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PFS StandardPathfinder Venture-Captain

The barnacle-crusted armor of this dwarf hints at a thousand exciting tales.

The venture-captains of the Pathfinder Society rose through the ranks of the organization by following a unique path. An individual venture-captain has overcome numerous challenges, and each has countless stories to tell—and the scars to go with them. Each venture-captain maintains a lodge somewhere in the Inner Sea, where Pathfinder agents can rest, share stories, and set out on new missions. The venture-captain assigns these missions themselves, and they can draw on the significant resources of the Pathfinder Society—as well as any local allies they have—to ensure the missions' success.

This venture-captain operates a lodge that also serves as a tavern. His interest in epic tales led him to join the Society, and he gladly shares these stories with interested parties. Opportunistic field agents can gain the venture-captain's favor by recovering unique and valuable liquors. The venture-captain hopes to one day publish a Pathfinder Chronicle of his own.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 28
Unspecific Lore: DC 26
Specific Lore: DC 23

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Pathfinder Venture-CaptainCreature 11

Legacy Content

NG Medium Human Humanoid 
Source Character Guide pg. 127 2.0
Perception +9
Languages Common
Skills Alcohol Lore +9, Bardic Lore +5, Diplomacy +10, Occultism +5, Performance +8
Str +5, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +4
Items +1 striking warhammer, +1 striking composite longbow, +1 half plate, minor sturdy shield (Hardness 8, HP 64, BT 32), wayfinder
AC 21 (30 with shield raised); Fort +11 (successes are instead critical successes), Ref +7, Will +8
HP 195
Unshakable Anytime the venture-captain gains the frightened condition, reduce its value by 1.Attack of Opportunity [reaction] Shield Block [reaction]
Speed 20 feet
Melee [one-action] warhammer +13 [+8/+3] (magical, shove), Damage 2d8+11 bludgeoningRanged [one-action] composite longbow +9 [+4/-1] (deadly 1d10, magical, range increment 100 feet, volley 30 feet), Damage 2d8+8 piercingOccult Spontaneous Spells DC 16; Cantrips (3rd) detect magic, inspire competence, inspire courage, read aura
Bardic Lore The venture-captain can Recall Knowledge on any topic using their Bardic Lore skill.Paragon's Guard [one-action] (stance) While the venture-captain is in this stance and wielding a shield, their shield is always raised.Weapon Mastery The venture-captain has spent hours training with the hammer. They gain access to the critical specialization effect of all simple and martial hammers.

Khoumrock Blackthane

The epitome of a salty sea dog, Khoumrock has experienced a lot in his tenure as a Pathfinder. Sunk and trapped beneath the waves, kidnapped by alghollthus, rescued from alghollthus—if there's an adventure to be found underwater, Khoumrock has experienced it. These days, Khoumrock prefers to keep his feet on solid ground, though he's always eager to share his stories to wide-eyed new recruits. For all his hardships, nothing has ever matched the wonders and thrills of the mysterious world he traversed below the ocean, and Khoumrock is happy to help others explore that incredible place—and live to tell tales of their adventures.

All Monsters in "Pathfinders"

Pathfinder Field Agent4
Pathfinder Venture-Captain11


Source Character Guide pg. 126 2.0
Many of the greatest explorers and adventurers of the modern age have recorded their discoveries in an ongoing series of chapbooks known as the Pathfinder Chronicles, published irregularly by the Pathfinder Society itself. This diverse group is devoted to exploring the world, supporting its agents in the field, and ensuring the discoveries they make are documented. The Society often finds itself in conflict with the more mercenary Aspis Consortium. The Pathfinder Society's pursuit of discovery often puts its agents in the thick of developing plots, forcing them to choose between being heroes or villains as events unfold.