferatu

Source Bestiary 3 pg. 282
Among the most ancient of vampires are the nosferatus, twisted remnants of mortals who died in great plagues of old. Perhaps because of their age, nosferatus can no longer create more of their kind. (click to see full entry)


Nosferatu Malefactor (Creature 10), Nosferatu Overlord (Creature 15), Nosferatu Thrall (Creature 8)

Vampire, Strigoi

Source Shadows at Sundown pg. 60
The oldest of all vampires are the strigoi. They predate ancient nosferatus and view moroi as infantile children, yet their own origins are so far lost to the ravages of time that few today have heard of them and fewer still know their true nature. Many of the oldest tales about vampires trace back to the strigoi, and nearly every other vampire carries traits that ultimately have their roots in these powerful, ancient creatures. (click to see full entry)


Strigoi Progenitor (Creature 13)

Vampire, Vetalarana

Source Book of the Dead pg. 160
Vetalarana vampires feed on the emotions, thoughts, and memories of others. Although they are capable of feeding on animals, beings of the planes, and other intelligent undead, only the thoughts of an intelligent, living humanoid bring a vetalarana any sense of satisfaction. Slender and pale, with sunken cheeks and exceptionally long nails, vetalaranas become flushed with color and life after feeding on particularly potent emotions and thoughts, enabling some to pass as living for a short time. (click to see full entry)


Vetalarana Emergent (Creature 8), Vetalarana Manipulator (Creature 11)

Vampire, Vrykolakas

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 275 2.0
Wicked and vengeful souls denied even the most basic burial rites can rise again as vrykolakas, blood-drinking and plague-bearing reanimated corpses. They spread suffering and death among all who cross their paths, punishing all who remind them of those who failed to properly lay their bodies and souls to rest.


Vrykolakas Ancient (Creature 13), Vrykolakas Master (Creature 10), Vrykolakas Spawn (Creature 6)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 286
Vanaras are monkey-like humanoids who dwell in treetop villages high in the canopies of lush jungles and verdant forests. Like the monkeys they resemble, vanaras manifest a wide variety of different fur colors, body types, and facial features, but they all have in common long, dexterous fingers and toes, as well as nimble and curious minds. (click to see full entry)


Vanara Disciple (Creature 1)


Source Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn pg. 82
Velstracs are horrific, shadow-dwelling fiends who seek ultimate sensation through self-mutilation. They transcend their stoic detachment only when inflicting pain and terror upon their victims, practicing new forms of debasement and torture before then turning their knives on themselves. (click to see full entry)


Augur (Creature 1), Ephialtes (Creature 16), Eremite (Creature 20), Evangelist (Creature 6), Interlocutor (Creature 12), Ostiarius (Creature 5), Precentor (Creature 16), Sacristan (Creature 10), Vincuvicar (Creature 18)


Source Book of the Dead pg. 164
When disaster befalls the natural world, a different kind of undead may rise, entirely unlike risen humanoids. Most plants, fish, insects, and other animals don't possess a psychology complex enough to experience the emotional catharsis required to return as undead without intervention from an outside force. Mass extinction can serve as that outside force. (click to see full entry)


Seetangeist (Creature 12), Waldgeist (Creature 8)


Source Monster Core pg. 338 1.1
These gluttonous green vermin travel from the Outer Rifts in an endless search for food. Along the way, these acrid wasps devour everything in sight. Not even the ground itself is spared from their appetite. While any single vescavor is no problem, they travel in swarms to overwhelm anything trying to stop them. In a truly unfortunate situation, several swarms will be gathered and led by a vescavor queen. (click to see full entry)


Vescavor Queen (Creature 9), Vescavor Swarm (Creature 5)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 287
In their true form, a vilderavn is a great raven with a wingspan of 6–8 feet. Adaptable shapeshifters, they can change to the fighting forms of a snarling wolf, a hybrid of both wolf and raven, and a tall humanoid in black armor with a massive greatsword. More sinister is their ability to assume a humanoid guise suited to insinuate themselves into the retinues of boastful mortal rulers. With historical knowledge and clever rumor-mongering, they goad the proud into squabbles, feuds, and ultimately wars. The vilderavn stays at the ruler's side until victory is within grasp, the war almost won, then exacts the cruel stroke of betrayal. Their magic turns the mortals against each other, and the vilderavn's sword falls swiftly.


