Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction / Basics of Play

Creating a Narrative

Source Player Core pg. 7 2.0
Characters and their choices create the story of Pathfinder, but how they interact with each other and the world around them is governed by rules. So, while you might decide that your character undertakes an epic journey to overcome terrifying foes and make the world a safer place, your character's chance of success is determined by their abilities, the choices you make, and the roll of the dice.

The Game Master determines the premise and background of most adventures, although character histories and personalities certainly play a part. Once a game session begins, the players take turns describing what their characters attempt to do, while the GM determines the outcome, with the table working together to create the story. The GM also describes the environment, other characters' actions, and events. For example, the GM might announce that the characters' hometown has been regularly attacked by marauding trolls. The characters might track the trolls to a nearby swamp—only to discover that the trolls were driven from their swamp by a fearsome dragon! The PCs then have the choice of taking on an entire tribe of trolls, the dragon, or both. Whatever they decide, their success depends on their choices and the die rolls they make during play.

A single narrative—including the setup, plot, and conclusion—is called an adventure. A series of adventures creates an even larger narrative, called a campaign. An adventure might take several sessions to complete, whereas a campaign might take months or even years!