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Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 45
Unspecific Lore: DC 43
Specific Lore: DC 40

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak KorogCreature 15

Legacy Content

Unique NE Medium Undead 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 403
Variant graveknight
Perception +27; darkvision
Languages Hallit
Skills Acrobatics +27, Athletics +31, Intimidation +28, Religion +27, Survival +27
Str +8, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +4
Items +2 greater shock maul, +2 resilient full plate
AC 37; Fort +28, Ref +25, Will +25
HP 275 (negative healing, rejuvenation); Immunities death effects, disease, electricity, paralyzed, poison, precision, and unconscious
Sacrilegious Aura (abjuration, aura, divine, evil) 30 feet. When a creature in the aura uses a positive spell or ability, the graveknight automatically attempts to counteract it, with a +26 counteract modifier.Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] greater shock maul +28 [+23/+18] (magical, shove), Damage 3d12-2+17 bludgeoning plus 1d6 electricityDesignate Blood-Foe [one-action] Korog declares one creature he can see within 30 feet to be his blood- foe whom he swears to defeat. He can have up to three blood-foes designated at a time; any additional blood- foe removes another blood-foe of Korog's choice. Korog treats the results of Perception checks made against blood-foes as improved by one degree, and he has a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against his blood-foes' attacks.Devastating Blast [two-actions] The graveknight unleashes a 30-foot cone of energy. Creatures in the area take 9d12 electricity damage (DC 35 basic Reflex save). The graveknight can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.Graveknight's Curse This curse affects anyone who wears a graveknight's armor for at least 1 hour. Saving Throw DC 35 Will save; Onset 1 hour; Stage 1 doomed 1 and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 2 doomed 2, hampered 10, and cannot remove the armor (1 day); Stage 3 dies and transforms into the armor's graveknight.Korog's Command [one-action] Frequency once per round; Effect Korog commands his allies to take an action. All allies who hear or see him are quickened 1 for 1 round and can use this extra action to Step, Stride, or make a Strike against one of Korog's blood-foes.Weapon Master The graveknight has access to the critical specialization effects of any weapons it wields.