Vilderavn (Creature 16), Vilderavn Herald (Creature 19)


Source Pathfinder #182: Graveclaw pg. 86
When a creature dies from poison, it sometimes rises as a virulak: an undead being infused with lethal venom. Most virulaks are solitary creatures with memories of an excruciating death. Occasionally, a mass poisoning produces numerous simultaneous fatalities, increasing the chance of many virulaks arising at once and working together in a dangerous mob. Entire villages might rise as virulaks when forced to subsist on food so spoiled it has become toxic or from an intentional scheme to poison the settlement. (click to see full entry)


Virulak Necromancer (Creature 7), Virulak Villager (Creature 3)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 288
From a distance, vishkanyas share more than a passing resemblance to humans. However, a closer inspection reveals ophidian eyes with gold or white coloring, a forked tongue, and tiny, smooth scales set in serpentine patterns atop their skin. (click to see full entry)


Vishkanya Infiltrator (Creature 3)


Source Pathfinder #152: Legacy of the Lost God pg. 82
Although the wild creatures seen at traveling circuses can entertain and amaze, the lives of such animals and beasts are sometimes sad and cruel. Circus owners who mistreat their animals through harsh discipline or overtraining see little wrong with their mercilessness, even going so far as to slaughter their entertainers—supposedly “by accident”—via neglect or abuse. (click to see full entry)


Chimpanzee Visitant (Creature 3), Lion Visitant (Creature 5)

Wardens of the Wild

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 203 2.1
Nethys Note: No description was provided for this group of creatures. (click to see full entry)


Warden of Caverns and Burrows (Creature 22), Warden of Forests and Meadows (Creature 22), Warden of Ocean and Rivers (Creature 22), Warden of Peaks and Skies (Creature 22)


Source Monster Core pg. 341 1.1
The warg is an intelligent and malevolent wolf that dwells among goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and violent humanoids.


Warg (Creature 2), Witchwarg (Creature 5)


Source Monster Core pg. 343 1.1
While the common wasp poses little threat to a hardy adventurer aside from an uncomfortable sting, a large and aggressive swarm of these territorial insects—to say nothing of their oversized kin—can lay low an entire party of heroes. The wasps represented here are of the common variety, also known as yellow jackets, but many other sorts of dangerous wasps exist, such as a Garundi variant that swarms in such great numbers that it can decimate entire villages.


Giant Wasp (Creature 3), Wasp Swarm (Creature 4)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 290
In hushed tones, superstitious people tell their children stories of wayangs— living shadows who come out at night to eat misbehaving children. Mostly, these stories are just fictions of fearful minds, but it's true that wayangs were originally creatures of shadow, straddling the edge between light and darkness. (click to see full entry)


Wayang Whisperblade (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 291
Weasels are lithe, clever predators known for both their beautiful, sleek fur and their ability to crawl into tight spaces. Pound for pound, few animals are as voracious as weasels. (click to see full entry)


Megalictis (Creature 3), Weasel (Creature -1)


Source Monster Core pg. 344 1.1
Werecreatures are humanoids doomed to transform into animals and animal- humanoid hybrids under the light of the full moon. These shapechanging creatures are the result of an ancient primal curse that they can, in turn, transmit through their own bites. Their ability to lurk unseen in the wilds as well as among people, combined with the contagiousness of their condition, makes werecreatures a perennial cause of panicked suspicion.


Werebat (Creature 2), Werebear (Creature 4), Wereboar (Creature 2), Werecrocodile (Creature 2), Weremoose (Creature 3), Wererat (Creature 2), Wereshark (Creature 4), Weretiger (Creature 4), Werewolf (Creature 3)


Werecreature, Werecreature, Wereant

Werecreature, Wereant

Source Pathfinder #174: Shadows of the Ancients pg. 86
Insectile werecreatures, such as wereants, only come about in unusual circumstances, such as powerful curses from inhuman gods or transformative magic run amok. Wereants work together with a natural cohesion that's rare in other types of werecreatures. The wereants presented here are more powerful than most wereants, as they've been warped by the forces contained within the Vesicant Egg.


Wereant Disciple (Creature 16), Wereant Poisoner (Creature 17)


Source Bestiary pg. 332
Wights are undead humanoids that, much like wraiths, can drain the life from living creatures with but a touch. They arise as a result of necromantic rituals, especially violent deaths, or the sheer malevolent will of the deceased. (click to see full entry)


Cairn Wight (Creature 4), Hunter Wight (Creature 7), Prowler Wight (Creature 9), Wight (Creature 3), Wight Commander (Creature 12)

Wild Hunt

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 616
Although some believe the wild hunt is nothing more than legend, the riders of the wild hunt are real. Countless members of these fey compose the wild hunt—the term “wild hunt” refers to the family of creatures as a whole as well as to individual groups of these fey who gather to pursue their quarry. Wild hunt monarchs set the terms of each specific hunt, depending upon the prey and their own whims. The easier the prey, the more likely a monarch is to impose rules to make the hunt more entertaining, such as forbidding anyone but their hounds from injuring the quarry, or holding back their forces to give the target creature time to rest and recover. (click to see full entry)


Wild Hunt Archer (Creature 16), Wild Hunt Horse (Creature 15), Wild Hunt Hound (Creature 14), Wild Hunt Monarch (Creature 20), Wild Hunt Scout (Creature 18)


Source Bestiary pg. 333
Nethys Note: this is not an official family and is a gathering of related creatures.


