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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardMountain Quake [one-action] Feat 16*

Source Player Core 2 pg. 126 1.1
Archetype Martial Artist
Prerequisites Mountain Stronghold
Requirements You are in Mountain Stance.
* This version of the Mountain Quake feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You stomp, shaking the earth beneath you. Creatures on the ground within a 20-foot emanation take damage equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 0), with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. On a failure, they also fall prone. After you use this action, you can't use it again for 1d4 rounds.

Special If you have this feat, the Dexterity modifier cap to your AC while using Mountain Stance increases from +1 to +2.

Archetype Use

This feat can be used for one or more Archetypes in addition to the listed Classes. When selected this way, the feat is not considered to have its class traits.