Corpselight (Creature 2), Dread Wisp (Creature 9), Flickerwisp (Creature 2), Voidglutton (Creature 8), Will-o’-Wisp (Creature 6)


Source Monster Core pg. 350 1.1
Wolves roam forests, hills, and other wild lands, where they hunt in packs to beleaguer and surround their prey before going in for the kill. Like most predatory animals, wolves prefer to attack the weakest or most vulnerable prey they can find.


Dire Wolf (Creature 3), Sarkorian Wolf (Creature 1), Wolf (Creature 1)


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 295 2.0
Few creatures in the natural world can compare in ferocity to an angry wolverine.


Giant Wolverine (Creature 4), Wolverine (Creature 2)

Worm That Walks

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 296 2.0
When a powerful spellcaster with a strong personality, a lust for life, and a remorselessly evil soul dies and is buried in a graveyard infused with eldritch magic, a strange phenomenon can occur. The decaying body fattens and instructs the very worms that feast upon it. (click to see full entry)


Worm That Walks Cultist (Creature 14)


Source Bestiary pg. 335
Wraiths are malevolent undead who drain life and shun light. Their shadowy, incorporeal forms are dotted with burning eyes that reflect their hatred for the living, and shadowy claws are weapon enough to steal the vitality from their enemies. (click to see full entry)


Aiudara Wraith (Creature 18), Dread Wraith (Creature 9), Smog Wraith (Creature 9), Wraith (Creature 6)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 296
Wyrmwraiths rise from the souls of dragons who refuse to accept death or have an irrational fear of the afterlife.


Elder Wyrmwraith (Creature 23), Wyrmwraith (Creature 17)


Source Bestiary 3 pg. 298
Originally created as sapient magical servants, wyrwoods reclaimed the means to make more of their kind from their oppressive originators; now, they fiercely defend their freedom and autonomy. These small, nimble living machines rely on their wits and speed to evade foes and gather information. (click to see full entry)


Wyrwood Sneak (Creature 1)


Source Rage of Elements pg. 108 2.0
When Sairazul created xiomorns, they were immortal. She created 65,536, all in her own image, and all imbued with a piece of her divine spark. During her imprisonment, Ayrzul used visions of a future extinction to manipulate them into sacrificing their power to him. This sacrifice split xiomorns into two classes: 32,768 vault builders who kept Sairazul's essence and 32,768 vault keepers who would live forever no longer. For millennia, xiomorns built a vast, magical civilization across the Plane of Earth, and when there was no space left to build, they left. On each new world, xiomorns build their vaults and conduct their experiments, endlessly searching for clues to help them avoid their extinction.


Vault Builder (Creature 23), Vault Keeper (Creature 14)


Source Monster Core pg. 352 1.1
Reptilian humanoids who live in the uppermost reaches of the Darklands, xulgaths (known as troglodytes to many surface-dwelling folk) often attack intruders in their territory on sight. They live in simple familial communities called clutches, battling rival groups and other aggressive Darklands inhabitants in order to survive. (click to see full entry)


Xulgath Bilebearer (Creature 2), Xulgath Deepmouth (Creature 12), Xulgath Gutrager (Creature 10), Xulgath Leader (Creature 3), Xulgath Ravening (Creature 4), Xulgath Skulker (Creature 2), Xulgath Spinesnapper (Creature 5), Xulgath Stoneliege (Creature 8), Xulgath Thoughtmaw (Creature 15), Xulgath Warrior (Creature 1)

Yellow Musk Creeper

Source Bestiary 2 pg. 300 2.0
This entry did not have a separate description for the family .


Yellow Musk Brute (Creature 2), Yellow Musk Creeper (Creature 2), Yellow Musk Thrall (Creature -1)


Source Monster Core pg. 356 1.1
A zombie's only desire is to consume the living. Unthinking and ever-shambling harbingers of death, zombies stop only when they're destroyed.

Zombie Abilities

You can modify zombies with the following zombie abilities. Most zombies have one of these abilities; if you give a zombie more, you might want to increase its level and adjust its statistics.< (click to see full entry)


Dirge Piper (Creature 3), Husk Zombie (Creature 2), Plague Zombie (Creature 1), Shambler Troop (Creature 4), Shock Zombie (Creature 6), Sulfur Zombie (Creature 6), Withered (Creature 5), Zombie Brute (Creature 2), Zombie Dragon (Creature 9), Zombie Hulk (Creature 6), Zombie Lord (Creature 4), Zombie Mammoth (Creature 11), Zombie Owlbear (Creature 3), Zombie Shambler (Creature -1), Zombie Snake (Creature 0)


Zombie, Zombie, Tar

Zombie, Tar

Source Pathfinder #177: Burning Tundra pg. 84
The victims of a tar ooze eventually emerge from the ooze's vast, viscous bulk to walk again as mindless zombies. A tar zombie is unmistakably dead: much of its skin, muscles, and internal organs were consumed by the tar ooze and have been replaced with globs of tar. (click to see full entry)


Tar Zombie Mammoth (Creature 9), Tar Zombie Predator (Creature 7), Tar Zombie Snatcher (Creature 6)